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Can we, as adults, grow new nerve cells?
新しい神経細胞は 成人になっても増やせるのでしょうか?
There's still some confusion about that question,
かなり新しい研究分野なので 混乱があります
as this is a fairly new field of research.
かなり新しい研究分野なので 混乱があります
For example, I was talking to one of my colleagues, Robert,
例えば 同僚で癌専門医の ロバートと話していたら
who is an oncologist,
and he was telling me,
「サンドリン 不可解なんだ
"Sandrine, this is puzzling.
Some of my patients that have been told they are cured of their cancer
まだうつの症状が 現れる人がいるんだ」
still develop symptoms of depression."
And I responded to him,
「私からみれば 道理にかなっています
"Well, from my point of view that makes sense.
患者に与えた薬は癌細胞の 増殖を抑えると同時に
The drug you give to your patients that stops the cancer cells multiplying
脳内の新しい神経細胞の 生成も抑えるのです」
also stops the newborn neurons being generated in their brain."
ロバートは気は確かか という風に私を見て言いました
And then Robert looked at me like I was crazy and said,
「サンドリン 成人の患者ですよ
"But Sandrine, these are adult patients --
新しい神経細胞は 成人になったら作られません」
adults do not grow new nerve cells."
「実は作られるんです」と言うと 大変驚いていました
And much to his surprise, I said, "Well actually, we do."
これは神経新生と 呼ばれる現象です
And this is a phenomenon that we call neurogenesis.
Now Robert is not a neuroscientist,
医学部の頃には 成人の脳も 新しい神経細胞を生成するという―
and when he went to medical school he was not taught what we know now --
that the adult brain can generate new nerve cells.
So Robert, you know, being the good doctor that he is,
wanted to come to my lab
to understand the topic a little bit better.
And I took him for a tour
of one of the most exciting parts of the brain
すなわち これが海馬です
when it comes to neurogenesis --
and this is the hippocampus.
既にとても長い間 知られていたことは
So this is this gray structure in the center of the brain.
学習 記憶 気分や感情に 重要だということです
And what we've known already for very long,
しかし 最近分かったのは
is that this is important for learning, memory, mood and emotion.
ここは 成人の脳において 新しい神経細胞を生成できる
However, what we have learned more recently
is that this is one of the unique structures of the adult brain
where new neurons can be generated.
And if we slice through the hippocampus
and zoom in,
成体マウスの脳にある 新しい神経細胞です
what you actually see here in blue
is a newborn neuron in an adult mouse brain.
カロリンスカ研究所の同僚 ヨナス・フリセンが
So when it comes to the human brain --
海馬では毎日700個の 新しい神経細胞が作られていると
my colleague Jonas Frisén from the Karolinska Institutet,
has estimated that we produce 700 new neurons per day
私達の持っている何十億の 神経細胞に比べたら
in the hippocampus.
あまり多くないと 思うかもしれません
You might think this is not much,
でも 50歳になるまでに
compared to the billions of neurons we have.
持って生まれた海馬の神経細胞は 成人後にできたものと
But by the time we turn 50,
we will have all exchanged the neurons we were born with in that structure
新しい神経細胞が重要な理由と 役割は何でしょうか?
with adult-born neurons.
So why are these new neurons important and what are their functions?
First, we know that they're important for learning and memory.
成体の脳に対して 海馬での 新しい神経細胞の生成を阻害すると
And in the lab we have shown
that if we block the ability of the adult brain
これは特に空間認識に関する 新しい事実です
to produce new neurons in the hippocampus,
例えば町中を移動することなどを 考えてみましょう
then we block certain memory abilities.
And this is especially new and true for spatial recognition --
記憶容量だけでなく 記憶の質に関しても
so like, how you navigate your way in the city.
We are still learning a lot,
and neurons are not only important for memory capacity,
類似した記憶の 識別にも役立ちます
but also for the quality of the memory.
毎日 駅の同じエリアの
And they will have been helpful to add time to our memory
ちょっと違う場所に 停めた自転車を
and they will help differentiate very similar memories, like:
how do you find your bike
同僚のロバートが より興味を示したのが
that you park at the station every day in the same area,
but in a slightly different position?
And more interesting to my colleague Robert
神経新生の低下が 見られました
is the research we have been doing on neurogenesis and depression.
So in an animal model of depression,
we have seen that we have a lower level of neurogenesis.
And if we give antidepressants,
神経新生とうつの 明確な関連が確かめられました
then we increase the production of these newborn neurons,
また 神経新生を阻害するだけで
and we decrease the symptoms of depression,
抗うつ剤の効き目も 阻害されるのです
establishing a clear link between neurogenesis and depression.
これで ロバートは
But moreover, if you just block neurogenesis,
癌が治った後でさえも 患者にうつの症状があるのは
then you block the efficacy of the antidepressant.
癌の薬が新しい神経細胞の生成を 阻害したからと理解しました
So by then, Robert had understood
正常に機能する 新しい神経細胞を作るのに
that very likely his patients were suffering from depression
even after being cured of their cancer,
これまでの結果から 記憶形成や気分を改善し
because the cancer drug had stopped newborn neurons from being generated.
And it will take time to generate new neurons
ストレスに関連する 脳機能低下を防止したいなら
that reach normal functions.
So, collectively, now we think we have enough evidence
to say that neurogenesis is a target of choice
if we want to improve memory formation or mood,
神経新生を制御できるのか? ということです
or even prevent the decline associated with aging,
or associated with stress.
So the next question is:
これからいくつか態度や活動 を挙げますので
can we control neurogenesis?
神経新生が向上するか 低下するかを答えてください
The answer is yes.
神経新生が向上するか 低下するかを答えてください
And we are now going to do a little quiz.
I'm going to give you a set of behaviors and activities,
じゃあ 始めましょう
and you tell me if you think they will increase neurogenesis
or if they will decrease neurogenesis.
Are we ready?
OK, let's go.
学習は新しい神経細胞の 生成を向上させます
So what about learning?
そうです ストレスは海馬の 新しい神経細胞の生成を低下させます
Learning will increase the production of these new neurons.
How about stress?
Yes, stress will decrease the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.
うわー すごい!
How about sleep deprivation?
Indeed, it will decrease neurogenesis.
そうです 正解です 新しい神経細胞の生成を向上させます
How about sex?
でも 要はバランスなんです
Oh, wow!
Yes, you are right, it will increase the production of new neurons.
However, it's all about balance here.
We don't want to fall in a situation --
神経新生は 年齢と共に減少しますが
about too much sex leading to sleep deprivation.
最後に 走ることはどうですか?
How about getting older?
これから 皆さんに判断してもらいましょう
So the neurogenesis rate will decrease as we get older,
but it is still occurring.
私の指導者でもあるソーク研究所の ラスティ・ゲイジが行ったもので
And then finally, how about running?
I will let you judge that one by yourself.
So this is one of the first studies
まず こちらのマウスの海馬の断面組織像は
that was carried out by one of my mentors, Rusty Gage from the Salk Institute,
showing that the environment can have an impact
小さな黒い点は 新しい神経細胞になる細胞です
on the production of new neurons.
And here you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse
that had no running wheel in its cage.
新しい神経細胞になる 黒い点が大幅に増えています
And the little black dots you see are actually newborn neurons-to-be.
活動は神経新生に影響を与えますが それが全てではありません
And now, you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse
食べ物は海馬での新しい神経細胞の 生成に影響があります
that had a running wheel in its cage.
食べ物は海馬での新しい神経細胞の 生成に影響があります
So you see the massive increase
of the black dots representing the new neurons-to-be.
So activity impacts neurogenesis, but that's not all.
20~30%のカロリー制限は 神経新生を向上させます
What you eat will have an effect
断続的な絶食 つまり食事の間隔を空けること
on the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.
So here we have a sample of diet --
ダークチョコレートや ブルーベリーに含まれる
of nutrients that have been shown to have efficacy.
And I'm just going to point a few out to you:
Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent will increase neurogenesis.
サーモンをはじめ 魚油の多い魚に 含まれるオメガ‐3脂肪酸は
Intermittent fasting -- spacing the time between your meals --
新しい神経細胞の 生成を向上させます
will increase neurogenesis.
Intake of flavonoids,
which are contained in dark chocolate or blueberries,
エタノール すなわち アルコールの摂取は 神経新生を低下させます
will increase neurogenesis.
でも 全てが悪影響ではありません
Omega-3 fatty acids,
赤ワインに含まれる レスベラトロルは
present in fatty fish, like salmon,
新しい神経細胞の生存を 促進することが分かっています
will increase the production of these new neurons.
Conversely, a diet rich in high saturated fat
この「神経新生に中立」な飲み物を 選ぶかもしれませんね
will have a negative impact on neurogenesis.
Ethanol -- intake of alcohol -- will decrease neurogenesis.
However, not everything is lost;
resveratrol, which is contained in red wine,
has been shown to promote the survival of these new neurons.
柔らかい食べ物は 神経新生を損なうと示しました
So next time you are at a dinner party,
咀嚼の必要がある 歯ごたえの良い食べ物とは逆の結果です
you might want to reach for this possibly "neurogenesis-neutral" drink.
細胞レベルで調べられた データは全て
And then finally, let me point out the last one --
しかし この食べ物を人間に与えても
a quirky one.
So Japanese groups are fascinated with food textures,
記憶と気分を 変えていることが示されています
and they have shown that actually soft diet impairs neurogenesis,
例えばカロリー制限は 記憶容量を増やします
as opposed to food that requires mastication -- chewing -- or crunchy food.
高脂肪食はうつの症状を 悪化させますが
So all of this data,
逆にオメガ‐3脂肪酸は 神経新生を向上させ
where we need to look at the cellular level,
has been generated using animal models.
精神衛生 記憶や気分への 食事の影響は
But this diet has also been given to human participants,
精神衛生 記憶や気分への 食事の影響は
and what we could see is that the diet modulates memory and mood
海馬の新しい神経細胞の生成に 実際に関与しています
in the same direction as it modulates neurogenesis,
such as: calorie restriction will improve memory capacity,
食べ物の歯ごたえ 食べるときや量も関与しています
whereas a high-fat diet will exacerbate symptoms of depression --
食べ物の歯ごたえ 食べるときや量も関与しています
as opposed to omega-3 fatty acids, which increase neurogenesis,
神経科学者は神経新生に 関心を寄せていますが
and also help to decrease the symptoms of depression.
新しい神経細胞の働きや 生存と生成を
So we think that the effect of diet
制御する方法を よく理解する必要があります
on mental health, on memory and mood,
ロバートの患者の神経新生を守る方法を みつける必要があります
is actually mediated by the production of the new neurons in the hippocampus.
And it's not only what you eat,
but it's also the texture of the food, when you eat it
and how much of it you eat.
On our side -- neuroscientists interested in neurogenesis --
マーガレット・ヘファーナン: 素晴らしい研究です
we need to understand better the function of these new neurons,
and how we can control their survival and their production.
We also need to find a way to protect the neurogenesis of Robert's patients.
サンドリン・チュレ: 素晴らしい
And on your side --
マーガレット: 走ることの話に 興味があります
I leave you in charge of your neurogenesis.
Thank you.
Margaret Heffernan: Fantastic research, Sandrine.
激しい運動なら 何でも良いのでしょうか?
Now, I told you you changed my life --
サンドリン: 今のところ
I now eat a lot of blueberries.
走ること自体かどうか はっきり言えませんが
Sandrine Thuret: Very good.
MH: I'm really interested in the running thing.
Do I have to run?
Or is it really just about aerobic exercise,
マーガレット: では職場に回し車は 必要ないんですね?
getting oxygen to the brain?
サンドリン: 必要ありませんよ
Could it be any kind of vigorous exercise?
マーガレット: 安心しました 良かったです
ST: So for the moment,
サンドリン・チュレでした どうもありがとう
we can't really say if it's just the running itself,
サンドリン: ありがとう
but we think that anything that indeed will increase the production --
or moving the blood flow to the brain,
should be beneficial.
MH: So I don't have to get a running wheel in my office?
ST: No, you don't!
MH: Oh, what a relief! That's wonderful.
Sandrine Thuret, thank you so much.
ST: Thank you, Margaret.