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A few years ago, I broke into my own house.
数年前 私は自分の家に 侵入しました
I had just driven home,
it was around midnight in the dead of Montreal winter,
真冬のモントリオールで 真夜中近くのことです
I had been visiting my friend, Jeff, across town,
町の向こうに住む友人の ジェフを訪ねた後で
and the thermometer on the front porch read minus 40 degrees --
玄関先の温度計は -40度を指していました
and don't bother asking if that's Celsius or Fahrenheit,
摂氏か華氏かは 気にしないで下さい
minus 40 is where the two scales meet --
it was very cold.
And as I stood on the front porch fumbling in my pockets,
玄関先に立って ポケットを手探りして
I found I didn't have my keys.
In fact, I could see them through the window,
実は 窓越しに 鍵が見えていました
lying on the dining room table where I had left them.
ダイニング・テーブルに 置いたままです
So I quickly ran around and tried all the other doors and windows,
慌てて走り回って他のドアと 窓を開けようとしましたが
and they were locked tight.
I thought about calling a locksmith -- at least I had my cellphone,
少なくとも携帯はあったので 鍵屋を呼ぶことも考えましたが
but at midnight, it could take a while for a locksmith to show up,
真夜中では鍵屋が 来るまでに時間が掛かるし
and it was cold.
I couldn't go back to my friend Jeff's house for the night
翌日 早朝便で ヨーロッパに行く予定で
because I had an early flight to Europe the next morning,
パスポートと荷物が 必要だったので
and I needed to get my passport and my suitcase.
ジェフの家に戻って 泊まる訳にもいきません
So, desperate and freezing cold,
だから 絶望と 凍えるような寒さの中で
I found a large rock and I broke through the basement window,
大きな石をみつけて 地下室の窓を壊しました
cleared out the shards of glass,
I crawled through,
I found a piece of cardboard and taped it up over the opening,
段ボールをみつけて 壊した窓に張り付けました
figuring that in the morning, on the way to the airport,
朝 空港に向かう途中で
I could call my contractor and ask him to fix it.
電話で請負業者に修理を 依頼すれば良いと考えました
This was going to be expensive,
but probably no more expensive than a middle-of-the-night locksmith,
真夜中に鍵屋を呼ぶよりは 高くないはずです
so I figured, under the circumstances, I was coming out even.
だから あの状況では 差し引きゼロだと考えたのです
Now, I'm a neuroscientist by training
and I know a little bit about how the brain performs under stress.
ストレスを受けた時の 脳の働き方を少々知っています
It releases cortisol that raises your heart rate,
ストレスでコルチゾールが 放出されて心拍数が上がり
it modulates adrenaline levels
and it clouds your thinking.
So the next morning,
when I woke up on too little sleep,
worrying about the hole in the window,
and a mental note that I had to call my contractor,
請負業者に 電話することを気に掛けて
and the freezing temperatures,
and the meetings I had upcoming in Europe,
and, you know, with all the cortisol in my brain,
my thinking was cloudy,
but I didn't know it was cloudy because my thinking was cloudy.
でも 思考能力の低下で それに気付いていません
And it wasn't until I got to the airport check-in counter,
that I realized I didn't have my passport.
パスポートがないことに 気付きませんでした
So I raced home in the snow and ice, 40 minutes,
40分掛かりましたが 雪と氷の中 大急ぎで家に戻り
got my passport, raced back to the airport,
パスポートを持って 急いで空港に戻りました
I made it just in time,
何とかぎりぎりで 間に合いましたが
but they had given away my seat to someone else,
私の座席は 他の人に譲られていたので
so I got stuck in the back of the plane, next to the bathrooms,
in a seat that wouldn't recline, on an eight-hour flight.
8時間の飛行中 座席を倒せませんでした
Well, I had a lot of time to think during those eight hours and no sleep.
その8時間 一睡もせず 考える時間が沢山ありました
And I started wondering, are there things that I can do,
そして悪いことが 起きるのを防ぐため
systems that I can put into place,
that will prevent bad things from happening?
どんな手立てがあるのか 考え始めました
Or at least if bad things happen,
少なくとも もし悪いことが起きても
will minimize the likelihood of it being a total catastrophe.
完全な大失敗になるリスクを 最小限に抑えるのです
So I started thinking about that,
but my thoughts didn't crystallize until about a month later.
約1か月後まで 考えが具体化しませんでした
I was having dinner with my colleague, Danny Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner,
同僚でノーベル賞受賞者の ダニー・カーネマンと夕食中に
and I somewhat embarrassedly told him about having broken my window,
窓を割ったことと パスポートを忘れたことを
and, you know, forgotten my passport,
and Danny shared with me
that he'd been practicing something called prospective hindsight.
「先見の後知恵」を 紹介してくれました
It's something that he had gotten from the psychologist Gary Klein,
彼は数年前にこれについての 本を書いた心理学者の
who had written about it a few years before,
ゲーリー・クラインから 着想を得ました
also called the pre-mortem.
Now, you all know what the postmortem is.
Whenever there's a disaster,
a team of experts come in and they try to figure out what went wrong, right?
専門家チームが来て その原因を探りますね?
Well, in the pre-mortem, Danny explained,
ダニーが言うには 「事前分析」は
you look ahead and you try to figure out all the things that could go wrong,
将来を見越して 発生しうる全ての問題を洗い出し
and then you try to figure out what you can do
それが起こらないように もしくは損害を最小限にする
to prevent those things from happening, or to minimize the damage.
So what I want to talk to you about today
だから今日 皆さんにお話ししたいのは
are some of the things we can do in the form of a pre-mortem.
Some of them are obvious, some of them are not so obvious.
分りやすいことも そうでないこともあります
I'll start with the obvious ones.
Around the home, designate a place for things that are easily lost.
家でなくしやすい物は 置き場所を決めます
Now, this sounds like common sense, and it is,
これは当たり前に聞こえますし その通りです
but there's a lot of science to back this up,
しかし空間記憶の 働きに基づいた
based on the way our spatial memory works.
これを裏付ける 沢山の科学的分析があります
There's a structure in the brain called the hippocampus,
that evolved over tens of thousands of years,
重要な物の場所を 記憶するために
to keep track of the locations of important things --
where the well is, where fish can be found,
that stand of fruit trees,
where the friendly and enemy tribes live.
仲間や敵の部族の 住む場所などです
The hippocampus is the part of the brain
that in London taxicab drivers becomes enlarged.
It's the part of the brain that allows squirrels to find their nuts.
海馬によってリスは 木の実をみつけます
And if you're wondering, somebody actually did the experiment
疑問に思う方には 実際に行った実験があります
where they cut off the olfactory sense of the squirrels,
and they could still find their nuts.
木の実をみつけられる というものです
They weren't using smell, they were using the hippocampus,
リスは臭いを使わずに 海馬を使っていました
this exquisitely evolved mechanism in the brain for finding things.
物探しの為に絶妙に進化した 脳の機能です
But it's really good for things that don't move around much,
しかしあまり移動しないものには とても良いのですが
not so good for things that move around.
移動するものには あまり適しません
So this is why we lose car keys and reading glasses and passports.
これが車の鍵、老眼鏡 パスポートをなくす理由です
So in the home, designate a spot for your keys --
だから家では 鍵の置き場所を決めます
a hook by the door, maybe a decorative bowl.
ドアに掛けたり お皿に置いたりします
For your passport, a particular drawer.
パスポートは 決まった引き出しに入れます
For your reading glasses, a particular table.
老眼鏡は 同じテーブルに置きます
If you designate a spot and you're scrupulous about it,
場所を決めて それをきちんと守れば
your things will always be there when you look for them.
必要な時には いつもそこにあります
What about travel?
Take a cell phone picture of your credit cards,
your driver's license, your passport,
運転免許証や パスポートの写真を撮って
mail it to yourself so it's in the cloud.
自分にメールしておけば クラウド上に置かれ
If these things are lost or stolen, you can facilitate replacement.
なくしても再発行が 簡単になります
Now these are some rather obvious things.
これらは比較的 分りやすいことです
Remember, when you're under stress, the brain releases cortisol.
ストレスで脳はコルチゾールを 放出することを忘れないで下さい
Cortisol is toxic, and it causes cloudy thinking.
コルチゾールは有毒で 思考能力を低下させます
So part of the practice of the pre-mortem
is to recognize that under stress you're not going to be at your best,
ストレスを受けている時は ベストの状態ではないと認識すること
and you should put systems in place.
And there's perhaps no more stressful a situation
恐らく医学的決断をする場面に 直面する時ほど
than when you're confronted with a medical decision to make.
ストレスが多い状況は ないでしょう
And at some point, all of us are going to be in that position,
いつか私達は 皆そうした立場に置かれます
where we have to make a very important decision
about the future of our medical care or that of a loved one,
to help them with a decision.
And so I want to talk about that.
And I'm going to talk about a very particular medical condition.
特定の病状について お話ししますが
But this stands as a proxy for all kinds of medical decision-making,
and indeed for financial decision-making, and social decision-making --
実際には財務や 社会的意志決定にも適用できます
any kind of decision you have to make
that would benefit from a rational assessment of the facts.
So suppose you go to your doctor and the doctor says,
病院に行き 医師にこう言われたとします
"I just got your lab work back, your cholesterol's a little high."
「検査結果によると コレステロール値が少し高いですね」
Now, you all know that high cholesterol
is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease,
心疾患、心臓発作 脳卒中のリスクを高めることは
heart attack, stroke.
And so you're thinking
having high cholesterol isn't the best thing,
and so the doctor says, "You know, I'd like to give you a drug
そこで医師が「スタチンという コレステロールを下げる
that will help you lower your cholesterol, a statin."
And you've probably heard of statins,
you know that they're among the most widely prescribed drugs
今日 世界で 最も広く処方されている
in the world today,
you probably even know people who take them.
知り合いが 飲んでいるかもしれません
And so you're thinking, "Yeah! Give me the statin."
だから「そうだ スタチンを下さい」 と考えます
But there's a question you should ask at this point,
しかし この時点で するべき質問があります
a statistic you should ask for
that most doctors don't like talking about,
ほとんどの医師が 話したがらないことで
and pharmaceutical companies like talking about even less.
薬品会社は 更に話したくないことです
It's for the number needed to treat.
Now, what is this, the NNT?
治療必要例数とは 何でしょうか?
It's the number of people that need to take a drug
薬の服用や手術 何らかの医療処置で
or undergo a surgery or any medical procedure
before one person is helped.
そうした処置をする 必要がある人数のことです
And you're thinking, what kind of crazy statistic is that?
何てでたらめな統計値だ と思っていますね?
The number should be one.
My doctor wouldn't prescribe something to me
if it's not going to help.
But actually, medical practice doesn't work that way.
しかし 実際には医療行為は そんな風にはいきません
And it's not the doctor's fault,
if it's anybody's fault, it's the fault of scientists like me.
強いて言うなら 私のような科学者達の責任です
We haven't figured out the underlying mechanisms well enough.
基本的メカニズムを 十分に把握していなかったのです
But GlaxoSmithKline estimates
グラクソ・スミスクラインの 見積もりでは
that 90 percent of the drugs work in only 30 to 50 percent of the people.
90%の薬は 30~50%の人にしか効きません
So the number needed to treat for the most widely prescribed statin,
では最も広く処方されている スタチンの治療必要例数は
what do you suppose it is?
How many people have to take it before one person is helped?
1人が助かる前に何人 服用する必要がありますか?
This is according to research
by research practitioners Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband,
研究医のジェローム・グループマンと パメラ・ハーツバンドの研究で
independently confirmed by Bloomberg.com.
第三者機関のブルームバーグによって 確認されています
I ran through the numbers myself.
300 people have to take the drug for a year
1件の心臓発作、脳卒中 その他の有害事象を防ぐ為
before one heart attack, stroke or other adverse event is prevented.
300人が1年間 薬を服用する必要があるのです
Now you're probably thinking,
"Well, OK, one in 300 chance of lowering my cholesterol.
「コレステロールが低下するのは 300に1人の確率ですね
Why not, doc? Give me the prescription anyway."
良いです 処方箋を下さい」
But you should ask at this point for another statistic,
しかし この時点で 他の統計値も聞くべきです
and that is, "Tell me about the side effects." Right?
それは「副作用について 教えて下さい」ですね?
So for this particular drug,
the side effects occur in five percent of the patients.
And they include terrible things --
debilitating muscle and joint pain, gastrointestinal distress --
but now you're thinking, "Five percent,
でも あなたは こう考えていますね
not very likely it's going to happen to me,
「5%なら自分には 起きないだろう
I'll still take the drug."
But wait a minute.
でも 待って下さい
Remember under stress you're not thinking clearly.
ストレスで思考能力が 低下していますね
So think about how you're going to work through this ahead of time,
だから 前もって 対処する方法を考えましょう
so you don't have to manufacture the chain of reasoning on the spot.
その場で論理の鎖を 作る必要はないのです
300 people take the drug, right? One person's helped,
300人が薬を服用しますね? 1人が助かり
five percent of those 300 have side effects,
300人中5%に 副作用が起きます
that's 15 people.
You're 15 times more likely to be harmed by the drug
薬で助かるよりも 副作用を受ける可能性が
than you are to be helped by the drug.
Now, I'm not saying whether you should take the statin or not.
スタチンを服用するべきかどうかの 話ではありません
I'm just saying you should have this conversation with your doctor.
こうした話を担当医とするべきだ と言っているのです
Medical ethics requires it,
医療倫理上 必要なことです
it's part of the principle of informed consent.
インフォームド・コンセントの 本質たる部分です
You have the right to have access to this kind of information
リスクを負うかどうかの 話を始めるために
to begin the conversation about whether you want to take the risks or not.
皆さんにはこうした情報を 知る権利があります
Now you might be thinking
I've pulled this number out of the air for shock value,
この数字は衝撃を与える為に 持ち出したのだと
but in fact it's rather typical, this number needed to treat.
しかし実際 この治療必要例数は 典型的なものです
For the most widely performed surgery on men over the age of 50,
50歳以上の男性に 最も広く行われている
removal of the prostate for cancer,
the number needed to treat is 49.
That's right, 49 surgeries are done for every one person who's helped.
そうです 1人助かるごとに 49の手術が行われているのです
And the side effects in that case occur in 50 percent of the patients.
この場合 50%の患者に 副作用が起きます
They include impotence, erectile dysfunction,
副作用には インポテンス、勃起障害
urinary incontinence, rectal tearing,
fecal incontinence.
And if you're lucky, and you're one of the 50 percent who has these,
この50%に入っていても 運が良ければ
they'll only last for a year or two.
こうした症状は 1~2年で治まるでしょう
So the idea of the pre-mortem is to think ahead of time
to the questions that you might be able to ask
話し合いを進めるために 聞くかもしれない質問を
that will push the conversation forward.
You don't want to have to manufacture all of this on the spot.
その場で全てを 考えたくないでしょう
And you also want to think about things like quality of life.
生活の質などについても 考えたいはずです
Because you have a choice oftentimes,
大抵 選択肢があるからです
do you I want a shorter life that's pain-free,
痛みはないが 短命で良いか
or a longer life that might have a great deal of pain towards the end?
最期までかなりの痛みがあっても 長生きしたいのか
These are things to talk about and think about now,
こうしたことは 家族や愛する人達と
with your family and your loved ones.
今 話して考えることです
You might change your mind in the heat of the moment,
その場の勢いで 考えが変わるかもしれませんが
but at least you're practiced with this kind of thinking.
少なくともこうした考え方を 実践しています
Remember, our brain under stress releases cortisol,
脳はストレスでコルチゾールを 放出することを忘れないで下さい
and one of the things that happens at that moment
is a whole bunch on systems shut down.
体の多くが 機能しなくなることです
There's an evolutionary reason for this.
Face-to-face with a predator, you don't need your digestive system,
捕食者と対面した時 消化器官や
or your libido, or your immune system,
性欲や免疫システムは 必要ありません
because if you're body is expending metabolism on those things
こうしたことに 体が代謝を費やしていると
and you don't react quickly,
you might become the lion's lunch, and then none of those things matter.
ライオンの昼食になるかもしれないので どうでも良いことなのです
one of the things that goes out the window during those times of stress
ストレス下でこうした事の一つが 完全に消えてなくなるのは
is rational, logical thinking,
as Danny Kahneman and his colleagues have shown.
ダニー・カーネマンと 彼の同僚が示しています
So we need to train ourselves to think ahead
to these kinds of situations.
前もって考えることを 身に付ける必要があります
I think the important point here is recognizing that all of us are flawed.
ここで重要なのは 私達は皆 欠点があると認識することです
We all are going to fail now and then.
皆 時々失敗をします
The idea is to think ahead to what those failures might be,
「事前分析」はどんな失敗に対しても 前もって考えること
to put systems in place that will help minimize the damage,
損害を最小限にする方法を 導入すること
or to prevent the bad things from happening in the first place.
最初から悪いことが 起きないようにすることです
Getting back to that snowy night in Montreal,
あの雪の夜の モントリオールに戻ると
when I got back from my trip,
I had my contractor install a combination lock next to the door,
請負業者に 覚えやすい番号の ダイヤル錠付きキーボックスを
with a key to the front door in it, an easy to remember combination.
And I have to admit,
I still have piles of mail that haven't been sorted,
私はまだ未整理の 手紙を山積みにしているし
and piles of emails that I haven't gone through.
読んでいないメールも 沢山あります
So I'm not completely organized,
but I see organization as a gradual process,
でも私はこうした体系化は 段階的なことと考えます
and I'm getting there.
Thank you very much.