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  • What I'd like to do is talk to you a little bit about fear

    お話しようと思っているのは 恐怖のこと

  • and the cost of fear

    恐怖の代償のこと そして

  • and the age of fear from which we are now emerging.

    今 私たちが抜け出そうとしている 恐怖の時代のことです

  • I would like you to feel comfortable with my doing that

    皆さんには 私の話を 落ち着いて聞いて欲しいと思います

  • by letting you know that I know something about fear and anxiety.

    私は 恐怖と不安について よく知っているんですから

  • I'm a Jewish guy from New Jersey.

    私はニュージャージー出身の ユダヤ系なんです

  • (Laughter)


  • I could worry before I could walk.

    歩き出す前から 不安を抱えていたんです

  • (Laughter)


  • Please, applaud that.


  • (Applause)


  • Thank you.


  • But I also grew up in a time where there was something to fear.

    それに私が育ったのは 恐怖の時代でした

  • We were brought out in the hall when I was a little kid

    小さい頃 講堂に出るように言われ

  • and taught how to put our coats over our heads

    頭からコートを被って 地球規模の核戦争から

  • to protect us from global thermonuclear war.


  • Now even my seven-year-old brain knew that wasn't going to work.

    当時7歳だった私の頭でさえ 役に立たないって理解できました

  • But I also knew


  • that global thermonuclear war was something to be concerned with.

    地球規模の核戦争が 重大な事態だともわかっていました

  • And yet, despite the fact that we lived for 50 years

    私たちは50年間も そんな戦争の脅威とともに

  • with the threat of such a war,


  • the response of our government and of our society

    政府や 社会は 素晴らしいものを生み出すことで

  • was to do wonderful things.


  • We created the space program in response to that.

    核戦争への対応として 宇宙計画を推進しました

  • We built our highway system in response to that.


  • We created the Internet in response to that.


  • So sometimes fear can produce a constructive response.

    つまり 恐怖が建設的な対応を 促すことがあるのです

  • But sometimes it can produce an un-constructive response.

    一方で恐怖が建設的でない 反応を促すこともあります

  • On September 11, 2001,


  • 19 guys took over four airplanes


  • and flew them into a couple of buildings.


  • They exacted a horrible toll.

    男たちは恐るべき数の 犠牲を強いたのです

  • It is not for us to minimize what that toll was.


  • But the response that we had was clearly disproportionate --

    ただ これに対する反応は 明らかに過剰でした

  • disproportionate to the point of verging on the unhinged.

    それは まるで たがが外れたようでした

  • We rearranged the national security apparatus of the United States

    アメリカや その他の政府は 国家安全保障の体制を

  • and of many governments


  • to address a threat that, at the time that those attacks took place,

    この攻撃が起きた時点では 脅威は まだ限定的だったにも

  • was quite limited.


  • In fact, according to our intelligence services,

    実際のところ 諜報機関によると

  • on September 11, 2001,


  • there were 100 members of core Al-Qaeda.

    アルカイダの中核メンバーは 100名でした

  • There were just a few thousand terrorists.

    テロリストは わずか数千人でした

  • They posed an existential threat


  • to no one.


  • But we rearranged our entire national security apparatus

    それでも私たちは 国家安全保障の体制を

  • in the most sweeping way since the end of the Second World War.

    第二次世界大戦以降 最も徹底した形で再編しました

  • We launched two wars.

    その後 2つの戦争を開始し

  • We spent trillions of dollars.


  • We suspended our values.


  • We violated international law.


  • We embraced torture.


  • We embraced the idea

    そして ある考えを抱いたのです

  • that if these 19 guys could do this, anybody could do it.

    あの19人にできたのなら 誰にでも可能なはずだと

  • And therefore, for the first time in history,

    つまり 私たちは歴史上初めて

  • we were seeing everybody as a threat.

    あらゆる人間を 脅威と見なすようになったのです

  • And what was the result of that?

    その結果 どうなったでしょうか?

  • Surveillance programs that listened in on the emails and phone calls

    諜報活動を通じて あらゆる国の

  • of entire countries --


  • hundreds of millions of people --


  • setting aside whether those countries were our allies,


  • setting aside what our interests were.

    自国の利益も 棚上げにしたのです

  • I would argue that 15 years later,

    私の考えでは 15年経った今

  • since today there are more terrorists,


  • more terrorist attacks, more terrorist casualties --

    テロ攻撃も増加し アメリカ国務省の統計によると

  • this by the count of the U.S. State Department --

    被害者も増加し さらに

  • since today the region from which those attacks emanate

    現在このようなテロ攻撃の 出処となっている地域は

  • is more unstable than at any time in its history,

    人類の歴史上 たぶんノアの洪水以降

  • since the Flood, perhaps,


  • we have not succeeded in our response.

    対応に成功しているとは 言えないでしょう

  • Now you have to ask, where did we go wrong?


  • What did we do? What was the mistake that was made?

    私たちがどこで間違ったか 何を行い どう誤ったかです

  • And you might say, well look, Washington is a dysfunctional place.

    皆さんは こう言うかもしれません アメリカ政府は正常に機能していない

  • There are political food fights.

    政治は まるで子どもの喧嘩だ

  • We've turned our discourse into a cage match.

    議論は まるで金網デスマッチのように なっている・・・

  • And that's true.


  • But there are bigger problems, believe it or not, than that dysfunction,

    ただ 信じ難いかもしれませんが それより重大な問題があるのです

  • even though I would argue

    たとえ私が こう主張したとしてもです

  • that dysfunction that makes it impossible to get anything done

    「世界で最も豊かで 強大なこの国が

  • in the richest and most powerful country in the world

    正常に機能していないために 問題を解決できないことこそ

  • is far more dangerous than anything that a group like ISIS could do,

    ISISなどの集団が取りうる行動より はるかに危険である

  • because it stops us in our tracks and it keeps us from progress.

    なぜなら この機能不全が 行く手を阻み 進歩を妨げるからだ」と

  • But there are other problems.

    でも 問題は別のところにあります

  • And the other problems


  • came from the fact that in Washington and in many capitals right now,

    アメリカ政府も 他国の政府も 創造性の枯渇という

  • we're in a creativity crisis.


  • In Washington, in think tanks,


  • where people are supposed to be thinking of new ideas,

    新しいアイデアが 生まれる場所であるべきなのに

  • you don't get bold new ideas,


  • because if you offer up a bold new idea,

    なぜなら もし大胆で新しい発想を提案しても

  • not only are you attacked on Twitter,


  • but you will not get confirmed in a government job.


  • Because we are reactive to the heightened venom of the political debate,

    政治的論争が敵意に満ちてくると 私たちは それに反応するので

  • you get governments that have an us-versus-them mentality,

    政府は「政府対市民」という 考え方を持つようになり

  • tiny groups of people making decisions.


  • When you sit in a room with a small group of people making decisions,

    少数の人間が密室で 決定を下すようになれば

  • what do you get?


  • You get groupthink.


  • Everybody has the same worldview,


  • and any view from outside of the group is seen as a threat.

    集団の外側からの意見は 脅威と見なされるようになります

  • That's a danger.


  • You also have processes that become reactive to news cycles.

    同時に 24時間報道体制に 反応するプロセスが生じます

  • And so the parts of the U.S. government that do foresight, that look forward,

    予測を立て 未来に目を向け 戦略を立てるための

  • that do strategy --


  • the parts in other governments that do this -- can't do it,

    他国政府の同様の部署は 本来の仕事ができなくなります

  • because they're reacting to the news cycle.

    彼らが24時間報道体制に 反応するだけだからです

  • And so we're not looking ahead.


  • On 9/11, we had a crisis because we were looking the wrong way.

    同時多発テロで危機に陥ったのは 誤った方向に目を向けていたからです

  • Today we have a crisis because, because of 9/11,

    現在も危機が去らないのは 同時多発テロのせいで

  • we are still looking in the wrong direction,

    私たちは まだ誤った方向を 向いているからです

  • and we know because we see transformational trends on the horizon

    そして それがわかるのは 私たちには あの9月11日に見たものより

  • that are far more important than what we saw on 9/11;

    はるかに重要な 変化の兆しが見えるからです

  • far more important than the threat posed by these terrorists;

    テロリストがもたらした脅威よりも ずっと重要で

  • far more important even than the instability that we've got

    現在 世界のいくつかの地域が 苦しんでいる

  • in some areas of the world that are racked by instability today.

    不安定な状況よりも はるかに重要です

  • In fact, the things that we are seeing in those parts of the world

    実際 そういった地域で 見られる事態は

  • may be symptoms.


  • They may be a reaction to bigger trends.

    それは より大きな動きに対する 反応かもしれないのです

  • And if we are treating the symptom and ignoring the bigger trend,

    そして この前兆への対処に追われて より大きな動きを無視すれば

  • then we've got far bigger problems to deal with.

    はるかに重大な問題に 直面することになるでしょう

  • And so what are those trends?

    さて この動きの正体とは?

  • Well, to a group like you,


  • the trends are apparent.


  • We are living at a moment in which the very fabric of human society

    私たちは人間社会のまさに根幹が 再構成されつつある時代を

  • is being rewoven.


  • If you saw the cover of The Economist a couple of days ago --

    数日前の『エコノミスト』誌の 表紙を見れば

  • it said that 80 percent of the people on the planet,

    2020年までに 世界の人口の8割が

  • by the year 2020, would have a smartphone.

    スマートフォンを持つだろうと 書いてあります

  • They would have a small computer connected to the Internet in their pocket.

    ネットに繋がった小さなコンピュータを 携帯するようになるかもしれないのです

  • In most of Africa, the cell phone penetration rate is 80 percent.

    アフリカの大部分では 携帯電話の普及率は8割です

  • We passed the point last October


  • when there were more mobile cellular devices, SIM cards,


  • out in the world than there were people.


  • We are within years of a profound moment in our history,

    私たちは人類史の中でも 重要な転換点に生きています

  • when effectively every single human being on the planet

    事実上 世界中すべての人間が

  • is going to be part of a man-made system for the first time,

    史上初めて人間が作った システムの一部になり

  • able to touch anyone else --

    良かれ悪しかれ 誰とでも

  • touch them for good, touch them for ill.


  • And the changes associated with that are changing the very nature

    そして それに伴う変化が 世界中の統治と生活の あらゆる側面を

  • of every aspect of governance and life on the planet


  • in ways that our leaders ought to be thinking about,

    そして この変化は 指導者たちが切迫した脅威を考える時に

  • when they're thinking about these immediate threats.


  • On the security side,


  • we've come out of a Cold War in which it was too costly to fight a nuclear war,

    核戦争は あまりにコストが高いため 実行しないまま

  • and so we didn't,


  • to a period that I call Cool War, cyber war,

    そして私が「クールな戦争」と呼ぶ サイバー戦争の時代に突入しました

  • where the costs of conflict are actually so low, that we may never stop.

    今では紛争のコストが極めて低いので 止めようとすらしないでしょう

  • We may enter a period of constant warfare,

    常時 戦争状態という時代に 入っているのかもしれません

  • and we know this because we've been in it for several years.

    もうすでに数年間 そんな状態にあることからもわかります

  • And yet, we don't have the basic doctrines to guide us in this regard.

    それでもなお 私たちには 道標となる基本的な政策がありません

  • We don't have the basic ideas formulated.


  • If someone attacks us with a cyber attack,


  • do have the ability to respond with a kinetic attack?

    物理的に対抗する能力を 我々は持っているのか?

  • We don't know.

    それすら わかりません

  • If somebody launches a cyber attack, how do we deter them?

    何者かがサイバー攻撃を始めたら どう防ぐのか?

  • When China launched a series of cyber attacks,


  • what did the U.S. government do?


  • It said, we're going to indict a few of these Chinese guys,

    結局 アメリカに来ることもない 中国人を何人か起訴するだけだろうと

  • who are never coming to America.


  • They're never going to be anywhere near a law enforcement officer

    身柄を確保するはずの 警察官の手の届くところに

  • who's going to take them into custody.


  • It's a gesture -- it's not a deterrent.

    これは抑止ではなく 単なるジェスチャーです

  • Special forces operators out there in the field today

    今 現場で活動中の 特別部隊の工作員が確認しているのは

  • discover that small groups of insurgents with cell phones

    少人数の反政府グループが 携帯電話を持って

  • have access to satellite imagery that once only superpowers had.

    かつては超大国しか使えなかった 衛星写真を利用するところです

  • In fact, if you've got a cell phone,

    実際 携帯さえ持っていれば

  • you've got access to power that a superpower didn't have,

    かつての超大国さえ持っておらず 10年前なら極秘だったであろう

  • and would have highly classified 10 years ago.


  • In my cell phone, I have an app that tells me

    私の携帯にだって 世界中の航空機の

  • where every plane in the world is, and its altitude, and its speed,

    現在位置や高度 飛行速度 さらに

  • and what kind of aircraft it is,


  • and where it's going and where it's landing.

    離陸場所と着陸場所を示す アプリが入っています

  • They have apps that allow them to know

    彼らにとって敵である 我々の動きを知らせるアプリを

  • what their adversary is about to do.


  • They're using these tools in new ways.

    そして そんなツールを 新たな方法で使っています

  • When a cafe in Sydney was taken over by a terrorist,

    シドニーのカフェが テロリストに占拠された時

  • he went in with a rifle...


  • and an iPad.


  • And the weapon was the iPad.


  • Because he captured people, he terrorized them,


  • he pointed the iPad at them,


  • and then he took the video and he put it on the Internet,


  • and he took over the world's media.


  • But it doesn't just affect the security side.

    でも これは単に安全保障面に 影響を与えただけではありません

  • The relations between great powers --


  • we thought we were past the bipolar era.

    二極化の時代は終わったと 思われていました

  • We thought we were in a unipolar world,


  • where all the big issues were resolved.


  • Remember? It was the end of history.

    覚えていますか? 『歴史の終わり』だったんです

  • But we're not.

    でも それは誤りでした

  • We're now seeing that our basic assumptions about the Internet --

    次第に明らかになってきたのは インターネットの基本的前提 すなわち

  • that it was going to connect us, weave society together --

    ネットが私たちをつなぎ 社会を結びつけるという前提は

  • are not necessarily true.


  • In countries like China, you have the Great Firewall of China.

    例えば中国には グレート・ファイアウォールがあります

  • You've got countries saying no, if the Internet happens within our borders

    国内にインターネットが存在することを 良しとしない国があり

  • we control it within our borders.


  • We control the content. We are going to control our security.

    コンテンツを統制しているのです そのうちセキュリティも統制し

  • We are going to manage that Internet.


  • We are going to say what can be on it.


  • We're going to set a different set of rules.


  • Now you might think, well, that's just China.


  • But it's not just China.


  • It's China, India, Russia.


  • It's Saudi Arabia, it's Singapore, it's Brazil.

    サウジアラビアでも シンガポールでも ブラジルでもそうなのです

  • After the NSA scandal, the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, the Brazilians,

    NSAのスキャンダルの後 ロシアも中国もインドもブラジルも

  • they said, let's create a new Internet backbone,

    現在のインターネットには 頼れないと考え

  • because we can't be dependent on this other one.


  • And so all of a sudden, what do you have?

    そして突然生じたのは こんな世界です

  • You have a new bipolar world

    新たな二極化した世界 つまり

  • in which cyber-internationalism,


  • our belief,


  • is challenged by cyber-nationalism,


  • another belief.


  • We are seeing these changes everywhere we look.

    このような変化は 至る所に見られます

  • We are seeing the advent of mobile money.


  • It's happening in the places you wouldn't expect.


  • It's happening in Kenya and Tanzania,

    これまで ケニアやタンザニアでは

  • where millions of people who haven't had access to financial services

    金融サービスを受けられない人が 数百万人いましたが

  • now conduct all those services on their phones.

    現在は携帯で すべてのサービスを受けられます

  • There are 2.5 million people who don't have financial service access

    まだサービスを受けていない 250万の人々にも

  • that are going to get it soon.


  • A billion of them are going to have the ability to access it

    近い将来 10億人が 携帯電話でサービスを

  • on their cell phone soon.


  • It's not just going to give them the ability to bank.

    これは単に 銀行と取引が 可能になるだけの話ではなく

  • It's going to change what monetary policy is.


  • It's going to change what money is.


  • Education is changing in the same way.

    教育も 同様に変化します

  • Healthcare is changing in the same way.

    医療も 同様に変化します

  • How government services are delivered is changing in the same way.

    公共サービスの提供方法も 同様に変化します

  • And yet, in Washington, we are debating

    そんな状況にも関わらず ワシントンでは 今も

  • whether to call the terrorist group that has taken over Syria and Iraq

    シリアとイラクを占拠している テロ集団をISISと呼ぶか ISILと呼ぶか

  • ISIS or ISIL or Islamic State.

    イスラム国と呼ぶかで 議論しているのです

  • We are trying to determine

    また 私たちは核に関する イランとの外交交渉で

  • how much we want to give in a negotiation with the Iranians

    どれだけ譲歩できるか 模索しています

  • on a nuclear deal which deals with the technologies of 50 years ago,


  • when in fact, we know that the Iranians right now are engaged in cyber war with us

    本当はイランとサイバー戦争の最中だと 私たちも気付いているのに

  • and we're ignoring it, partially because businesses are not willing

    それを無視しています 企業に対する攻撃について

  • to talk about the attacks that are being waged on them.

    当の企業側の口が重いのが 理由の一つです

  • And that gets us to another breakdown

    これが もう一つの重要な断絶

  • that's crucial,


  • and another breakdown that couldn't be more important to a group like this,

    このような集団にとって極めて重要な もう一つの断絶につながります

  • because the growth of America and real American national security

    アメリカの経済成長や 本来の安全保障 そして

  • and all of the things that drove progress even during the Cold War,

    冷戦時代であっても 進歩を支えていたのは

  • was a public-private partnership between science, technology and government

    科学と技術と政府の間にある 公的機関と民間の連携だったからです

  • that began when Thomas Jefferson sat alone in his laboratory

    それはトーマス・ジェファーソンが 独り研究室で 新たな発明を

  • inventing new things.


  • But it was the canals and railroads and telegraph;

    運河や鉄道 電報が生まれ

  • it was radar and the Internet.


  • It was Tang, the breakfast drink --


  • probably not the most important of those developments.

    これは そんなに重要では ないかもしれません

  • But what you had was a partnership and a dialogue,

    ただ かつては連携も対話もあったのに

  • and the dialogue has broken down.

    今 それが行き詰っています

  • It's broken down because in Washington,

    その理由は アメリカ政府は 政府の関与が

  • less government is considered more.


  • It's broken down because there is, believe it or not,


  • in Washington, a war on science --

    政府は 科学を相手に 戦争をしているからです

  • despite the fact that in all of human history,

    人類の歴史を通して 科学に戦争を仕掛けても

  • every time anyone has waged a war on science,

    その相手が何であろうと 科学が常に勝ってきたという

  • science has won.


  • (Applause)


  • But we have a government that doesn't want to listen,


  • that doesn't have people at the highest levels

    政府の上層部に そのことを理解する

  • that understand this.


  • In the nuclear age,


  • when there were people in senior national security jobs,


  • they were expected to speak throw-weight.

    ミサイルの爆発力について 説明できなければなりませんでした

  • They were expected to know the lingo, the vocabulary.

    専門用語をたくさん知っている 必要があったのです

  • If you went to the highest level of the U.S. government now

    現在 アメリカ政府の トップレベルにいる人々に

  • and said, "Talk to me about cyber, about neuroscience,

    サイバー・スペースや 神経科学といった

  • about the things that are going to change the world of tomorrow,"

    明日の世界を変えうるものについて 説明を求めても

  • you'd get a blank stare.


  • I know, because when I wrote this book,


  • I talked to 150 people, many from the science and tech side,

    科学技術の専門家を含む150人に インタビューしたから わかります

  • who felt like they were being shunted off to the kids' table.

    彼らは まるで「子ども席」に 追いやられたように感じていました

  • Meanwhile, on the tech side,

    一方で 技術分野では

  • we have lots of wonderful people creating wonderful things,

    才能あふれる人々が 素晴らしい物を作っていますが

  • but they started in garages and they didn't need the government

    みんなガレージで開発を始め 政府など必要とせず

  • and they don't want the government.


  • Many of them have a political view that's somewhere between

    彼らの多くは 自由主義と 無政府主義の間くらいの

  • libertarian and anarchic:


  • leave me alone.


  • But the world's coming apart.


  • All of a sudden, there are going to be massive regulatory changes

    急に 大規模な規制の変更や

  • and massive issues associated with conflict


  • and massive issues associated with security and privacy.

    安全保障やプライバシーに関わる 重大な課題が生じることになるでしょう

  • And we have even gotten to the next set of issues,

    さらに 私たちには次の課題 すなわち

  • which are philosophical issues.


  • If you can't vote, if you can't have a job,

    つまり もしインターネットへの アクセスがなければ

  • if you can't bank, if you can't get health care,

    投票も 仕事も 金融も 医療も

  • if you can't be educated without Internet access,


  • is Internet access a fundamental right that should be written into constitutions?

    ネットへのアクセスは 憲法に記すべき基本的人権ではないか?

  • If Internet access is a fundamental right,

    もしインターネットが 基本的人権なら

  • is electricity access for the 1.2 billion who don't have access to electricity

    12億人に与えられていない 電力へのアクセスも

  • a fundamental right?


  • These are fundamental issues. Where are the philosophers?

    これは根本的な課題なのに 哲学者は何をしているんでしょう?

  • Where's the dialogue?


  • And that brings me to the reason that I'm here.

    だから 私がここで話しているのです

  • I live in Washington. Pity me.

    私はワシントンに住んでいます 残念ながら・・・

  • (Laughter)


  • The dialogue isn't happening there.


  • These big issues that will change the world,

    重要な課題が 世界を変え

  • change national security, change economics,

    安全保障を変え 経済を変え

  • create hope, create threats,


  • can only be resolved when you bring together


  • groups of people who understand science and technology


  • back together with government.


  • Both sides need each other.


  • And until we recreate that connection,


  • until we do what helped America grow and helped other countries grow,

    アメリカの成長と 他国の成長を促さなければ

  • then we are going to grow ever more vulnerable.

    私たちは 一層 弱体化していくでしょう

  • The risks associated with 9/11 will not be measured


  • in terms of lives lost by terror attacks

    攻撃で失われた人命では 測れないし

  • or buildings destroyed or trillions of dollars spent.

    破壊された建物の数や 何兆ドル費やしたかでも測れません

  • They'll be measured in terms of the costs of our distraction from critical issues

    そのリスクは 私たちが重要な課題から 目をそらすことで生じるコストや

  • and our inability to get together

    科学者や技術者や 政府の指導者達を 協力させられないせいで

  • scientists, technologists, government leaders,


  • at a moment of transformation akin to the beginning of the Renaissance,

    今まさに ルネサンスの黎明期や

  • akin to the beginning of the major transformational eras

    世界中で これまで起こった 大規模な変化の時代の始まりと

  • that have happened on Earth,


  • and start coming up with, if not the right answers,


  • then at least the right questions.


  • We are not there yet,

    私たちは まだそこまでいっていません

  • but discussions like this and groups like you

    でも このような議論の場や このような集まりこそが

  • are the places where those questions can be formulated and posed.

    そんな問いを生み出し 提示する場になるのです

  • And that's why I believe that groups like TED,

    だから私は このTEDのような集団や

  • discussions like this around the planet,

    世界中の これに似た議論の場で

  • are the place where the future of foreign policy, of economic policy,

    未来の外交政策や経済政策 社会政策や哲学が

  • of social policy, of philosophy, will ultimately take place.


  • And that's why it's been a pleasure speaking to you.

    だから こうして皆さんに話すのは 大きな喜びなのです

  • Thank you very, very much.


  • (Applause)


What I'd like to do is talk to you a little bit about fear

お話しようと思っているのは 恐怖のこと


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 政府 サイバー 戦争 攻撃 世界

TED】David Rothkopf: How fear drives American politics (How fear drives American politics | David Rothkopf | TED Talks) (【TED】David Rothkopf: How fear drives American politics (How fear drives American politics | David Rothkopf | TED Talks))

  • 335 26
    Max Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日