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  • I'm pretty sure I've tried every way there is to read by now,

  • but here's something that I've found to be the most effective if you're going

  • for maximum productivity and efficiency. Basically what I do is

  • I listen to the audiobook at twice the speed while I look at the book and follow along.

  • And there are so many great things about that... First of all,

  • it combines two senses, seeing and hearing,

  • so you end up with really good comprehension while being really effecient at the same time.

  • It's kind of like these videos... Imagine if you were only hearing or seeing...

  • It just wouldn't be as effective, so combining the two senses does magic for

  • comprehension.

  • Another possibly even more important benefit is that

  • it keeps you in a straight line and keeps you going.

  • So you're not going back and rereading things, you're not taking all kinds of unnecessary

  • breaks and pauses, your eyes aren't running around all the time,

  • and you're not getting distracted every two minutes.

  • So again, I'm pretty sure I've tried everything at this

  • point, and this is absolutely one of the best

  • and the most effective and effecient ways to read.

  • You can take a book like The Richest Man in Babylon

  • and finish it in literally only 2 hours. You can take a book like

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People and finish it in about 3.5 hours.

  • You can basically finish most books in 5 hours unless you're reading Ayn Rand,

  • in which case, let's be honest, you're screwed no matter what you do.

  • So let me just address one other thing... Every time I talk about effeciency with reading,

  • someone always points out that you shouldn't be rushing,

  • you should just enjoy the book. And I actually sympathize with that because

  • I know what it feels like to just relax and read,

  • and I absolutely love that feeling. But at the same time,

  • I don't just read for pleasure. Most of the time,

  • I read with the sole purpose of improving my life,

  • and the more I read the better my life gets, so there's absolutely a sense of urgency for

  • me.

  • Anyway... I really hope you try this out and find it useful.

  • It has definitely been one of the best things I've introduced into my life lately.

  • I don't have some crazy attention span, so I get tired and distracted after a while

  • but this keeps me going and keeps me focused. I think I've read one book a day

  • for seven days in a row now, which is something that I definitely

  • wouldn't be able to do if I wasn't using this method.

I'm pretty sure I've tried every way there is to read by now,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

私の新しいお気に入りの読み方 (MY NEW FAVORITE WAY TO READ)

  • 14112 2027
    mia に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日