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  • I started collecting ads and talking about the image of women in advertising

  • in the late 1960s.

  • As far as I know, I was the first person to do this.

  • I tore ads out of magazines, put them on my refrigerator,

  • and gradually, I began to see a pattern in the ads,

  • a kind of statement about what it meant to be a woman in the culture.

  • I put together a slide presentation and began traveling around the country.

  • In 1979, I made my first film

  • "Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women",

  • which I have remade three times since then.

  • These were some of the ads in my original collection long time ago.

  • "Feminine odor is everyone's problem."

  • "If your hair isn't beautiful, the rest hardly matters."

  • "Honey, your anti-antiperspirant spray just doesn't do it."

  • "I'd probably never be married now, if I hadn't lost 49 pounds."

  • Which, one woman told me, was the best advertisement for fat she had ever seen.

  • (Laughter)

  • I am going to do a very abbreviated version of this talk today,

  • but I want to begin the question that I most often get asked, which is:

  • "How did you get into this? What got you started?"

  • Many factors in my life led to this interest.

  • I became active in the second wave of the women's movement

  • right away in the late 1960s.

  • I'd worked in media.

  • I spent a year in London working for the British Broadcasting Corporation,

  • and a year in Paris working for a French film company.

  • This sounds much more glamorous than it was - I was a secretary.

  • In those days, options for women were very limited.

  • I was a secretary, I was a waitress,

  • but I did have one other option that I rarely talk about.

  • I was encouraged to enter beauty pageants and to model.

  • This is artfully cropped to make it look as if I won.

  • I was, in fact, the runner up.

  • This was my first ad,

  • and I think the car tells you something about how long ago this was,

  • and this ran in a London newspaper.

  • So modeling was one of the very few ways

  • that a woman could make money in those days.

  • It was very seductive,

  • but for me it was also alienating, it was soul-destroying.

  • There was a whole lot of sexual harassment that came with the territory,

  • so I didn't follow that path.

  • But it left me with a lifelong interest

  • in the whole idea of beauty and the power of the image.

  • Since that time, advertising has become much more widespread, powerful,

  • and sophisticated than ever before.

  • Babies at the age of 6 months can recognize corporate logos,

  • and that is the age at which marketers are now starting to target our children.

  • At the same time, just about everyone feels personally exempt

  • from the influence of advertising.

  • Wherever I go, what I hear more than anything else is:

  • "I don't pay attention to ads, I just tune them out.

  • They have no effect on me."

  • I hear this most often from people wearing Abercrombie T-shirts,

  • but that is another story.

  • (Laughter)

  • The influence of advertising is quick, cumulative,

  • and for the most part, subconscious.

  • Ads sell more than products.

  • Now, in many ways, we have obviously come a long way.

  • But from my perspective of over 40 years,

  • the image of women in advertising is worse than ever.

  • The pressure on women to be young, thin, beautiful

  • is more intense then ever before.

  • It has always been impossible.

  • Years ago, the supermodel Cindy Crawford said:

  • "I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford."

  • She couldn't, of course, no one can look like this.

  • But it is really impossible today because of the magic of Photoshop,

  • which can turn this woman into this woman

  • and then try to make us believe that an anti-aging cream can do this.

  • Now, she is a beautiful woman,

  • but older women are considered attractive in our culture

  • only insofar as we stay looking impossibly young.

  • We learn to read men's and women's faces very differently.

  • Here we have Brad Pitt and former supermodel Linda Evangelista,

  • about the same age, each one of them in an ad for Chanel,

  • but he gets to look like a human being, and she is transformed into a cartoon.

  • Sometimes, every now and then, a celebrity resists.

  • As you may know, just this week Lorde sent out a tweet

  • with an unretouched photograph below the photoshopped version,

  • and she tweeted: "Remember, flaws are OK."

  • Good for her, but this doesn't happen very often.

  • Men are photoshopped too,

  • but when men are photoshopped, they are made bigger.

  • Andy Roddick laughed when he saw the bulked-up arms on this cover photo,

  • and suggested they should be returned to the man they belong to.

  • (Laughter)

  • The obsession with thinness is worse than ever because of Photoshop.

  • Her head is bigger than her pelvis: this is an anatomical impossibility.

  • (Laughter)

  • The actual model for this ad was fired for being too fat,

  • and they used Photoshop to create this freakish image.

  • More recently, they used Photoshop to remove the dreaded thigh gap.

  • Unfortunately, they also removed a very important part of her body.

  • (Laughter)

  • So the image is impossible for everyone, but particularly for women of color,

  • who are considered beautiful only insofar as they resemble the white ideal:

  • light skin, straight hair, Caucasian features, round eyes.

  • Even Beyonce's skin is lightened in ads.

  • The image isn't real. It is artificial. It is constructed. It is impossible.

  • But real women and girls measure ourselves against it every single day.

  • Of course, it affects female self-esteem,

  • and it affects how men feel about the very real women in their lives.

  • Women's bodies are dismembered in ads, in ad after ad, for all kinds of products,

  • and sometimes the body is not only dismembered,

  • it's insulted.

  • As in this amazing ad that ran quite a few years ago

  • in a lot of women and teen magazines.

  • This is the whole ad, and I will read you the copy.

  • "Your breasts may be too big, too saggy, too pert, too flat, too full,

  • too far apart, too close together, too A cup, too lopsided, too jiggly,

  • too pale, too padded, too pointy, too pendulous, or just two mosquito bites,

  • but with Dep styling products,

  • at least you can have your hair the way you want it."

  • (Laughter)

  • It is ludicrous, but this ran in teen magazines.

  • Teen magazines target 12-year-old girls.

  • They are saying to 12-year-olds: "Your breasts will never be OK."

  • So our girls are getting the message today so young

  • that they have to be incredibly thin, and beautiful, and hot, and sexy,

  • and that they are going to fail.

  • Because there is no way to measure up to this impossible ideal.

  • The self-esteem of girls in America often plummets

  • when they reach adolescence.

  • Girls tend to feel fine about themselves when they are 8, 9, 10 years old.

  • But they hit adolescence, and they often hit a wall,

  • and certainly, part of this wall

  • is this terrible emphasis on physical perfection.

  • Men's bodies are very rarely dismembered in ads.

  • More than they used to be, but still it tends to come as a shock.

  • This ad ran about 20 years ago,

  • in Vanity Fair, these are all from the national mainstream media,

  • and it was one of the first examples of turning men into sex objects.

  • But when this ad ran, about 20 years ago,

  • the ad was so shocking that the ad itself got national media coverage.

  • It's a good thing it got some coverage, I suppose.

  • (Laughter)

  • Reporters called me up from all around the country:

  • "They're doing the same thing to men they've always done to women."

  • Well, not quite.

  • They'd be doing the same thing to men they've always done to women

  • if there were copy with this ad that went like this:

  • "Your penis may be too small, too limp, too droopy, too lopsided, too narrow,

  • too fat, too pale, too pointy, to blunt, or just two inches.

  • (Laughter)

  • But at least you can have a great pair of jeans."

  • (Laughter)

  • It would never happen, nor should it;

  • believe me, this is not the kind of equality I am fighting for.

  • I don't want them to do this to men anymore than to women.

  • But I think we can learn something from these two ads,

  • one of which did happen, one of which never would.

  • What they shows us very vividly

  • is that men and women inhabit very different worlds.

  • Men basically don't live in a world in which their...

  • Well, let me move on to another.

  • There are stereotypes that harm men, of course,

  • but they tend to be less personal, less related to the body.

  • However, men are objectified more than they used to be,

  • but there really aren't consequences as a result of that.

  • Men don't live in a world

  • in which they are likely to be raped, harassed, or beaten.

  • At least, straight white men don't live in such a world,

  • whereas women and girls do.

  • When women are objectified,

  • there is always the threat of sexual violence,

  • there is always intimidation, there is always the possibility of danger.

  • And women live in a world defined by that threat,

  • whereas men, simply, do not.

  • The body language of women and girls

  • remains passive, vulnerable, submissive, and very different

  • from the body language of men and boys.

  • Probably the best way to illustrate that

  • is to put a man in a traditionally feminine pose:

  • it becomes obviously trivializing and absurd.

  • Grown women are often infantilized in ads,

  • and increasingly, little girls are sexualized.

  • I have been talking about this for decades.

  • I wrote a book about it, and it is getting worse.

  • This little girl is 9,

  • and this is happening in a culture

  • in which there is a widespread sexual abuse of children.

  • Images like this don't cause this problem,

  • but they certainly normalize very dangerous attitudes towards children.

  • Padded bras and thong panties are sold for 7-year-olds

  • in major department stores.

  • And the latest product? High heels for babies.

  • Not to leave boys out,

  • you can get t-shirts for your toddlers that say things like "Pimp Squad".

  • (Laughter)

  • So boys are sexualized too, although in a very different way than girls.

  • Boys are encouraged to look at girls as sex objects,

  • boys are encouraged to be sexually precocious,

  • and boys learned to be tough and invulnerable,

  • basically starting in infancy.

  • Basically, we allow our children to be sexualized,

  • but we refuse to educate them about sex.

  • The United States is the only developed nation in the world

  • that doesn't teach sex education in it's schools.

  • But our kids are getting sex education:

  • they are getting massive doses of it,

  • but they are getting it from advertising, the media, the popular culture.

  • This is an ad for jeans, although something seems to be missing.

  • But [for] each one of these ads

  • for major, international products, major, mainstream media, very graphic,

  • the problem isn't sex,

  • it's the culture's pornographic attitude towards sex, the trivialization of sex.

  • And nowhere is sex more trivialized than in advertising

  • where by definition it is used to sell everything.

  • "Whatever you are giving him tonight, he will enjoy it more with rice."

  • I don't think I'm particularly naive,

  • but I haven't figured out yet what the hell you do with rice.

  • (Laughter)

  • Maybe it's wild rice.

  • (Laughter)

  • One woman shouted out she just hoped it wasn't Minute Rice.

  • (Laughter)

  • This is an old ad, of course, you could say,

  • "Sex is always used to sell," and that is true.

  • But it is far more graphic and pornographic today than ever before.

  • Just to illustrate that I am going to show you an old ad

  • - this is an old ad using sex to sell food -

  • and here is a current one, Burger King:

  • "The super seven incher. It'll blow your mind away."

  • For a mainstream product; as is this one.

  • Now, all of these images, I think, are actually profoundly anti-erotic,

  • because in advertising and the popular culture,

  • sexuality belongs only to the young and beautiful.

  • If you are not young and perfect looking, you have no sexuality.

  • And this makes most people feel less desirable.

  • How sexy can a woman feel, if she hates her body?

  • The Internet has given us all easy access to pornography these days,

  • and as porn becomes more available and acceptable,

  • the language and the images of porn become mainstream.

  • Young celebrities emulate the porn stars,

  • and these days, you can get your little girl a pole dancing doll.

  • Girls are encouraged to present themselves as strippers and porn stars,

  • to remove their pubic hair, and to be sexually available

  • while expecting little or nothing in return.

  • At the same time, they're insulted:

  • "Tastes great. Goes down easy."

  • As they learn that their sexual behavior will be rewarded,

  • they learn to sexualize themselves, to see themselves as objects.

  • These images cause real harm to real girls and women.

  • Girls exposed to sexualized images from a young age are more prone

  • to eating disorders, depression, and low self-esteem.

  • Inevitably, the objectification leads to violence,

  • and that's become much more extreme too.

  • Advertising often normalizes and trivializes battering,

  • sexual assault, and even murder.

  • The truth is most men are not violent. Overwhelmingly, most men are not violent.

  • But many men are afraid to speak up, are afraid to support women,

  • and are afraid to challenge other men.

  • And I have great admiration for those men who do.

  • These ads don't directly cause violence against women,

  • but they normalize dangerous attitudes,

  • and they create a climate in which women are often seen as things, as objects.

  • And certainly, turning a human being into a thing is almost always

  • the first step towards justifying violence against that person,

  • and that step is constantly taken with women and girls.

  • So the violence, the abuse, is partly the chilling but logical result

  • of this kind of objectification.

  • In all these ways, things have gotten worse,

  • but in one big way, they have gotten much better:

  • I am no longer alone.

  • There are scores of films, hundreds of films, and books,

  • and organizations like the Brave Girls Alliance

  • which recently had a great event in Times Square.

  • Media literacy is being taught in our schools,

  • there is political action taking place around the world,

  • and I have an extensive resource list on my website

  • that lists lots of these things.

  • I am inspired by young activists like Julia Bloom who at the age of 14,

  • launched a petition to Seventeen magazine

  • asking them to limit their use of Photoshop, and she succeeded,

  • - here she is celebrating with some of her allies -

  • and inspired other girls to do the same.

  • This generation gives me hope.

  • But we have a long way to go.

  • The changes will have to be profound and global,

  • and they will depend upon an aware, active, educated public:

  • people who think of themselves primarily as citizens

  • rather than primarily as consumers.

  • We are all affected by these images,

  • we all have a profound stake in challenging them.

  • We must create a better world for ourselves and our children.

  • After all these years, I still have hope that we will.

  • Thank you so much.

  • (Applause)

I started collecting ads and talking about the image of women in advertising


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TEDx】広告が女性を見る危険な方法|ジーン・キルボーン|TEDxLafayetteCollege (【TEDx】The dangerous ways ads see women | Jean Kilbourne | TEDxLafayetteCollege)

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    啊哦 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日