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  • Dr. Charles Stanley: More important than God removing the

  • difficulty, hardship, pain and suffering; more important to Him

  • than that, is that you and I learn something; that we

  • benefit; that we walk away from whatever we're going through in

  • life, being able to say deeply within our heart, honestly,

  • Thank You, dear God, for all You've brought me through.

  • Thank You, dear God, for what You're in the process of

  • teaching me in this.

  • male announcer: Today on "In Touch," "Wisdom in the Midst of

  • Trials."

  • Dr. Stanley: Are you going through some trial in your life

  • that you don't understand?

  • You don't know why it has to happen to you.

  • You look back and you ask one or two questions.

  • What did I do to deserve this?

  • You can't come up with an answer.

  • God, why have You allowed this in my life?

  • Can't come up with an answer.

  • And to be truthful and honest, what you want most of all is out

  • of this.

  • I want to escape it.

  • I want freedom from it.

  • I want all this pain and hurt and disappointment and

  • hopelessness and helplessness and all the things that I'm

  • going through, naturally, I just want out of all this as quickly

  • as possible.

  • Do you think that's the will of God?

  • You say, Why sure it is because He's a good God.

  • Well maybe in a few moments you'll realize that God has

  • something far more important from His perspective than simply

  • getting you out of this difficulty, hardship or trial

  • Because what I want to talk about in this whole message

  • today, I want to talk about wisdom in the midst of trials.

  • How are we to respond?

  • How does God respond?

  • What is He up to in allowing all these things to happen?

  • In other words, do you want to benefit from it, or you just

  • want to get bitter and resentful and hostile toward God because

  • of it?

  • There's a choice.

  • I can benefit from whatever difficulty I'm facing; or I can

  • get bitter, blame somebody else, blame God and miss the whole

  • point.

  • So I want you to turn if you will to the book, and toward the

  • back of the New Testament in First Peter.

  • And I want us to look at this first chapter and the first few

  • verses here, because he's talking to people, writing to

  • people rather, who are going through some very difficult

  • times.

  • They're being persecuted because of their love for the Lord Jesus

  • Christ and their devotion to Him.

  • And naturally they've got some questions.

  • Listen to and read Peter's awesome response to what they're

  • going through.

  • And so he begins in this first chapter, beginning in verse

  • three.

  • Listen to what he says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our

  • Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us

  • to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of

  • Jesus Christ from the dead," He says we have a living hope.

  • This is the mercy of God, "To obtain an inheritance which is

  • imperishable, undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in

  • heaven for you," that is, for you, "Who are protected by the

  • power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed

  • in the last times."

  • Now watch this, "In this you greatly rejoice, even though now

  • for a little while, if necessary, you have been

  • distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith,

  • being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though

  • tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and

  • honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; And though you have not

  • seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now,

  • but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible

  • and full of glory."

  • Now, think about it for a moment.

  • I don't know what you're going through, but more than likely

  • you've asked a couple of questions.

  • Why has this happened to me?

  • And, God, why don't You remove this?

  • And remember this.

  • More important than God removing the difficulty, hardship, pain

  • and suffering; more important to Him than that, is that you and I

  • learn something; that we benefit; that we walk away from

  • whatever we're going through in life, being able to say deeply

  • within our heart, honestly, Thank You, dear God, for all

  • You've brought me through.

  • Thank You, dear God, for what You're in the process of

  • teaching me in this.

  • Many people don't want to be taught.

  • Many people just want a quick escape.

  • But a wise man or woman does not want to go through heartache and

  • suffering and trial and all the things that can happen to a

  • person and just come out empty, hopeless and helpless, and

  • thinking again, Wonder what God is up to in my life in all this.

  • Do I believe that God loves me enough that He's up to something

  • good?

  • So, from the viewpoint of wisdom, what are the purposes

  • for these trials in our life?

  • And the first one is simply this, as he says in this first

  • chapter of--First Peter, listen to what he says.

  • He says, "In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a

  • little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various

  • trials," for what reason?

  • He says, Look, right now you're going through a difficult time,

  • "So that in order that; for this purpose," what is that?

  • "That, the proof of your faith."

  • And that is, not proof in like we think about it, but prove,

  • that is being approved.

  • That's what that word means.

  • In order that our faith would be approved; we prove that is

  • strong, "Being more precious than gold which is perishable."

  • He says in God's eyes, look at this, your faith is more

  • valuable as far as God is concerned, than gold and silver

  • and all the rest.

  • So, he says one of the reasons that we're going through it is

  • for God to do what?

  • He's going to do something to your faith.

  • He's going to strengthen your faith.

  • One of your greatest assets is your faith, because it's by your

  • faith.

  • And how many times we go to the scriptures and we find verses in

  • the Bible about prayer and linked with that of faith,

  • trusting God.

  • And so God tests us by allowing us to be persecuted, hurt, pain,

  • suffering, all kind of loss, whatever it might be.

  • And as He watches us walk through that and He, as He sees

  • our faith growing and we persevere and we don't quit, we

  • don't give up.

  • We don't grow bitter and resentful and hostile toward

  • other people because of what's happening to us.

  • What happens?

  • Our faith grows.

  • And the greater your faith, the stronger your personal

  • relationship to the Lord.

  • Now, a second thing is this, the testing of our devotion.

  • Do I love Him?

  • Do I only love Him when everything's going my way?

  • Can I honestly say that I love Jesus Christ as my personal

  • Savior?

  • And so oftentimes we find out where we are.

  • Test our devotion.

  • When I feel pain more than I think I can bear, can I still

  • say, God, I truly love You.

  • It's those tests in which we find out who we really are; what

  • we're like.

  • Then of course, there is the purpose of purifying our life.

  • And when I think about God purifying us, think about this.

  • Pain is--has a purifying factor in it.

  • There's something about pain that purifies.

  • It reaches the depths of our soul and our spirit and brings

  • us to the reality and the truthfulness about ourselves.

  • And a person can go along in life and sort of get along as

  • they would think and I'm doing fine as a Christian, and a lot

  • of things in their life that shouldn't be there.

  • And all of a sudden the bottom drops out of their life; there's

  • pain, suffering, heartache, troubles and trials; and then

  • what do they do?

  • They want to cry out to God to help them.

  • And most of the time, what is He going to do?

  • He's going to start, not with the physical ailment.

  • He's going to start in the spirit, in the heart, what's

  • going on in your life.

  • And many people prolong the suffering because they will not

  • acknowledge that God is in the process of purifying their life.

  • Now another reason is that God takes an opportunity to do what?

  • To show Himself strong in our life.

  • We go through trials and heartaches and we think, God,

  • how am I going to handle this?

  • And God steps into that situation and demonstrates His

  • awesome power.

  • And He demonstrates what He's able to do and what He's willing

  • to do, what He can do in your life if you're willing to listen

  • to Him.

  • So, God has purposes.

  • He doesn't let these things go by without specific purposes.

  • And so that's one of them.

  • Then, as we said, His purpose is to provide Christ-like character

  • in our life.

  • So, if we stopped right there, we'd say, Well, God have any

  • purpose in all this?

  • Yes, He does.

  • And that's some of the purpose, and I'd just add one more.

  • And that's very clear in Second Corinthians chapter one, verse

  • four, listen to this.

  • Verse three says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord

  • Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all

  • comfort, Who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will

  • be able to comfort those who are in affliction with the comfort

  • with which we ourselves have been comforted by God."

  • He says one of the primary reasons He allows these things

  • in our life to do what?

  • To equip you and me to be able to help other people through

  • that difficulty.

  • For example, let's say that you're going through some real

  • bad difficulty in your life.

  • Maybe it's a physical thing, some pain.

  • Who do you want to talk to?

  • Somebody who's in perfect health?

  • Never had a problem at all in their life and wonder why you're

  • where you are.

  • No, you don't.

  • If you're going through something in your finances, and

  • you don't know which way to turn to--who--you want to turn to

  • somebody who has been there, who has wisdom and knowledge about

  • their finances.

  • You can take any aspect of life.

  • Because God, listen, God intends, watch this, He intends

  • that you and I profit from all the hardships, disasters that

  • happen in our life.

  • He has something good in every single one of them.

  • Now, if you believe that, and I certainly hope you do, and you

  • can look at the scripture, lots of scriptures.

  • Then I should be able to walk out of here saying, You know

  • what?

  • Enough of this complaining and moaning and groaning and feeling

  • like a victim, and blaming somebody else.

  • God's up to something good in my life.

  • Oops, I know it hurts, God, but I know You're up to something

  • good in my life.

  • It'll change your attitude.

  • Now watch this.

  • Just physiologically, when your attitude gets right, it's

  • amazing the effect that has on your physical body.

  • I'm not saying you can think yourself into healing, but I

  • know this.

  • When I understand that God is up to something good even though

  • I'm hurting, whatever the source of it may be, there's going to

  • be a feeling; there's going to be a sense of encouragement;

  • because you don't see it as just isolated pain or isolated

  • disease or isolated loss.

  • Or somebody has attacked you for something.

  • You see God working in your life in an awesome way.

  • Now, we need the--we need wisdom to discern the proper response.

  • How am I going to respond to these things?

  • And as we said, you can be bitter and resentful and

  • hostile.

  • What's the right way?

  • So let's think about it for a few moments.

  • We can rejoice when we're convinced that the following

  • things are true.

  • That God is in control of the time and intensity of my trial,

  • very important that I understand that.

  • That He's in charge, He's in control of the time of it and

  • the intensity of this pain or disaster or whatever it might

  • be.

  • Secondly, that He has a specific purpose for allowing it.

  • If I can really believe that He has a specific purpose for

  • allowing it, then I'm going to be able to walk through it with

  • confidence and assurance, and I'm going to be able to benefit

  • from it.

  • But I must believe that.

  • Thirdly, that it's designed to meet a specific need in my life.

  • Let's say you're going through a difficult time in your life.

  • Let's say that your loved one has walked away from you or the

  • person that you wanted to marry just walked away.

  • Who are you going to talk to about how you respond?

  • Somebody who's happily married and never had a problem and

  • everything just fantastic?

  • No you're not.

  • You're going to somebody who has been there.

  • You're going to somebody who's walked a path that you don't

  • want to walk but you're walking it.

  • It's not something you chose, but it's something that you've

  • had to deal with.

  • And so, it's to meet a specific need in your life.

  • And you know what happens?

  • One of these days God begins to use you in a very specific way.

  • Watch this carefully.

  • Remember this.

  • Whatever pain, suffering, heartache, hardship you go

  • through, not only does God have a purpose, but it's part of His

  • equipping.

  • He's equipping you.

  • And what does that say?

  • So you can feel what the other person feels.

  • Since you've walked there, and God's worked in your life, and

  • you've been through the pain, the hurt, the disappointment and

  • the shame or whatever it might be.

  • You've been there.

  • You know how that feels.

  • Then somebody can say, Well here's what I'm going through.

  • I don't know how to handle that.

  • When you can say, I've been there it is amazing.

  • I have been there, four words are powerful.

  • You see, why do you and I go to Jesus when we're hurting?

  • I have been there, look at the cross.

  • He's been there.

  • Why do we read the Epistles that Paul wrote in prison?

  • Because he could say I have been there.

  • And when you and I go through those kind of times in our life,

  • He is equipping you and preparing you to be able to say

  • to others, I have been there.

  • The trial is going to be to my benefit if I respond in faith,

  • if I'm trusting Him.

  • Lord, I don't understand it.

  • I don't like it, but I'm going to trust You, Jesus, that no

  • matter what I know You'll work it out for my benefit.

  • And then of course, do I really and truly believe that God is

  • developing Christ-like character in my life?

  • And if He is, when these things hit, it may be that I have to

  • say to somebody, Would you please forgive me for wronging

  • you?

  • Now watch this.

  • My willingness to ask for forgiveness is part of His

  • character building.

  • The person to whom I say it, it's part of their character

  • building, because they have to decide whether to forgiven me or

  • not.

  • You see, we're all so intermingled, intertwined.

  • God is up to something good in every single aspect of our life.

  • Even, listen, even in our failures, He's up to something

  • good.

  • We sing that song, When I fall down He picks me up.

  • He does.

  • And if I should ask you this morning, How many times have you

  • ever been picked up by God?

  • We don't have enough fingers and toes because He's picked us up

  • so many times.

  • You know why?

  • He's not giving up on us and He doesn't want us to give up on

  • Him.

  • And these trials will also help us measure our spiritual growth.

  • And I can look back in my life just like you can, and there may

  • be something you're going through today, you'd have had to

  • go through five years ago, you'd have thought, Oh God, I couldn't

  • handle it.

  • Watch this carefully.

  • God guards every aspect of our life and He knows exactly when

  • you can handle what He's going to put on you.

  • Because remember, His goal is never to defeat you, but to

  • develop you into Christ-likeness.

  • And so He's governing every single aspect of our life.

  • Don't waste your sorrows, your heartaches, your pain, your

  • suffering, your disappointments.

  • Don't waste that by a wrong response.

  • But just tell Him, Lord, I don't understand it.

  • I don't like it.

  • It hurts.

  • This wouldn't--it wouldn't be my choice.

  • But Father, I'm going to trust You.

  • You know what's best for my life.

  • You know what You want to do with my life.

  • You know how we want to use me in somebody else's life, so God,

  • if You'll just enable me, I will persevere and keep walking Your

  • path, no matter how deep in the valley it goes.

  • I will be walking on the path trusting You to take me through

  • all the way to the other side.

  • I don't know what you're going through in life, but if you will

  • just take what you've heard and apply it to your heart, your

  • life will change and you'll be grateful to God that you

  • listened and that you responded.

  • If you've never trusted Jesus as your Savior, you're on your own,

  • and that's not going to work.

  • If you're willing to trust Him as your personal Savior,

  • everything will change.

  • You do that by confessing your sinfulness, listen.

  • You're a sinner.

  • You've sinned against almighty God.

  • You've rebelled against Him.

  • Acknowledge it.

  • Ask Him to forgive you, not because you're going to do

  • better, but because when Jesus went to the cross, the Father

  • placed all of your rebellion, indifference and sinfulness on

  • His Son; nailed Him to the cross; shed His blood.

  • And the shedding of His blood paid your sin debt in full.

  • He'll transform your life.

  • It's a decision you have to make.

  • And I trust that you're wise enough to say, Lord, not my

  • will, but Your will be done.

  • Amen?

  • And Father, how grateful we are that we'll never be disappointed

  • in a promise of Yours.

  • You know who's hurting almost to the point of death today.

  • You know those that are so discouraged they want to quit

  • and walk away.

  • But we know that You have the power to enable Your children to

  • persevere, to keep moving.

  • And Father, thank You for giving us the wisdom in Your Word of

  • what You're up to and what You want to accomplish.

  • And I pray that every person who hears this message will realize

  • there's a loving Father who's not just watching, but who's

  • there ready to see them through it; ready to forgive sin; ready

  • to strengthen them; ready to enable them; ready to do for

  • them exactly what they need, if they'll trust You with all of

  • their heart.

  • We just want to say we love You, Father, for being so good to us.

  • In Jesus' name, amen.

  • announcer: If you've been blessed by today's program,

  • please visit us at

  • announcer: Leading people worldwide into a growing

  • relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local

  • church.

  • "In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley" is a presentation

  • of In Touch Ministries.

  • This program is made possible by the grace of God and your

  • faithful prayers and gifts.



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試練の中の知恵-チャールズ・スタンレー博士 (Wisdom in the Midst of Trials – Dr. Charles Stanley)

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    Alice Chou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日