Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

    2012年3月14日 フェイスブックに

  • On March 14, this year,


  • I posted this poster on Facebook.


  • This is an image of me and my daughter


  • holding the Israeli flag.


  • I will try to explain to you about the context of why


  • and when I posted.

    数日前 食料品店での行列に

  • A few days ago, I was sitting waiting


  • on the line at the grocery store,


  • and the owner and one of the clients


  • were talking to each other,


  • and the owner was explaining to the client

    1万本のミサイルがイスラエルに 飛んでくると説明していました

  • that we're going to get 10,000 missiles on Israel.

    それに対して お客さんは 「違う 1日1万本だよ」と言うんです

  • And the client was saying, no, it's 10,000 a day.


  • (Laughter)

    1万本のミサイルという言葉が イスラエルの現状を象徴しています

  • ("10,000 missiles") This is the context. This is where we are now in Israel.

    イランとの戦争危機は もう10年になり

  • We have this war with Iran coming for 10 years now,


  • and we have people, you know, afraid.


  • It's like every year it's the last minute


  • that we can do something about the war with Iran.


  • It's like, if we don't act now, it's too late forever,


  • for 10 years now.


  • So at some point it became, you know, to me,

    グラフィックデザイナーの私は ポスターを作り

  • I'm a graphic designer, so I made posters about it


  • and I posted the one I just showed you before.

    ポスターを作るとたいてい フェイスブックに投稿して

  • Most of the time, I make posters, I post them on Facebook,


  • my friends like it, don't like it,

    たいていは無視して シェアも 何もしてくれません

  • most of the time don't like it, don't share it,

    たいていは無視して シェアも 何もしてくれません

  • don't nothing,


  • and it's another day.

    なので眠りにつきました 私にとってはこれだけのことでした

  • So I went to sleep, and that was it for me.

    私は日々 夜遅くに起きるという

  • And later on in the night, I woke up


  • because I'm always waking up in the night,

    いつも通り起きて フェイスブックを見ると

  • and I went by the computer and I see all these red dots,


  • you know, on Facebook, which I've never seen before.


  • (Laughter)


  • And I was like, "What's going on?"


  • So I come to the computer and I start looking on,


  • and suddenly I see many people talking to me,


  • most of them I don't know,


  • and a few of them from Iran,


  • which is -- What?


  • Because you have to understand,


  • in Israel we don't talk with people from Iran.

    普通 知り合いはいないんです

  • We don't know people from Iran.


  • It's like, on Facebook, you have friends only from --


  • it's like your neighbors are your friends on Facebook.

    しかし今回は イラン人が話し掛けてきます

  • And now people from Iran are talking to me.

    というわけで私はこの女の子に 返事を書くことにしたんです

  • So I start answering this girl, and she's telling me

    ポスターを見た彼女は 家族を呼んでポスターを見せました

  • she saw the poster and she asked her family to come,


  • because they don't have a computer, she asked her family

    家族みんなでポスターを見た後 リビングに座り込んで泣いたそうです

  • to come to see the poster, and they're all sitting in the living room crying.


  • So I'm like, whoa.

    妻を呼んで この話を見せました

  • I ask my wife to come, and I tell her, you have to see that.


  • People are crying, and she came, she read the text,


  • and she started to cry.


  • And everybody's crying now. (Laughter)

    何をすべきか分からず グラフィックデザイナーとして

  • So I don't know what to do, so my first reflex,


  • as a graphic designer, is, you know, to show everybody


  • what I'd just seen, and people started to see them


  • and to share them, and that's how it started.

    翌日には とても大きな話題になりました

  • The day after, when really it became a lot of talking,

    すると妻が自分のポスターも 欲しいと言うのです

  • I said to myself, and my wife said to me,

    すると妻が自分のポスターも 欲しいと言うのです

  • I also want a poster,


  • so this is her. (Laughter)

    あなたが成功したんだから 今度は私を入れてって(笑)

  • Because it's working, put me in a poster now.

    少し真面目に言うと このポスターは効き目があるから

  • But more seriously, I was like, okay, these ones work,

    私だけではなく 意見を述べたい イスラエルの人々が使えると思いました

  • but it's not just about me, it's about people from Israel

    私だけではなく 意見を述べたい イスラエルの人々が使えると思いました

  • who want to say something.

    だから知り合いで 賛同する人を みんな

  • So I'm going to shoot all the people I know, if they want,


  • and I'm going to put them in a poster and I'm going to share them.

    だから近所や友人 私の生徒を訪ねて

  • So I went to my neighbors and friends and students

    写真をくれたら ポスターを作るよ と話して回ったんです

  • and I just asked them, give me a picture, I will make you a poster.


  • And that's how it started. And that's how, really,

    すると突然 フェイスブックの人たち―

  • it's unleashed, because suddenly people

    友達も そうでない人も

  • from Facebook, friends and others,


  • just understand that they can be part of it.


  • It's not just one dude making one poster,

    みんなでポスターが作れると分かり 彼らは写真を送って頼んできました

  • it's -- we can be part of it, so they start sending me pictures

    「私をポスターにして 投稿してほしい

  • and ask me, "Make me a poster. Post it.

    そしてイラン人に伝えてほしい イスラエルの私たちは愛してるよって」

  • Tell the Iranians we from Israel love you too."


  • It became, you know, at some point it was really, really intense.

    つまり 写真があまりに多いため 友人たちに来てもらい―

  • I mean, so many pictures, so I asked friends


  • to come, graphic designers most of them,


  • to make posters with me, because I didn't have the time.


  • It was a huge amount of pictures.

    うちのリビングは数日間 こんな感じでした

  • So for a few days, that's how my living room was.

    イスラエル人のポスターや 写真を受け取る一方で

  • And we received Israeli posters, Israeli images,

    たくさんのコメントやメッセージを イランからいただきました

  • but also lots of comments, lots of messages from Iran.

    そしてこれらのメッセージを元に ポスターを作りました

  • And we took these messages and we made posters out of it,

    人は文章は読みませんが 画像は見るものです

  • because I know people: They don't read, they see images.


  • If it's an image, they may read it.

    これらはほんの一例です (初めてのイスラエルの友)

  • So here are a few of them.

    (バカな政治家は いなくなればいいのに)

  • ("You are my first Israelian friend. I wish we both get rid of our idiot politicians, anyway nice to see you!")

    (青い星の旗 好きよ) このメッセージはとても感動的です

  • ("I love that blue. I love that star. I love that flag.") This one is really moving for me because it's the story


  • of a girl who has been raised in Iran

    毎朝学校に入る際に イスラエル国旗を踏ませられていました

  • to walk on an Israeli flag to enter her school every morning,

    そして今回 私たちが送った ポスターを目にして

  • and now that she sees the posters that we're sending,


  • she starts -- she said that she changed her mind,

    そして彼女は今 青い星の旗―

  • and now she loves that blue, she loves that star,


  • and she loves that flag, talking about the Israeli flag,

    さらに彼女は 私たちと 会えることを願っていました

  • and she wished that we'd meet and come to visit one another,

    最初のポスターを投稿してから ほんの数日後のことでした

  • and just a few days after I posted the first poster.

    それ以降 イラン人たちは

  • The day after,


  • Iranians started to respond with their own posters.

    グラフィックデザイナーが 向こうにもいたんです!(笑)

  • They have graphic designers. What? (Laughter)


  • Crazy, crazy.

    顔は見せたがりませんが それでもメッセージを伝えたいんです

  • So you can see they are still shy, they don't want to show their faces,

    顔は見せたがりませんが それでもメッセージを伝えたいんです

  • but they want to spread the message.

    返事をして 同じことを言いたいのです

  • They want to respond. They want to say the same thing.


  • So. And now it's communication.

    イスラエル人とイラン人が お互いに同じメッセージを送る

  • It's a two-way story. It's Israelis and Iranians


  • sending the same message, one to each other.

    (あなたは敵ではない 戦争なんて嫌だ)

  • ("My Israeli Friends. I don't hate you. I don't want War.")

    これは前例のないことです 戦争の一歩手前にいる状況で

  • This never happened before, and this is two people


  • supposed to be enemies, we're on the verge of a war,


  • and suddenly people on Facebook are starting to say,

    「こいつ好きだよ あんたたちを愛してる」

  • "I like this guy. I love those guys."


  • And it became really big at some point.


  • And then it became news.

    中東では悪いニュースしか 報道されません

  • Because when you're seeing the Middle East, you see only the bad news.

    しかし突然湧いた いい知らせは

  • And suddenly, there is something that was happening


  • that was good news. So the guys on the news,


  • they say, "Okay, let's talk about this."


  • And they just came, and it was so much,

    ある日 妻のミハルがジャーナリストと喋り

  • I remember one day, Michal,


  • she was talking with the journalist, and she was asking him,

    「こんなもの誰が見るの?」 「みんな見るさ」

  • "Who's gonna see the show?"And he said, "Everybody."

    「みんなってパレスチナの? それともどこ?イスラエル?誰のこと?」

  • So she said, "Everybody in Palestine, in where? Israel?


  • Who is everybody?""Everybody."

    「シリアは?」 「シリアも」

  • They said, "Syria?" "Syria."

    「レバノンは?」 「レバノンも」

  • "Lebanon?""Lebanon."

    こんな会話が続き ジャーナリストは 「今日4千万人が見るんだ

  • At some point, he just said, "40 million people are going to see you today.

    つまり みんなさ」 これは中国語版です

  • It's everybody." The Chinese.


  • And we were just at the beginning of the story.


  • Something crazy also happened.

    ドイツ アメリカ その他の国々で

  • Every time a country started talking about it,


  • like Germany, America, wherever,

    新たなフェイスブック・ページができ 同じロゴと物語が共有されます

  • a page on Facebook popped up with the same logo


  • with the same stories, so at the beginning

    テヘランにいる イラン人からのメッセージ

  • we had "Iran-Loves-Israel," which is an Iranian

    「イランはイスラエルを愛してる ではイスラエルはイランを愛してる?

  • sitting in Tehran, saying, "Okay, Israel loves Iran?


  • I give you Iran-Loves-Israel."


  • You have Palestine-Loves-Israel.


  • You have Lebanon that just -- a few days ago.


  • And this whole list of pages on Facebook


  • dedicated to the same message,

    それは人々がお互いに 愛を捧げるというメッセージです

  • to people sending their love, one to each other.

    実はこの時 すごいことが起きていました

  • The moment I really understood that something was happening,


  • a friend of mine told me,


  • "Google the word 'Israel.'"


  • And those were the first images on those days

    これらの画像がグーグルで 最初にヒットしたんです

  • that popped up from Google

    これらの画像がグーグルで 最初にヒットしたんです

  • when you were typing, "Israel" or "Iran."

    人々の中東に対する見方を 私たちは変えることに成功しました

  • We really changed how people see the Middle East.


  • Because you're not in the Middle East.


  • You're somewhere over there, and then you want to see the Middle East,

    「イスラエル」と検索しても 悪い事ばかりヒットします

  • so you go on Google and you say, "Israel,"

    「イスラエル」と検索しても 悪い事ばかりヒットします

  • and they give you the bad stuff.

    しかし数日間だけ 素敵な画像がでました

  • And for a few days you got those images.


  • Today the Israel-Loves-Iran page

    今では 80,831人がいいね!と言い 先週は二百万人がページを訪れ

  • is this number, 80,831, and two million people last week

    シェアしたり いいね!と言ったり

  • went on the page and shared, liked, I don't know,


  • commented on one of the photos.

    こんな感じで もう5か月の間 私とミハルと友達で画像を作っています

  • So for five months now, that's what we are doing,

    こんな感じで もう5か月の間 私とミハルと友達で画像を作っています

  • me, Michal, a few of my friends, are just making images.


  • We're showing a new reality


  • by just making images

    なぜなら それが世界の見方だからです

  • because that's how the world perceives us.


  • They see images of us, and they see bad images.

    だから私たちは 良いイメージを 作ろうと取り組む・・ただそれだけです

  • So we're working on making good images. End of story.

    これを見てください 「イランはイスラエルを愛する」ページです

  • Look at this one. This is the Iran-Loves-Israel page.


  • This is not the Israel-Loves-Iran. This is not my page.


  • This is a guy in Tehran on the day of remembrance


  • of the Israeli fallen soldier


  • putting an image of an Israeli soldier on his page.


  • This is the enemy.


  • What?


  • ("Our heartfelt condolences to the families who lost their dearests in terror attack in Bulgaria")


  • And it's going both ways.

    私たちはお互いに 敬意を表しています

  • It's like, we are showing respect, one to each other.

    お互いに理解し 思いやりを示しています

  • And we're understanding. And you show compassion.


  • And you become friends.

    時には フェイスブックの友達になったり

  • And at some point, you become friends on Facebook,


  • and you become friends in life.


  • You can go and travel and meet people.

    私は数週間前 ミュンヘンにいました

  • And I was in Munich a few weeks ago.

    イランに関する展示会を 開催するために行きましたが

  • I went there to open an exposition about Iran


  • and I met there with people from the page

    「ヨーロッパにいるんだね なら行くよ」

  • that told me, "Okay, you're going to be in Europe,

    フランス オランダ ドイツから

  • I'm coming. I'm coming from France, from Holland,


  • from Germany," of course, and from Israel people came,


  • and we just met there for the first time in real life.

    従来なら敵同士の私たちが 初めて会いました

  • I met with people that are supposed to be my enemies

    そして握手をして コーヒーを飲み

  • for the first time. And we just shake hands,


  • and have a coffee and a nice discussion,


  • and we talk about food and basketball.


  • And that was the end of it.


  • Remember that image from the beginning?

    ある日 ポスターを描いた二人が 現実世界で会って友達となるんです

  • At some point we met in real life, and we became friends.


  • And it goes the other way around.


  • Some girl that we met on Facebook

    イランで生まれ育ち ドイツに住んでいます

  • never been in Israel, born and raised in Iran,

    イスラエルを訪れたことはなく イスラエル人を恐れています

  • lives in Germany, afraid of Israelis


  • because of what she knows about us,

    数か月間インターネットで イスラエル人と会話をした後

  • decides after a few months of talking on the Internet


  • with some Israelis to come to Israel,

    飛行機に乗って ベングリオン空港に到着すると

  • and she gets on the plane and arrives at Ben Gurion

    「なるほど たいしたことないものね」 と言いました

  • and says, "Okay, not that big a deal."

    数週間前 緊迫状態が増しました

  • So a few weeks ago, the stress is getting higher,


  • so we start this new campaign


  • called "Not ready to die in your war."


  • I mean, it's plus/minus the same message,

    今回は少し積極性を 加えようと思いました

  • but we wanted really to add some aggressivity to it.


  • And again, something amazing happened,


  • something that we didn't have on the first wave of the campaign.

    最初のポスターでは 足や横顔だけしか見せず

  • Now people from Iran, the same ones who were shy


  • at the first campaign and just sent, you know,


  • their foot and half their faces,


  • now they're sending their faces, and they're saying,

    「問題ない 私たちも賛同するよ お互いに味方同士だから」

  • "Okay, no problem, we're into it. We are with you."

    どこの人たちか みてください

  • Just read where those guys are from.


  • And for every guy from Israel,


  • you've got someone from Iran.

    みんな ただ写真を送ってくるんです

  • Just people sending their pictures.


  • Crazy, yes?


  • So --


  • (Applause)

    皆さん疑問でしょう この男は誰なんだって? って

  • So you may ask yourself, who is this dude?

    私はロニー・エドリーと言います 41歳のイスラエル人です

  • My name is Ronny Edry, and I'm 41, I'm an Israeli,

    二人の父親であり 夫でもあります

  • I'm a father of two, I'm a husband,

    私はグラフィックデザイナーで 学校で教えています

  • and I'm a graphic designer. I'm teaching graphic design.


  • And I'm not that naive, because a lot of the time

    よくお願いされますが 私の反応は 「うん いや だけどね

  • I've been asked, many times I've been asked, "Yeah, but,

    これはきれい事だよ 花束を送るような・・」

  • this is really naive, sending flowers over, I mean — "

    私はかつて陸軍に所属し 3年間は空挺旅団の配属でした

  • I was in the army. I was in the paratroopers for three years,

    そのため 地上からの景観が分かります

  • and I know how it looks from the ground.


  • I know how it can look really bad.

    私にとって これは勇気の必要なことで

  • So to me, this is the courageous thing to do,

    手遅れになる前に 反対側に到達しようとしました

  • to try to reach the other side before it's too late,


  • because when it's going to be too late, it's going to be too late.


  • And sometimes war is inevitable, sometimes,

    しかし努力すれば 回避できるかもしれません

  • but maybe [with] effort, we can avoid it.


  • Maybe as people, because especially in Israel,

    特にイスラエルは民主主義で 発言の自由があります

  • we're in a democracy. We have the freedom of speech,

    こういった小さなことで何かを 変えられるかもしれません

  • and maybe that little thing can change something.

    自分自身が大使として 発言できるんです

  • And really, we can be our own ambassadors.

    ただメッセージを送って 幸運を祈ることもできます

  • We can just send a message and hope for the best.


  • So I want to ask Michal, my wife, to come with me

    皆さんと一緒に画像を 1つ作りましょう

  • on the stage just to make with you one image,


  • because it's all about images.

    もしかしたら この画像が役に立ち 何かを変えられるかもしれません

  • And maybe that image will help us change something.


  • Just raise that. Exactly.


  • And I'm just going to take a picture of it,


  • and I'm just going to post it on Facebook

    タイトルはそうですね・・ 『平和を愛するイスラエル人』

  • with kind of "Israelis for peace" or something.


  • Oh my God.


  • Don't cry.


  • Thank you guys.


  • (Applause)

Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

2012年3月14日 フェイスブックに


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