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  • In July 2015, North Korea held its latest round of elections, boasting a nearly 100%

  • voting turnout. But despite calling themselvesThe Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,”

  • they have been ranked as the least democratic, and most authoritarian country in the world.

  • So, how exactly does North Korea’s government work?

  • Well, North Korea is effectively a totalitarian state run by a dynastic line of dictators.

  • North Korea’s cultural and political identity is based on a devotion to leader Kim Il-Sung,

  • whose Presidential authority is written into the constitution. In fact, the long dead leader

  • is still officially the eternal President, making North Korea the only necro-ocracy in

  • the world. However, it is his grandson, Kim Jong Un who is the current Supreme Leader,

  • and whose authority iswell, Supreme.

  • The North Korean government is basically split into three branches, executive, legislative,

  • and judicial. The executive branch is controlled by the Premier and Kim Jong Un, who is also

  • in control of the military. The legislative branch is primarily a Congress called the

  • Supreme People’s Assembly. Elections for the SPA are every 5 years, and ostensibly

  • they are a check and balance against the other two branches. The SPA is occupied almost entirely

  • by members of the Worker’s Party of Korea, which is the only ruling party allowed by

  • the Constitution. There are two other minor parties but they are both controlled by the

  • Worker’s Party. The judicial branch is known for secretive trials and a disregard for human

  • rights. All judges are selected by the SPA.

  • So, how does this all work in practice? Well, candidates for congress are chosen by the

  • Worker’s Party. Each candidate runs unopposed, and anybody who wants to vote against the

  • candidate has to use a special booth. Since North Korea publicly executes its citizens

  • for any anti-state actions, this is not a good idea. After all the chosen candidates

  • win their elections by a landslide, the new SPA congress rarely meets. Historically they

  • are a rubber-stamp congress, and have approved nearly every single proposed law without debate.

  • In effect, North Korea goes through all the motions of a parliamentary democracy, while

  • operating as a theocratic dictatorship. Clearly, one does not disagree with the divine rights

  • of the leader of a theocracy, in this case, Kim Il-Sung. While North Koreans may want

  • to put a stop to the countless human rights abuses, mass incarceration, and widespread

  • famine, there is no political method of doing so.

  • The cult of personality surrounding the Kim family is one of the driving forces behind

  • North Korea’s totally insane system of government. check out our video about Kim Jong Un to learn

  • more about the country’s latest dictator. Thanks for watching, and make sure to like

  • and subscribe for new videos!

In July 2015, North Korea held its latest round of elections, boasting a nearly 100%


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北朝鮮政府の説明 (The North Korean Government Explained)

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    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日