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  • In this video, I’m going to be showing you exactly

  • how to lose your belly fat - FAST,

  • All in about 5 minutes

  • So let’s get started!

  • Most people do all the wrong things when it comes to losing fat

  • and I… used to be one of them!

  • But I don’t want you to follow the same mistakes

  • so listen carefully to the following steps

  • STEP 1

  • Burn More Calories Than You Consume

  • This is Uncle Billy here, and this is how you burn calories! YEEEHHHAWWW!

  • Everyone needs to consume a certain amount of calories per day, to simply maintain their current weight

  • That number can vary, depending on factors such as age, genetics, weight, height, and

  • activity level

  • But there are ways to calculate what that number is for you, and I will provide you

  • a link to a fairly accurate online Calorie Calculator you can use to get on the right track...

  • In the description area below this video

  • Once you know how many calories you need to consume, to simply maintain your current weight

  • ALL you need to do is create a caloric deficit by subtracting about 300-500 calories from

  • that number, ideally from carbs..

  • Or by simply increasing your workout intensity, so you burn 300-500 more calories, instead

  • Either way, youll still be putting yourself at a caloric deficit, which is what you want,

  • to start losing stubborn belly fat

  • And when you hit a plateau (which happens every few weeks or so..)

  • Simply subtract another few hundred calories from carbs, or simply increase your workout intensity.

  • And you willl continue to lose stubborn belly fat!

  • Don’t drop carbs too low though, or else it will be counter-productive!

  • I’d personally recommend you start by consuming the amount of calories per day,

  • needed to simply maintain your current weight

  • for the first 2-weeks, while also working out

  • And then start dropping calories

  • Stick to this formula, and you will lose all your stubborn belly fat, before you know it!

  • STEP 2

  • Eat the Right Foods - (at the Right Times)

  • 3 O'clock - Eat an apple.

  • Once you create a caloric deficit, you're also gonna have to eat the proper foods,

  • at the right times, if you want to maximize your fat loss results!

  • I can’t cram all the specifics into this video, but I’ll give you a few quick tips

  • to get you on the right track

  • You want to follow a nutrition plan with a proper macro-nutrient breakdown

  • Since that will guarantee that your getting the proper amount of nutrients in your body,

  • to support your goals, each and every day

  • Instead of simply getting all your daily calories from foods like pizza!

  • So you want to make sure that your getting enough protein, carbs,

  • and a good amount of healthy fats in your diet, on a daily basis

  • The timing of certain foods, as well as the types of carbs you consume

  • is also an important factor when it comes to losing belly fat - FAST!

  • If you’d like a more detailed explanation, as well as an easy formula you can use to

  • calculate your macro-nutrient breakdown

  • Simply click on the link to my specialhow to lose stubborn belly FATblog post in the description area below,

  • once your done watching this video

  • And I will walk you through each of the steps in greater detail!

  • STEP 3

  • Train Intensely

  • If you want to lose fat FAST, and get the body of your dreams in the shortest amount of time possible

  • Your gonna have to EARN IT by being intense, and training HARD - every time you workout..

  • Simply showing up isn’t enough!

  • By following a proper workout program, you will lose fat, and also build some lean muscle

  • mass in the process

  • And that new muscle will help you burn even more FAT throughout the day -

  • even while you sleep!

  • Also, incorporating Hight Intensity Interval Training into your workouts,

  • while limiting your rest times between sets, to one minute or less will help you lose even more fat,

  • and burn more calories throughout the day!

  • So always train hard, and be sure to make every workout count!

  • STEP 4

  • Always Stay Hydrated

  • How much water do YOU drink in a day?

  • 5 cups..? 7 cups…? Perhaps 10 cups…?

  • Truth is, most people don’t drink enough water throughout the day

  • If you're not drinking a minimum of about 1 gallon of water a day, which is equal to 16 cups

  • Then, I hate to break it to you, but YOU'RE not drinking ENOUGH!

  • And your fat loss goals and overall health will suffer as a result.

  • I personally drink a minimum of 2-4 gallons of water every day.

  • And that equals to about 32-64 cups.

  • Now, that may sound like A LOT of water, especially if you're not used to drinking that much,

  • but It’s not, and when you're eating properly, and training hard, your body will definitely

  • need A LOT of water to function efficiently.

  • So staying hydrated throughout the day will definitely

  • help you lose stubborn belly fat, by helping

  • the body metabolize your fat storages, as well as act as a natural appetite suppressant

  • So you don’t end up eating more than you can chew!

  • Water also helps your body get rid of toxins,

  • and there's also a big laundry list of other important benefits

  • that comes along with drinking a lot of water

  • So replace all of the other beverages you consume throughout the day with WATER -

  • and make sure to get a minimum of 1-2 gallons per day!

  • STEP 5

  • Recover More, Stress Less

  • The final, and most important step that many people ignore when trying to lose fatIs


  • Many people think that the more you workout

  • And THE LONGER you workoutThe better your results will be, and the more fat you will lose.

  • Luckily, that’s not the caseSo you don’t have to spend ALL DAY working out.

  • The opposite is actually true.

  • When it comes to working out, quality is much more important than quantity

  • But what you probably don’t realize is that, most of the results won’t come while working out

  • But instead, while your body is at rest, or even asleep.

  • That’s why it's so important that you give your body the proper amount of time to recover between workouts.

  • And why you should always aim to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night.

  • You also want to work on managing your stress levels, since stress produces a hormone called

  • Cortisol, and that hormone will tell your body to STORE FAT, instead of BURNING IT

  • So less stress, equals more FAT LOSS!

  • In summary, burn more calories than you consumeeat the right foods at the right times

  • always train intenselyaim to drink a minimum of 1-2 gallons per day, and always recover.

  • If you follow all those 5 steps, CONSISTENTLY

  • YOU WILL lose your stubborn belly fat - FASTSo go ahead and give it a try!

  • If you found this video helpful, please be sure to subscribe to my channel

  • so you can get updates whenever I upload new videos,

  • And let me know if you liked the video by giving it a THUMBS UP below

  • Also leave a comment if you have any questions, or would like to request any future video

  • topics you would like me to post!

  • And as I always like to say… “A life worth living, is a life worth improving!”


  • See you in the next video!

  • Hi, this is Uncle Billy here, and this is how you *BLEEP* calories!

  • Can you see the flame?

  • Can you see my pants up?

In this video, I’m going to be showing you exactly


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腹の脂肪を失う方法(5つの簡単なステップ (How to Lose Belly FAT (5 Easy Steps))

  • 555 38
    diswater2000 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日