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  • First of all guys, as a kid that loves movies, this is kind of a pinnacle for me, so thanks

  • for being involved. 'We did it for you, we were literally thinking-

  • what's your name again?' My name is Johnny.

  • 'We were like "Let's do it for Johnny.' Let's do it for Johnny, okay guys let's do

  • it for me. Um, so Academy Award winner, Anne Hathaway,

  • two time Academy Award winner- Robert De Niro. Have you guys thought, if your were British,

  • you'd have peerages by now. Sir Robert De Niro, Dame Anne Hathaway, does that sound

  • all right to you? 'Yeah it sounds good.'

  • 'He would- I wouldn't.' You'd have to live here of course, get a citizenship

  • but buy an umbrella you'll fit right in. The Intern, I love the film, first and foremost,

  • it's a sort of warm hug of a movie and it looked like you guys had a lot fun making

  • it- that wasn't just acting right? 'Oh no we hate each other, he's the worst.'

  • 'It was annoying.' 'Oh no I've got to go in and do this stuff

  • with her, Jesus!' 'Bob, Hi!'

  • Yeah you nailed you, that is exactly how you sound.

  • 'We didn't- I feel really lucky, everybody wants to hear the back story of how we found

  • our chemistry. It was kind of just there in the writing and we found it together. And

  • I had a lovely time working with you, you're just wonderful.'

  • 'Yeah, really nice time. Great.' Your characters kind of fit in each end of

  • the spectrum, one of them is a young entrepreneur. Um- text savvy, perhaps a little neurotic

  • and naive in the pressures of life. You are the older, wiser head, lived a very different

  • life. But perhaps a technophobe, in some respects. So I wondered, how much of you guys were in

  • those characters and to try and give myself a very quick idea I've written out some social

  • media sites, and you can give me a quick yes or no answer of what you're involved in. So

  • er- Facebook? 'Yes.'

  • Twitter? 'No.'

  • Instagram? 'Yes.'

  • Tumblr? 'No.'

  • Flickr? 'No.'

  • Buzznet? 'No.'

  • Google Plus? 'No.'

  • Pinterest? 'Yes, privately.'

  • 'Maybe a little, someone sent me something through pinterest. Nancy, not Nancy but someone

  • who worked with her.' I didn't expect that one. What about Reddit?

  • 'No.' MySpace?

  • 'No.' Bebo?

  • 'What year is it?' Okay, these are kind of spread over the last

  • sort of five years. Er- Habbo Hotel? 'No.'

  • I think that was a chat room about a decade ago I don't know if it exists any more but

  • I wanted to bring it up. 'Does Airbnb count?'

  • No that's just going to places. 'Oh fine.'

  • Well it's social thing, I guess. It's kind of like booking a hotel.

  • 'Experience?' Airbnb? No nothing. You prefer just to talk

  • to people in person, I imagine. 'That helps.'

  • 'I don't mind it, no.' A point is made in the movie about how the

  • modern man has lost something, somewhat, from the generation of your Jack Nicholson's, your

  • Robert Redford's, your Robert De Niro's, of course. We're all sort of hipsters, beards

  • and cardigans these days. Do you guys lament, particularly Robert, do you lament at our

  • generation, have we lost the chivalry? 'I don't know whether you've lost the chivalry

  • or not, I think just being decent to people and nice is always there, you know, so be

  • polite, in your own way. So I don't have the answer for your generations, you do.'

  • I don't know if I've got the answers to the generation to be honest that's a lot of pressure

  • for me right now. 'But I think you just said it, I think just

  • being polite and thoughtful and decent. Um- you know, don't get me wrong it's nice if

  • you have all those things and you have manners as well and you have a handkerchief and all

  • that stuff but honestly sometimes the manners thing can feel a little bit more about the

  • guy than the person that they're showing the manners to. Like, "look at me, I've got such

  • good manners", it can be a little annoying. I prefer just genuine decency'.

  • I think I've got time for one more question and it was something that I wasn't sure I

  • was going to bring up but I'm going to bring it up anyway. How do you ask two Academy Award

  • winning actors for a blink off? Are you up for that?

  • 'Er- how do you do it?' I'll give you a countdown, let's see how we

  • do, okay. 3,2,1, go! 'Blink as much as we can?'

  • No- I think you've got to blink as little as you can.

  • 'Okay okay' 'Oh!'

  • Prepare yourself, and go. I recently got glasses and this is really

  • difficult for me. 'I recently got glasses too, oh no I'm not

  • say-' 'I forgot! I forgot to not blink. No I meant

  • I have contacts and I don't know what I'm saying any more, excuse me!'

  • Well I won something over two academy award winners and I'm going to take that home to

  • the North of England, 'Yes!' My little town and go "Guys! Guess what I

  • did!" 'Guess what I did!'

  • It's been an absolute pleasure to meet you both.

  • 'Thank you very much Johnny, you too.'

First of all guys, as a kid that loves movies, this is kind of a pinnacle for me, so thanks


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A2 初級

ロバート・デ・ニーロとアン・ハサウェイが『ザ・インターン』、ソーシャルメディア、瞬殺について語る (Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway talk The Intern, social media and blink-offs)

  • 1021 62
    Jake Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日