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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Let's hear it for love! It blessed us with this moment.

  • I'm so thankful to be here right now. I will not waste it.

  • Let's hear it for love! This moment has just begun.

  • We have yet to reach the goal we set, so see you tomorrow.

  • Smile if there is sadness in your heart. I'll help you blow it away.

  • All of the storm clouds will surely be clearing when we can hear your laughter.

  • Even if you don't know what you should do and you're lost along the way,

  • the road to happiness won't lead you astray.

  • Sometimes the rain falls for no reason at all,

  • and it's hard to not give into it. But if you will just never give up,

  • you will surely reach all your dreams, so don't whither!

  • So, Let's hear it for love!

  • We will never give it up. Let's have courage in the here and now.

  • We'll make it somehow. Let's hear it for love!

  • Now we can continue on the journey of our lives as we do our best.

  • Leave behind the rest.

Let's hear it for love! It blessed us with this moment.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ラブライブ!】愛照バンザイ!英語カバー(ティーちゃん ([Love Live] Aishiteru Banzai! English Cover (TeaChan))

  • 288 20
    黃鈺珊 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日