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  • Okay. Hi. James, from EngVid. I've just been shocked. And it's bringing out my animal nature.


  • Today's video is on expressions -- some people say "idioms" -- but expressions using animals.


  • Now, in English, you will find there are a lot of expressions and animals, and people never really think about it.


  • In fact, I think in your own language, the same thing happens.


  • You have expressions with animals, and you use them every day.


  • What I want to do today is give you about six of them from different animals,


  • and I want you to get the understanding because this will help you when we do other ones later or for ones you already know.


  • Animals are usually used to show human behavior. Huh? Well, yeah. When we say, like, "crazy like a fox,"

    動物は人間の行動を示すために使われるのが普通です。はぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁまあ、そうだな。"キツネのように狂っている "と言うと

  • we mean really smart and intelligent, stealthlike. Not stealthlike, but you know, clever.


  • "Clever" means to have good skill. So we're talking about human characteristics or things that human have.

    "clever "とは、優れた技術を持っているという意味です。つまり、人間の特徴というか、人間が持っているものの話ですね。

  • And we're showing animals that depict -- and "depict" is another way for saying "show"

    描写する動物を見せています。"描写 "は "見せる "の別の言い方です。

  • -- show how or in the best way to illustrate to other people.

    -- 他の人に説明するために、どのように、または最良の方法で示す。

  • I must be a visual person because I like these visual words. Okay. But they show that in


  • the best way for people to look at the animal and understand instantly.


  • And that's one of the best reasons for using these kinds of idioms because what you really mean, people understand,


  • even if you don't use it perfectly. I mean, like, "Smells like a rat."

    完璧に使わなくても"ネズミのような臭いがする "とか

  • I said that today, and I meant "smell a rat," and that's one of them you're going to learn today.


  • Because as soon as you know, you know, "Oh, that must be bad." Even though I didn't say it correctly,

    知った途端に "あぁ、それはまずいだろうな "と思うからだ言い方が悪かったとしても

  • we'll get it better than some other idioms you might try to use to express yourself.


  • So if you keep in mind that animals are used to show human behavior, then, you'll


  • basically understand why we use animal idioms, and it will be easier for you to remember. Okay?


  • You like that? Yeah. Because you're crazy like a fox. Okay.


  • Where should we start? What the? Whoa. Okay. Apology time. Sorry. The EngVid art department is not here.


  • Usually these would be drawn much better, but our monkey looks like something on LSD.


  • Okay? The rat looks like it got rabies, which is a disease. And the pig looks like it's been going on, like -- I don't know.

    いいですか?ネズミは狂犬病にかかったように見える 病気だよ豚はずっと...わからない。

  • I don't want to say somebody's diet because somebody will get angry because it means the pig looks fat.


  • Like it's been on the -- okay, whatever. Whoever's diet, okay?


  • But let's get to the board and talk about the animal expressions, okay?


  • I did two for each. And when you think about them, remember what I said.


  • Animals show human characteristics or actions or behavior, okay?


  • And this will help you remember.


  • Well, I like this one, "Monkey see, monkey do." No. 1. What does that mean?


  • It means to copy. If you watch monkeys or apes [makes monkey sounds], you know, Tarzan's ape,


  • they copy humans all the time, and we love them, right? You see them walking and talking and trying to act like us.

    彼らはいつも人間の真似をしていて、私たちは彼らを愛していますよね?歩いたり話したりして 私たちのように振舞おうとしているのを見たでしょう?

  • And because of that, we use the idiom, "Monkey see, monkey do,"


  • to talk about a person who is copying you or copying someone else, especially babies and children.


  • If you take up a cigarette and smoke, if you look down, a baby will pick up a pen or a pencil and pretend to smoke.


  • And the mother might say, "Monkey see, monkey do." Okay?

    そして母親は言うかもしれない "猿は見て猿はやる "といいですか?

  • In a way, it's an insult. Remember this. Because monkeys are considered lesser humans -- well, less than humans.

    ある意味、侮辱です。これを覚えておいてくれ猿は人間以下の存在と考えられているからだ 人間以下の存在だ

  • So if someone says "monkey see, monkey do," they're not really giving you a compliment.


  • They're saying, "That person's an idiot, and so are you. Monkey see, monkey do."

    "あの人はバカだから、あなたもバカだ "と言っている。"猿は見て猿はやる"

  • Okay? So don't use it on people unless you're using it in a funny way with a good friend --


  • like he's copying you; you're like, "Monkey see, monkey do." --

    まるで真似してるみたいに "猿が見て猿がやる "みたいに--

  • or you want to insult somebody, "Monkey see, monkey do." Understand? Cool. And that's why

    誰かを侮辱したいなら "猿が見て猿がする "と言って分かったか?いいねそれが理由で

  • we use it for children, because children don't know any better, so we say they're not as smart as adults.


  • All right. That's the first one.


  • Now, monkeys are not only -- they are very intelligent. That's why they can copy humans.


  • But our second one is "monkey business." If I say, "When I leave, Mr. E,

    しかし、2つ目は "猿芝居 "です。私が出て行く時は、Eさん、と言っておけばいいのです。

  • I don't want no monkey business going on around here." It means I don't want any illegal --


  • trust me on this -- illegal or unethical behavior. It seems monkeys aren't just eating bananas these days.


  • They're running businesses. When we say "no monkey business," it's because people are playing around.


  • Usually playing around with the rules or the law.


  • And sometimes, it's unethical, even in relationships, or illegal, right? Stealing money from a company is monkey business.


  • And even though it sounds funny, it's very serious. They're saying,


  • "There's a lot of monkey business going on here. Things that are not right." Okay?


  • Someone's playing in a bad way.


  • So you notice using the monkey in many idioms is to show there's intelligence, but it's

    多くの慣用句で猿を使うのは 知性があることを示すためだと気づきましたが

  • either in a negative way, or you're not intelligent. So watch when people use monkey idioms. All right?

    否定的な意味でか 知性がないかのどちらかですだから、猿の慣用句を使う人には気をつけてね。いいですか?

  • No. 2. As you can tell -- well, I didn't draw it. Mr. E, did you draw is? Somebody doesn't like rats.


  • So, "I smell a rat" because this rat doesn't look as happy as the other animals.


  • When you smell a rat, it means you smell something's wrong. Rats are dirty, disgusting animals.


  • Rat lovers, hold up. "Hold up" means "wait," okay? Hold your peace. I'm not -- I have nothing against --

    ネズミ愛好家の皆さん、お待ちください。"待て "は "待て "って意味だよ?待つんだ私は...私は何も...

  • well, I do. I don't want rats in my house, okay? But when we say, "I smell a rat,"


  • it means (a) you think somebody who may be telling secrets, your secrets to someone else, right?


  • But specifically, "smell a rat" is you smell something is wrong because rats are typically bad.


  • Most people don't like rats. So if somebody is "ratting" --

    ほとんどの人は ネズミが嫌いだだからもし誰かが "ネズミ "をやっていたら...

  • one we even use is "to rat you out," which is to tell your secrets to other people, your bad behavior.

    "あなたを裏切る "という言葉もあります 自分の秘密や悪い行いを 他の人に話すことです

  • Smelling a rat is not good. So when someone calls you a rat or uses an idiom or an expression using a rat,


  • they're saying something negative about you or the situation.


  • I smell a rat. I smell E. I think E did that picture because that rat got a red eye.

    ネズミの匂いがするEの匂いがする ネズミの目が赤いからEが撮ったんじゃないかな?

  • Look closely. Okay.


  • "The rat race." Rats tend to run around because they've got no job. They just run around, run around.

    "ネズミの競争"ネズミは仕事がないから 走り回る傾向がある走り回るだけだ

  • They have no job. They've got nothing to do. They're crazy. Well, not crazy.


  • They're just running around your house eating everything. We refer to the "rat race" here

    彼らはあなたの家の周りを走り回って 何もかも食べているここでは「ラットレース」と呼んでいます

  • as any behavior that keeps you very, very, very busy in activity, but not necessarily getting anywhere.


  • It's called a "rat race." Get a job. Pay your bills. Die. That's it.

    "ラットレース "と呼ばれている。仕事をして請求書を払って死ぬ。それだけだ

  • That's the rat race. You go, "What is the significance -- 'significance' means 'importance' -- of my life?


  • What am I trying to accomplish?" So when you're in the rat race, you don't have time for that.


  • All the rats are running in the same direction, and so are you. We're out to get our cheese and get the heck out.


  • We poop it out, and we die.


  • The rat race is what you do with your life unless you take time to think about it.


  • So once again, it's kind of negative because people you might -- sorry, I'm going fast.


  • You might say the rat race is what everybody does, but people who, you know --


  • it's not just reading, but take time to enjoy life go, "No. The rat race is getting caught up in money and business."


  • And you should be careful about that. Okay? So that's the "rat race."

    気をつけた方がいいですよいいですか?それが "ネズミの競争 "だ

  • We've got two more. And I love these two and so will you. "To pig out." Notice our svelte pig.


  • "Svelte" means "skinny." Quite clearly, this pig is not skinny. "To pig out" means

    "スベルテ "は "痩せている "という意味だ明らかに、この豚は痩せていない。"To pig out "は

  • to eat a lot of food in a short period of time. Generally, we pig out on holidays.


  • When you go home for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Thanksgiving, Valentine's, or family dinners,


  • you might "pig out," which means to eat a lot of food in one sitting or at one time.


  • I like to pig out when I go home to my mom's because she's a very good cook. You might


  • pig out at McDonald's, right? And that means to eat a lot in one sitting. So don't try


  • to pig out too much, or you'll get like this pig -- fat. It's not a pretty sight, is it? Okay.

    豚を食べ過ぎないようにしないと この豚のように太るぞ見苦しい光景だろ?そうだな

  • I've got one more to do, okay? I'll come back to a couple things, here. Okay. "To hog something."

    もう一つやることがあるんだが、いいか?いくつか戻ってくるよオーケー "何かを盗む"

  • When you "hog something," it means to keep to yourself for a long time when you should share some with other people.

    何かを "ほったらかしにする "ということは、他の人と共有すべきものがあるときに、長い間自分の中にとどめておくことを意味しています。

  • You could "hog" the road, which means your car takes up two lanes.


  • You know, if you've got two lanes of traffic, okay. If you "hog" the road, you drive here because nobody can move.

    2車線道路ならいいんだが道路を "独占 "したら、誰も動けないからここを運転するんだよ。

  • But when you hog a pen, maybe everybody should use the pen for five minutes,


  • and you keep the pen for 30 minutes. You're "hogging" it.

    と30分ペンをキープしています。あなたはそれを "ほったらかし "にしています。

  • Like all pigs, you keep too much for yourself. Okay? Cool?


  • I just want to go over the "rat race" one more -- "smell a rat" one more time to make sure you understand, okay?

    "ラットレース "の話をもう一回... "ネズミの匂いを嗅ぐ "をもう一回確認したいんだが?

  • "To smell a rat" means to know or think something is wrong.

    "ネズミの匂いを嗅ぐ "とは、何かが間違っていることを知っている、または考えているという意味です。

  • "I smell a rat. I smell someone has told my secrets out, right?" You're smelling a rat.


  • If you watch many old gangster movies, they go, "I smell a rat. Someone's been talking. Someone in our group or organization." Right?


  • Or -- you know, maybe you go into a negotiation, and


  • you're like, "I smell a rat. Something's wrong. I don't like this. This doesn't seem right." Okay?


  • Something doesn't seem right when you smell a rat.


  • Usually, we use it for a person who is telling your secrets, right, to somebody else that you don't want told, okay? Cool?


  • All right.


  • To go over very quickly. Monkeys -- positive or negative? Yeah, I like monkeys, but nobody likes them.

    非常に早く終わるように。猿は肯定的か否定的か?ああ 猿は好きだが 誰も好きじゃない

  • "Monkeying" is usually to do someone playing around when they shouldn't play around or someone of lower intelligence, right?

    "モンキーイング "って、普通は遊んではいけない時に遊んでいる人や知能の低い人をやることですよね?

  • "Monkey see, monkey do" -- you're not so smart, that's why you copy someone else. Right.

    "猿が見て猿がする" 君はそれほど賢くない だから誰かの真似をするんだそうだな

  • "Monkey business" -- you're intelligent, and you're up to something you shouldn't be.

    "モンキー・ビジネス" -- 君は知的だし、何かを企んでいるはずだ。

  • Illegal activity or unethical activity. Okay? That's my ethical voice. You like that? Okay.


  • "Smelling a rat" -- rats are dirty. Okay? If you smell a rat, something's wrong.

    "ネズミの匂い" ネズミは汚れているネズミは汚い。ネズミの匂いを嗅いだら 何かが間違っている

  • Somebody has told your secret to someone else. Another word is "to leak." I didn't want to use that,

    誰かがあなたの秘密を誰かに漏らしてしまった。もう一つの言葉は "漏らす "だそれは使いたくなかった

  • but leaking your secrets. Leak -- think of this. You have a tap with water, okay?


  • Here's the water. And if it's coming out -- a leak -- the water's coming out, and it shouldn't come out, okay?


  • That's where your rat is. They're telling your secrets and letting them out.


  • The "rat race" is what most of us engage in. "Engage" means "take part in."

    "ラットレース "とは、私たちの多くが関わっていることです。"engage "は "take part in "の意味だ

  • We are usually working and just basically eating, sleeping, working, and doing things that don't really make us better,


  • and we don't have time to think about it. And when you're in the rat race,


  • you have to keep working and working hard or you go nowhere. But the real funny thing --

    一生懸命働き続けなければ どこにも行けませんしかし、本当に面白いのは...

  • or the very funny thing about it is the rat race, you're not going anywhere.


  • You're just running with the other rats.


  • The pig looks in shock. Pigs usually look happy. This one is shocked, like, "This is what I look like on EngVid?" Okay. All right.

    豚はショックを受けているように見える。豚は普段は幸せそうな顔をしています。これはショックを受けている "これがEngVidに映っている私の姿か?"いいだろうよし

  • Because he has pigged out, you can see the swelling.


  • If I'm a doctor, "You can see the swelling of the big area here. It's just -- the food is accumulating here." All right?

    私がお医者さんだったら「ここの大きな部分の腫れがわかりますね。ここに食べ物が溜まってるんだ "といいですか?

  • If he hadn't "hogged" the food, which means keep all the food to himself,

    もし彼が食べ物を "ほったらかし "にしていなかったら、つまり食べ物をすべて自分のものにしておくことになる。

  • he wouldn't have pigged out, and he wouldn't be in this state here. Okay?

    彼はブタ箱から出ていなかっただろうし この状態にもなっていなかっただろういいか?

  • He looks like a pig. And pig here usually means ugly or disgusting, usually because you're overweight or -- grotesque.

    彼は豚のように見えるここでの豚の意味は 醜いとか嫌な感じとか 普通は太っているとか グロテスクだからだ

  • I don't want to go there. That's another word for another time. Anyway.


  • Mr. E, that's why he was shocked, saying, "What the? What the?" With animal expressions, right?


  • So we've got our animal expressions down. Rats, monkey, and pigs. You should know.


  • They're in the Chinese zodiac, but they're no good, no-good animals.


  • And I've got to get going because I'm almost over time. So time flies.


  • And we'll talk about birdie games another time I'm sure.


  • So where are we? www. "eng" as in "English," "vid" as in "video,".com,

    で、ここはどこなんだよwwww "eng "は英語で、"vid "はビデオで、.com.

  • where myself, Mr. E, and seven, eight, twenty teachers by now are looking forward to helping you.


  • And there's no monkey business there. I'm telling you right now because we don't hog the whole show.


  • No, no, no, no I share with the other teachers.


  • In fact, you won't smell a rat when you go there. Promise. Have a good one.


Okay. Hi. James, from EngVid. I've just been shocked. And it's bringing out my animal nature.


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