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  • Hi I'm Mark Phillips, former Bowdoin center and CoachUp Coach.

  • And this is the baseline spin move.

  • Post players can change their speed of their moves to keep their defenders off-balance.

  • Once you're in good low post position, take a big step towards the rim. A quick move to

  • the baseline will catch your defender off-guard. They've over-committed and it'll take longer

  • for them to recover. Go. Pick your dribble up right under the basket and go for the reverse

  • layup. In case your defender recovers, the reverse lay-up uses the rim as protection

  • from a shot block. Go.

Hi I'm Mark Phillips, former Bowdoin center and CoachUp Coach.


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B1 中級

バスケットボールのヒント。ベースラインスピンムーブを行う方法 (Basketball Tips: How To Do A Baseline Spin Move)

  • 55 5
    gg に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日