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  • Hi everybody, my name is Alisha and today we are going to be talking about the top 25


  • English phrases. So let's get started!


  • The first phrase is ''hello''. Hello of course is used as a greeting. You


  • can greet your friends, you can greet your co-workers, your family with this phrase just


  • by saying hello. Hey. Hi. What's up? Hello. 'Sup? Yo. Pretty much any time of the


  • day you can use hello. Hello?


  • The next phrase is ''good morning''. Good morning is used as a greeting in the


  • morning. You can kind of feel when morning ends for you. Good morning is nice and polite


  • or even just morning with your close friends and close co-workers.


  • The next phrase is ''goodnight''. Goodnight is fine. We don't use this to greet


  • other people. We use it when we are saying goodbye to other people at night or family


  • members particularly mothers and fathers to say goodnight to their children before they


  • put them to bed. You can say it to your friend in a text message or in an email if you've


  • been talking for a while, goodnight.


  • So the next word to talk about is ''goodbye''. Use it when you say goodbye to your friends,


  • when you leave your friends, goodbye, bye of course, take care, have a nice day. Peace


  • out, that's another way to say goodbye.


  • Okay the next phrase is, ''I'm (plus your name)''.

    さて、次のフレーズは''I'm (プラスあなたの名前) ''です。

  • Of course, this is a way to introduce yourself. You can use I'm - in my case Alisha. I'm

    もちろん、これは自己紹介の仕方です。I'm - 私の場合はアリーシャを使うことができます私は

  • Alisha to introduce yourself in any situation. New friend, I'm Alisha.


  • Okay the next phrase is ''what's your name?'' And what's your name is used to ask someone

    次のフレーズは''What's your name''です。what's your nameは誰かに聞く時に使います

  • else what their name is. So" what is your name" sounds a bit - try to use what's your name.

    を使ってみてください。だから "What is your name "は少し響きます - what's your nameを使ってみてください。

  • If you forget someone's name, you can say sorry what's your name or sorry what's your


  • name again.


  • Next phrase is ''nice to meet you''. Nice to meet you. Anytime you meet someone

    次のフレーズは''nice to meet you''です。Nice to meet you.人と会うときはいつでも

  • new, nice to meet you is fine, good to meet you is a little more casual, great to meet


  • you sounds very excited, pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or


  • a business context.


  • Okay the next phrase is ''how are you?'' How are you is just a friendly way to check

    次のフレーズは''How are you''です。How are you is just friendly way to check

  • in with the other person. You can use it with friends, your family, your coworkers, maybe


  • even your boss to a certain degree. How are ya? How you doin'?

    上司もある程度はね 元気か?元気か?

  • The next phrase is ''I am fine, thanks. And you?''

    次のフレーズは''I am fine, thanks.あなたは?

  • If you saw English in Three Minutes, we talked a lot about this phrase. Instead of ''I am


  • fine, thank you. And you?'' say ''I am good, thanks, how are you?'' Just shorten it and

    元気です ありがとうございます"あなたは?"と言う 'I am good, thanks, how are you?短縮して

  • make it a little bit more natural. How are you? Good. How are you? Great. How are you?


  • Not so good. How are you, okay and so on. So when someone says how are you, offer I

    あまり良くないですね。元気ですか、大丈夫ですか、とか。だから、誰かがHow are youと言ったら、私を提供してください。

  • usually say I am good. This week I blah, blah, blah give some information about what you've


  • been up to, maybe a hobby, something that you did recently, an event, something interesting


  • you saw, whatever. People want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance


  • for you to continue speaking.


  • The next word is ''please''. Please is a polite phrase used when you want


  • something from someone else. You can use this as a response when someone offers you something


  • like at a restaurant for example, would you like more water? Would you like something


  • to drink? Oh, please.


  • The next phrase is ''thank you''. Thank you is used to express your appreciation.

    次のフレーズは''ありがとう''です。thank youは感謝の気持ちを伝えるときに使います。

  • You can use thank you with everybody.


  • The next phrase is ''you're welcome''. You're welcome. When someone says thank you,

    次のフレーズは''you're welcome''です。you're welcome.誰かにありがとうと言われた時に

  • you can say you're welcome, no biggie. I use no biggie as in no biggie is short for

    大したことないと言えばいいno biggieを使うのは、no biggieの略です。

  • no big problem.


  • The next word is ''yes''. Yes, of course. Yes means it is any of this


  • positive expression. Someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer. You say

    をポジティブに表現します。誰かに質問されて その答えがポジティブな答えですあなたは次のように言います。

  • Yes. Yep. Uh-huh. Yeah. Oui. No, next term I'm guessing I know it, yep.


  • The next word is ''no''. No is a negative response to something when


  • you have to give a negative answer. So as you can probably guess, the long form of no


  • is negative. I like to use nope, it's very, very casual. Not going to happen. My parents


  • would use that with me. To soften that a little bit, if you want to show a negative response

    は私と一緒にそれを使うでしょうそれを少し和らげるために 否定的な反応を見せたい場合は

  • to something. Like let's go for dinner tonight, what do you want to do like do you want to

    を何かに変えてみてはいかがでしょうか。今夜のディナーに行こうみたいに 何をしたいの?

  • go out, not really. No I don't think so to soften it.


  • The next word is ''okay''. Okay. This word comes from copyeditors okay


  • when they had to check a manuscript. They had to label the manuscript, all clear ac

    原稿をチェックしなければならなかった時原稿にラベルを貼らなければなりませんでした すべてクリアーです

  • but because they were copyeditors and they have very, very sick sense of humor, they


  • thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and k do not start


  • all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world. Anyway okay is used to agree


  • with somebody else. Well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight


  • negative I feel. Transitioning in your conversation you can say okay, now we are going to talk


  • about blah, blah, blah.


  • Okay the next phrase is ''excuse me''. Excuse me, it's used to get someone's attention

    さて、次のフレーズは''Excuse me''です。Excuse me, it's used to get someone's attention.

  • in English when you don't know the other person. For example, in a store or a supermarket,


  • maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions, you can use excuse me. You


  • can use excuse me in the supermarket. Excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce is.

    はスーパーでexcuse meを使うことができます。excuse me......ホットソースがどこにあるか教えてください。

  • If you have done something rude in public, you can use excuse me. I personally do not

    人前で失礼なことをしてしまった場合はexcuse meを使います。私は個人的には

  • do rude things in public ever.


  • ''I am sorry'' is the next word we are going to talk about.


  • I am sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know has made

    I am sorryは、自分がミスをしたときや、知っている人がミスをしたときに謝るときに使います。

  • a mistake and you are connected to it or you just feel bad, you can use I am sorry. You

    ミスをして、それに結びついてしまった場合や、自分が悪いと感じている場合には、I am sorryを使うことができます。あなたは

  • made a mistake at work, I am sorry, you forgot to feed your cat, I am sorry. Sorry about


  • that, you bumped someone next to you, sorry.


  • ''What time is it?'' is the next phrase. When you need to check what time it is: What

    ''What time is it''は次のフレーズです。今何時なのか確認したい時に何時ですか?

  • time is it? When you ask someone else what time it is. Maybe you say this to yourself


  • too. Check your watch, check your phone, check a clock, pretty straightforward phrase. There

    もあります。時計をチェックしたり スマホをチェックしたり 時計をチェックしたり かなりストレートなフレーズですそこに

  • aren't really any short versions. So that's an easy one.


  • ''Where is the (plus a location)?'' So you can use this for a building or a store.

    '' (プラス場所)はどこですか?なので建物やお店にも使えます。

  • We are not going to use this where is the for a place, a city name or a state name or


  • a country name. To do that, you would need to remove the but where is the bank, where


  • is the post office. You can use this to ask directions, to ask for help in your house


  • or at work. Where is the copy machine, where is the file I need, where is the blah, blah,


  • blah and where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know.

    blah and where is the bathroom is probably to be a very important question to know.

  • The next one is ''may I use the restroom?'' May I use the restroom is a polite and soft

    次は「May I use the restroom?May I use the restroomは丁寧で柔らかい表現です。

  • expression that you can use if you need to use the toilet, you need to use the washroom


  • and when you are at someone's house for the very first time, when you are in a place that


  • is new to you, you can ask may I use the restroom and more casually, can I go to the bathroom.

    が初めての方は、May I use the restroomと、もっとカジュアルに、トイレに行ってもいいですかと聞くことができます。

  • To be very polite, you can say may I go to the bathroom.


  • The next phrase is ''I would like (to order something)''.

    次のフレーズは''I would like (to order something)'です。

  • You can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place


  • an order I'd like a pizza, I would like a beer.


  • ''Can I get the check please?'' This will be used at a restaurant when you

    ''Can I get the check please''これはレストランで使用します。

  • finished your meal and it's time to go, can I get the check please. In a very, very casual

    お食事を終えてお時間になりましたら お勘定をお願いします非常に、非常にカジュアルに

  • situation, you can just say check please, that's fine.


  • The next phrase is ''see you soon''. See you soon is used with friends and family

    次のフレーズは''See you soon''です。See you soonは友達や家族と一緒に使います。

  • members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them. This


  • is used at the end of the conversation. You are going in separate directions, you say,


  • see you soon. See ya is also good or just see you. To make it a little more formal,

    じゃあまたね。See yaもいいですし、See youだけでもいいです。少しフォーマルにするには

  • you can say I will see you again soon and make a full sentence out of it that way.


  • The next phrase is ''see you later'' See you later is very similar to see you soon

    次のフレーズは''See you later'' See you laterはSee you soonと非常に似ています。

  • but the point with see you later is that you are probably going to meet that person again


  • later on in that same day.


  • The last phrase is ''really''. Really is a very useful word because you can


  • use it to show you are interested in a conversation with upward intonation, really, really tell


  • me more or to show that you are not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation,


  • really. So there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way


  • like seriously or oh, oh and so on. So it's a really good practice for your intonation.

    真面目にとか、oh, oh, oh, などのように。だからイントネーションの練習になります

  • So those are 25 very common words and phrases in English. If you like this video, if you


  • like this topic, please subscribe. I am sure there will be a button here somewhere or button


  • here, wherever but please be sure to subscribe to our channel because we are going to be


  • doing more videos like this and we already have more videos like this. So please be sure


  • to check them out. Thanks very much for watching and let's see you again soon. Bye....Really?


  • oh interesting, uh-huh, okay I see, great, fantastic, unbelievable hmm... gratitude, subjects. What

    oh interesting, uh-huh, okay I see, great, fantastic, unbelievable hmm... gratitude, subjects.何を

  • do we have for dinner today? Pizza, affirmative.


Hi everybody, my name is Alisha and today we are going to be talking about the top 25


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