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  • Stated Clearly presents:

  • Can science explain the origin of life?

  • A full scientific explanation for the origin of life does not currently exist,

  • but research groups around the globe are tackling the

  • mystery.

  • Here we'll take a look at a few of their discoveries.

  • Darwin's theory of biological evolution

  • tells us that all life on Earth may have originated from a single,

  • relatively simple reproducing creature, living in the distant past.

  • This idea is based on many observations one of which is that when living things reproduce

  • children are often born with random new traits. Those with negative new traits are

  • less likely to survive and reproduce,

  • those with positive new traits are more likely to survive

  • and pass those traits on to their children. Over multiple generations

  • positive traits build up allowing relatively simple life forms to evolve

  • into complex life forms

  • and even split into multiple different species.

  • a careful look at the fossil record overwhelmingly confirms Darwin's theory,

  • life forms get simpler and simpler as we go back in time.

  • The record suggests that all life on Earth emerged from primitive cellular colonies

  • which first appeared roughly three and a half billion years ago.

  • But how did those first reproducing creatures come about?

  • Even the simplest bacteria alive today

  • are far too complex to have popped into existence in a single step.

  • Furthermore, the first reproducing creature could not have developed through

  • biological evolution,

  • because biological evolution requires reproduction in order to work.

  • The origin of life needs its

  • own explanation. The most promising idea right now,

  • the one which is consistently leading scientist to new discoveries,

  • is the idea that life emerged from chemistry!

  • Chemistry is the study of matter.

  • Particularly, how atoms interact and combine to form molecules,

  • and how those molecules interact and combined to form larger systems and structures.

  • Everything is made of chemicals,

  • the air we breathe, the ground we walk on,

  • the shoes on our feet, even

  • the feet inside our shoes.

  • That said the chemistry of life is special in two very important ways.

  • First, the chemistry of life is organized

  • into metabolic pathways. If you look at the cells of any living thing,

  • even a plant which you wouldn't normally think of as being very lively,

  • you discover a world activity! Chemical reactions occur in continuous orderly

  • paths,

  • each reaction sparking the next. Scientists call these strange reactions

  • metabolic pathways.

  • the second oddity of life's chemistry, is that living cells are made of special molecules

  • building blocks like amino acids and sugars

  • which we once thought could not be found outside of life. These building blocks

  • combine

  • to form highly complex and orderly structures like genes,

  • proteins, and cell membranes.

  • In the past, scientist had no idea what powered the strange activities of life,

  • and produced its unique chemicals. They concluded that life must be fueled by a mysterious energy

  • they called it: The Vital Force!

  • In 1828 a chemist by the name of Friedrichhler

  • accidentally produced urea in his lab. Urea is one of the main components of urine

  • One of many chemicals that the scientists of his time thought could only

  • be produced by the Vital Force, acting inside a living creature.

  • The artificial production and urea suggested

  • that life might not be powered by a mysterious force,

  • but instead is powered by normal chemical reactions,

  • which could be studied and understood.

  • Since that time, numerous molecules and cellular activities have been recreated in the lab,

  • clearly demonstrating a life is powered by normal chemical reactions,

  • and suggesting that life may have emerged from non-living chemistry.

  • Researchers have recently discovered that many of the building blocks of life,

  • amino acids and sugars, exist inside of meteorites, rocks which have fallen to the earth from outer space.

  • This tells us that these

  • special molecules are being produced spontaneously

  • all throughout our solar system and may have been common on the ancient Earth.

  • We've also discovered a process now referred to

  • as Chemical Evolution. When simple molecules are left alone with an energy source,

  • they interact with one another often forming larger more complex molecules as time goes on.

  • Experiments in the lab have shown that chains of chemical

  • reactions can develop,

  • some of which resemble the metabolic pathways of life!

  • Surprisingly we've also found that certain molecules have the remarkable ability

  • to self-assemble into complex orderly structures.

  • Some self-assemble into hollow spheres

  • almost identical to the membranes of modern living cells.

  • Others self-assemble into long columns

  • remarkably similar to the strains of DNA found in life.

  • Scientists still have many questions to answer about life's origins:

  • How did different types the molecules first start working together,

  • eventually producing the genetic code?

  • What were the original reproducing creatures actually like? Were they similar

  • to the cells we have today?

  • Or were they something much simpler? And finally,

  • possibly the most interesting question of all, how likely is it the life

  • has formed

  • or is forming, in other regions of our galaxy?

  • So...

  • back to the original question, can science explain the origin of life?

  • Science has not explained the origin of life

  • in full detail, but researchers are building a theory intended to one day

  • describe, start to finish,

  • how basic chemistry can give rise to living cells!

  • I'm Jon Perry

  • and that's the origin of life, as we understand it so far,

  • Stated Clearly.

Stated Clearly presents:


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科学は生命の起源を説明できるのか? (Can Science Explain the Origin of Life?)

  • 240 23
    learn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日