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Jon Bernie: I think "being here" should be more highly rated.
Being somewhere else is usually what's rated highly.
Being somewhere else, being someone else, having something else--those are all things that are rated highly.
It's very radical to think that you might actually be
complete right now.
It's really...it's...un-American. [laughter]
What would happen to the economy? [laughter]
Basically we'd be [bleep]. [laughter]
"Eh, I don't really need to buy that; I'm ok right now."
"I don't need to go there; I'm fine right here."
I can see this is going to be a real problem.
Enlightenment is going to become illegal. [laughter]
It's subversive, let's face it.
I'm rolling up my sleeves now. [laughter] I have no idea why!
Participant: It's warm!
Jon: I guess so...maybe that's it... let's take this off; it's too hot....
[Audience and Jon are laughing on and on]
[Jon sighs]
Jon: Any questions? [wild laughter]
[Jon sighs again; giggles continue...]
[various audience giggles set off others laughing again]
Jon: I'm not going to do a bunny [puppet] I promise.
I mean I could... Participant: Do it! Jon: No. [laughter]
Jon: This is too small...
It's just getting a little sweaty....
[everyone starts laughing again]
Do people still have handkerchiefs?
[laughter tapers off]
[Jon sighs, then silent space]
It really is hard to talk about nothing! [laughter]
[audience member is stifling a laugh]
Oh, you know, it's just an excuse for sitting around.
Well, I'm glad you could be here.
If you're here. [laughter]
You know, if you're not here
you might ask yourself about that...
like, where are you? [laughing]
What are you doing? What are you trying to get?
What are you trying to understand?
What are you trying to hold on to?
What are you trying to get rid of?
[Jon laughs] Ok.
You dragging that U-Haul around again? [laughs]
I could tell.
Well, I mean, it's good to ask yourself
if you're not just here, where are you?
Like, some of you might remember the Fireside Theater [in San Francisco].
Like "The Committee"-- I used to go see the Committee Theater here in the city
when I was a teenager.
They were up on Broadway. Really funny.
Improv group.
Fireside Theater I think had an album that said, "How can you be in two places at once when you're no where at all."
I thought that was really funny.
But I'd say, be nice to yourself if you're not here.
Yeah. You know, be nice to yourself, like
you know, it's okay not to be here. [some laughter]
It's okay to be somewhere else.
As long as you're enjoying yourself.
But if you have a moment,
over the next couple of hours, you might try
arriving.... and allowing yourself to become
Allow your awareness to
fully permeate your whole nervous system.
And also your
amorphous emotional realm, body,
and even your mind--your thought-generator.
That's also part of the mystery and the miracle.
Even though it might be presently a torture chamber.
I know mine used to be.
Our minds are, you know,
just trying to be helpful.
Aren't they? No? Yours isn't? Ok. [laughter]
Thorazine. Have you tried Thorazine? Just kidding.
Molokai? [Hawaiian island] Yes? Ok.
So let yourself relax if you're wound up.
And bring yourself ... right ... here.
Just call yourself home.
You know?
Drop your mind into your breath
and let the breath just breathe you.
And then let your light shine.
Let the awareness that you are
awaken, and expand and deepen.
If it's present. If it's in your awareness.
If it's conscious, I mean.
You might even notice your heart opening, connecting.
And there might be a deep sense of just peace, and harmony,
connectedness, ease.
It's just being here.
That's what being here is.
Complete. And...
And that's why we come here, I think,
to reconnect to that
groundedness, that openness.
That full-heartedness and radiance.
And allow all the other stuff to just percolate off the system.
Then the mind gets quiet.
The body relaxes.
The heart opens up.
And the spirit shines.
Then life is an amazing, wonderful miracle, right now.
And that essence that we are, that [edited subtitles end here; more soon]
live nationally on ur between permeates everything is everything
and we realize
not intellectually but through the marrow Mr Burns arena
s that we aren't be
you're a liar us and miss the purpose and meaning of life
outside of the realm in election conceptualization and understand
beyond home police freedom
measure here as you're sitting here tonight
invite your stuff too
like to chest
hike have whatever may be
how aunt or whatever may be
strap with what is
conveyors to hike
to release
that crap
venture into the intimacy
Abbas mystery
and let your body release
whatever it needs to release here hard
downwind whatever remains time behind
named your mind to let go of whatever its
gripping onto so you can be awake
completely here
without any projection onto
yeah without any conclusions
about what's happening your way here
feeling what anything means dropping
home conclusions letting go of home
to stroll I now items
too much now relax pada
us and put on the burden have solving the worlds problems
fixing everything and get everything done on the to do list just put it on
in right now right here
lay down your bird
this environment is supportive
have being honored
it's like a psychic micro
here listening deeply White House think
sure nine
in control pin you might actually here
what's happening
to my lovely to be back on
home very special quakers
dinner i plug coming here for the last
seventeen years now ban bpm
neighborhood's gone through a few changes
%uh still still evolving and its way
is yeah hand
but that it's very quiet here
who is love the quiet surprisingly
considering where we are the city and there's good energy here
good for our letting go
becoming I'm so glad to see you
so well you could come hi
hi see Nexus Q tu thank you
so send
last Saturday I had so much fun was no
his return for me it was in a blast
things have changed a lot for me cell-cell and
home I guess I just wanna check in with you
after you know that experience enter
I have and haha I'm
I feel very disoriented I told you then I don't matter
understand how people function with now the feeling of someone is in a two weeks
who it was a Saturday then ten simply explore how the integrated
you know transmission some like usual a ten days a firsthand look happy
next morning us and i won if it's still there gonna go back to you
feeling too for now and then I realized okay
am still feeling open
ano awake a little heat mccollum
my kept checking in him there because my life is very busy and
so and what's
and then I looked at somebody else like
manana life after waking up in stuff like this trying to
understand what's happening up how to integrate
what I am going through
this I feel very spaced out I E
at end of world wanna try if
a Castell so and i know its tests
now I feel and it was also insisting I came home
and I mean since then the worries are gone you notice no more
have not once worried about my son's
health and the house is gonna get I mean in that amazing
has arisen not want I'm worried about
mom what's gonna happen and actress Campoli
I'm just something major happens up just
um and I'm still feeling it out I'm trying to and
you know I I try to ride the wave it's going
and then there's parts me that feel like a
classes this camp open up and
something still stuck here heart NY is suing her hand at this match i won
to burst open but I guess the will take its time I am
Brian so right now I'm still trying to I guess
all I wanted to take it exists feeling so spaced out
to it this time after you know wanna
the idea sir yeah that are too so let's sit together share
yeah you remember the first time we met interested I was sitting in for roger
was nine then search found you came in talked about your son my son now
remember he has standards thus the key reason I'm
diagnosed with leukemia happy Rekha stuff and going to chemo
with him now and so huge
thermal and was nice to have you closer noon yes if a separate here and sitting
must have standing so let's sit together and then I just would like to know
put your hands on your pets
because when I'm sensing your way you're really describing
in terms of a balancer needing a balance is really and when I would call
grounding mmm into
to be able to integrate what's been happening with you
grounding is sensual mmm
China bring awareness to your home structure
your skeleton your nervous system
your two-shoes that's better perry et al
and Hill the difference
months what's needed so that then the opening and the transitioning all the
clearing the study is to keep moving
Kia will no okay then you're
the pure spaced Adam injured your your add to your body
now I see okay that's what I feel a lot
care what people think I'm gonna be enlightened and I'm not going to be in
my body anymore wrong
on it but if that is the case when some people do go that route Burton
problematic mmm session
today you know i dont have a lot of time to sit at home but I'm encouraged to
have two kids to take care of yourself and then
not talking about you know I'm not
I'm not defining know you know ok I know
when I missing here to spruce right now
to recount see it any moment when you're walking
when you're sitting see you're kidding right away
separate your hands Goodman you feel you getting in
yeah here look at this and just in training when I mean to you right now
through not verbally but energetically to be really get what I'm talkin
so it's not whether you said a certain amount or not with you do a sitting
it here that could be very helpful
if you have the time burden he could also just do it when you're eating
and when you're with your kids I'm and when you're walking we could be
anytime and Katie aside who needs an interesting
1i action to act with them I don't feel it so much
only 1 I'm no longer speaking or doing stuff
where just then I feel dis will attend happen with the expansion
feel that the expansion happen but it's also good to have grounded notes
months they have a balance from
what they would you know the old way of say will be here between happen to her
deep shoes yeah I feel like that
here since we are also part of the earth
you know literally mmm we're made of the earth
infinite energy Rica
couldn't see he's getting used to this could take some time
new has nice to let yourself be this right now see what a difference
to the difference hmm contest
and you're right there is more
money to move here I can sense and if you're spaced out the sink in a move
I see the panel national
I have tried a at a lot a repost no sense hunan cigarette then
so I and move my attention more
to the test with I feel it's working here something
but you can push a exactly so I dislike
ok and I am just greedy or yes it does but when you grounding you get
you get very still hmm because this kind of stillness is
absolutely pristine that's what they mean when they say sit still that'll
mean force yourself to be still
gives you know be the stillness much is infinite
presence on and yeah this
much buried here what's been in crested in here and there's
whatever yes right down starters pop bubble out
100000 organically emotionally however does
okay to you want your gf call you at this
temple the sacred temple car body
to really be completely awake be
China that's gotta go to top mindfulness practices the beginning practice
knows the whole point yeah tired to stands
things come in time charter question XM
have said that
'em a while ago
I had a different kind of awakening experience this
at their glasses just a few minutes and one of them was this
love radiating some
I just it was the most so yeah
and I heard idea talking about the three stages mind height
and cuts or something and when I listen to it as
I understand when experienced just trying to intellectual understanding
hmm weren't that got one ahead at the very
like on Oct 15-18 years ago hmm where the whole
existence just yeah exploded I didn't
exists and yet more at the sense of meet Justin and then I had to start saying
enough feel like now
according to its description it's this minds think
sup I just curious about will it all
integrate it's not just don't don't don't try to squeeze your experiences
and description
no I'm I every person's trajectory is unique for them
your place now we're beyond all descriptions
just let it unfold yeah can't restore my
my hand I know we learned
United understand intellectually you
them not sure that's going to help in them and their from
you actually get in the way I get to keep suffering two experiences and now
this is an experienced so
somehow know there's something else going on here that I want to bring you
back to producer to
trip down and then thirteeners have always come back again
yeah drinkers home holding you back in
know the internet here at
ask separate handsome
K yeah soon crash channels
that's good
just don't push the river and her will open its ready
whatever news come on come have to worry about it
produce lets loose knit moon longer room
much you wanna go no no i like it so the lanolin taken not only but a
its everyone if the shooter is getting this
okay this is for everyone here that's right
ca okay
and my senses you may not be ready to feel some in this year
and that's okay from we're ready when ready when they when we are it will
him for not shoes p
patient in a spatter she would the difference
mom tamanna
with a lot I can tell the huge
yeah coming hey you know for human
okay it's okay it even you know with
my first son getting sis you know fearing
to lose him yeah I have noticed a starter to
contract being afraid to love him
me and his whole life said this is why I want this is exactly where you wanna
clear this yeahh and I know it's it's coming at some point beyond
gonna keep happening little only bring you to
profoundly closer through an hour for this
it's really good to see him hit him think yeah
you're welcome ok he
welcome hackneyed is so happy to be here didn't seem really wow it's been a long
even when the Northland high now
mean they'll like it fifteen foot snowman in Canada yeah
hmm and and post
want to come to you by hand someone screamed for help
saying goodbye happy but here in from
and sniper come when a comer
cut my mom says hi
and he couldn't remember how much Ashley Dillon
and she's there in some way she's
she's really well and she
got diagnosed with breast cancer yeah I'm
to pair my god hmm Sahar
cam so that's been
a deepening yeah
sure here much thought about you a bunch more
how you're down this year
succeed him
man's activity
had a good time predicted speaker you to go up there yeah
some stubborn while her nurse
I missed you human team I
is so beautiful scene and it's been my honor
them I can about you know that keeps growing the primates
so beautiful to see people over time has continually
Parsons had to stuff works
despite our resistance yeah
despite are trying to get it to work yeah are trying to go to work early to
amass personal I
yeah asleep it's working
yeah we don't see it sometimes works ok hot in our struggle are in
seeing things the way we think they are which is and how they're
yeah you come here and this is like a reality check
who truly a mere have agree and have the reality that we are
that's what the teaching really is is a wake up to being
reflected back Torture Cell that's how this works
so much more from this year how scratch track
restraint now there's something about
catheter system
worrying about to you hmmm
it is more presents peanuts
I'm Manny the preciousness every
moment turn
here really know you're really here
do that then we still have you
now thanks I am doing good whom resurgence
anything some chaired so you know
it's a blessing to be here
cage mama because we know
has some point it's gonna be some mouths
there's chronic comes like this weird
happy sad cry your yeah
cast thank you
circus here to see give your mom Island past questions for