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Raise your hand
if you have ever been asked the question,
と 聞かれた事のある人 手を挙げてください
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Now, if you had to guess,
最初にその質問をされた時 何歳でしたか?
how old would you say you were when you were first asked this question?
You can just hold up fingers.
3才 5才 3才 5才 5才 OK
Three, five, three, five, five; OK.
では 「大人になったら何になりたい?」に
Now, raise your hand if the question
どう答えようか悩んだ経験のある人は 手を挙げてください
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" has ever caused you any anxiety.
Any anxiety at all.
私はそんな質問に 一度も答えられなかった人です
I'm someone who's never been able to answer the question,
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
問題は 何にも興味がなかったのではなくて
See, the problem wasn't that I didn't have any interests
it's that I had too many.
高校では 国語も数学も美術も好きで ウェブサイトもつくりました
In high school I liked English, and Math, and Arts, and I built websites,
『欲求不満の電話交換手』という パンクバンドでギターも弾きました
and I played guitar in a punk band called Frustrated Telephone Operator.
Maybe you've heard of us.
This continued after high school,
and at a certain point, I began to notice this pattern in myself,
where I would become interested in an area
そこに飛び込むと もう夢中になって
and I would dive in, and become all consumed,
何にでも ある程度までうまくなるんですが
and I'd get to be pretty good at whatever it was,
and then I would hit this point where I'd start to get bored.
And usually, I would try and persist anyway
時には お金もつぎ込んでいますから
because I'd already devoted so much time and energy,
and sometimes money into this field.
結局は 飽きが来て 「もうやり尽くした チャレンジする程のことでもない」と
But eventually, this sense of boredom, this feeling of, "Yeah, I've got this!
This isn't challenging anymore,"
そんな思いがつのって 放り出す羽目になるのです
it would get to be too much, and I would have to let it go.
しかしまた 他の事に
But then, I would become interested in something else,
それも全く無関係の分野に 興味をもち
something totally unrelated,
and I would dive into that and become all consumed,
「見つけた これだ」と感じるのですが
and I would feel like, "Yes, I found my thing!"
するとまた同じように どこかの時点で
And then I would hit this point again
飽きが来て 放り出してしまいます
where I'd start to get bored and eventually I would let it go.
しかしまた 全く別の新しいことを発見して
But then I would discover something new and totally different,
and I would dive into that...
このパターンは 2つの理由で私を非常に苦しめました
This pattern caused me a lot of anxiety for two reasons:
1つ目は 自分のしている事を どのようにすれば
the first was that I wasn't sure
まともなキャリアに結びつけられるか 分からなかったからです
how I was going to turn any of this into a career.
最終的には 1つの事を選んで 他のやりたい事を否定して
I thought that I would eventually have to pick one thing,
飽きがくることも 観念せねばならないのでしょう
deny all my other passions and just resign myself to being bored.
The other reason it caused me so much anxiety
was a little bit more personal.
I worried that there was something wrong with this
何か欠陥があるんじゃないかと 心配になったのです
and something wrong with me
何かに専念することを怖がっているか 気持ちが散漫になっているか
for being unable to stick with anything.
はたまた 自分の成功を恐れ 自ら妨害しているのではないかと
I worried that I was afraid of commitment, or that I was scattered,
もしあなたもこんなパターンや感情に 覚えがあるなら
or that I was self sabotaging, afraid of my own success.
自分にこう質問してみてください 当時 私もすればよかったのですけど
If you can relate to my story and to these feelings,
いろんな事をやってみることが 間違っているとか
I'd like you to ask yourself a question that I wish I had asked myself back then.
普通じゃないとか どこで習ったのだろう?と
Ask yourself where you learned
to assign the meaning of wrong or abnormal to doing many things.
I'll tell you where you learnt it.
「大人になったら何になりたいか」と 最初に聞かれたのは
You learnt it from the culture.
When you were first asked the question,
本当は誰もあなたの答えなど 気にしていません
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
you were about five years old,
これは小さな子の 無邪気な返事を引き出す
and the truth is that no one really cares what you say when you are that age.
当たり障りのない質問と 見なされています
「宇宙飛行士になりたい」とか 「バレリーナになりたい」
It's considered an innocuous question
「海賊」とかだと ハロウィーンの衣装がいりそうです
posed to little kids to elicit cute replies.
Like, "I want to be an astronaut," or "I want to be a ballerina,"
or "I want to be a pirate," - insert Halloween costume here.
私たちが大人になるまでに さまざまな形で繰り返されます
But this question is asked of us again and again
高校生には 「大学で何を専攻するのか」とか
as we get older in various forms.
そしてある時点で 「大人になったら何になりたいか」の質問は
For instance,
high school students might get asked
what major they are going to pick in college.
And at some point, what do you want to be when you grow up
いいですか この質問は 子供たちが夢を持つことは奨励しますが
goes from being the cute exercise it once was
全ての夢を持ち続けなさいとは 勧めていません
to the thing that keeps us up at night.
See, while this question inspires kids to dream about what they could be,
20個も答えを挙げるわけには いかないからです
it does not inspire them to dream about all that they could be.
質問をした悪意のない大人は くすくす笑って こう言うでしょう
In fact, it does just the opposite.
「いいねえ でも バイオリン職人の 心理学者にはなれないよ
Because when someone asks you what you want to be,
you can't reply with 20 different things.
The well meaning adult will likely chuckle and be like,
"Oh, how cute, but you can't be a violin maker and a psychologist.
You have to choose."
こちらはエイミー・アン 雑誌編集者でしたが
This is Doctor Bob Childs.
イラストレーター兼事業家 兼先生 兼クリエイティブ・ディレクターになりました
大部分の子供たちは こういう人たちの事を耳にしません
And he's a luthier and a psychotherapist.
1つの道を選ばないといけないと 言われるだけです
And this is Amy Ng, a magazine editor,
いや それ以上に
turned illustrator, entrepreneur, teacher, and creative director.
焦点の絞られた人生は 私たちの社会では 高度に美化され
But most kids don't hear about people like this.
All they hear is that they are going to have to choose.
一人一人は優れたものを 何か1つ持って生まれ
But it's more than that.
The notion of the narrowly focused life is highly romanticized in our culture.
It's this idea of destiny or the one true calling.
The idea that we each have one great thing
でもそんな風に 生まれてこなかったらどうでしょう?
we are meant to do during our time on this Earth.
And you need to figure out
what that thing is and devote your life to it.
But, what if you are someone who isn't wired this way?
ですから孤独で 生きる目的がないと感じるかもしれません
What if there are a lot of different subjects
自分はどこかおかしいんじゃないか とも思うかもしれません
that you're curious about?
And many different things you want to do?
Well, there is no room for someone like you in this framework.
And so you might feel alone.
マルチ・ポテンシャライトとは 多くに興味を持ち創造を追求する人です
You might feel like you don't have a purpose.
You might feel like there is something wrong with you.
3つに区切ると言いやすいです マルチ ポテンシャル アイト
There is nothing wrong with you.
他の単語に 言い換えても構いません
What you are is a multipotentialite.
「博学者」 「ルネサンス人」
A multipotentialite is someone
多くの学問に通じる人が 理想的とされたのです
with many interests and creative pursuits.
バーバラ・シャーはそういう人を スキャナーと称しました
It's a mouthful to say.
どう呼んでもいいですし 新しい単語を作っても結構です
It might help if you break it up into three parts:
私が思うに 社会全体が
multi - potential - ite.
単一のありように合意することは 不可能だということです
You can also use one of the other terms that connote the same ideas,
such is the polymath, the Renaissance person.
Actually, during the Renaissance period
苦悩を乗り越える必要があると 言われるかもしれません
it was considered the ideal to be well versed in multiple disciplines.
私がこの考えについて 多くの人と話をしたり
Barbara Sher refers to us as scanners.
ウェブサイト『Puttylike』に書いたりして 学んだのは
Use whichever term you like or invent your own.
マルチ・ポテンシャライトには 相当な強みがあるということです
I have to say I find it sort of fitting that as a community,
we cannot agree on a single identity.
1つ目は アイデアを統合する
It's easy to see your multipotentiality
それらが交わる部分で 新しい何かを創造することです
as a limitation or an affliction that you need to overcome.
シャ・ファンとレイチェル・ビンクスは 地図作成や
But what I've learned through speaking with people
データ視覚化、旅行、数学、デザインという 共通の関心からMeshu社を創業しました
and writing about these ideas on my website, Puttylike,
Meshu社では地理にヒントを得た装飾品を オーダーメイドで作っています
is that there is some tremendous strengths to being this way.
シャとレイチェルが このユニークなアイデアにたどり着いたのは
Here are 3 multipotentialite super powers.
2人の広い技能と経験の混在 「にもかかわらず」ではなく
One; idea synthesis.
That is combining two or more fields
革新はそんな交差点で起こります そこから新しいアイデアが生まれるのです
and creating something new at the intersection.
さまざまな経歴をもつ マルチ・ポテンシャライトは
Sha Hwang and Rachel Binx drew from their shared interest in cartography,
多くのこういった交差点に 容易にアクセスできるのです
data visualization, travel, mathematics, and design when they founded Meshu.
2つ目は 迅速な学習能力
Meshu is a company that creates custom geographically inspired jewelry.
何かに興味を持つと のめりこみ
Sha and Rachel came up with this unique idea
not despite, but because of their eclectic mix
of skills and experiences.
過去に初心者だった事が 多かったからです
Innovation happens at the intersections.
That's where the new ideas come from.
居心地の良いところから 足を踏み出すのも それほど怖がりません
And multipotentialites with all of their backgrounds
さらに 多くの技能は 違った分野でも応用できます
are able to access a lot of these points of intersection.
過去のあらゆる経歴を持って 新しい分野に飛び込むので
The second multipotentialite superpower is rapid learning.
1から物事を始めることは ほとんどありません
When multipotentialites become interested in something - we go hard.
ノラ・ダンは旅行が職業で フリーランス作家でもあります
We absorb everything we can get our hands on.
We're also used to being beginners
身体で物事を覚える 驚異的な能力を磨きあげました
because we've been beginners so many times in the past.
今や 彼女自身が知るところ 最速のタイピストです
And this means that we're less afraid of trying new things
作家になる前は ファイナンシャル・プランナーで
and stepping out of our comfort zones.
開業するにあたり セールスの より優れた手法を
What's more, many skills are transferable across disciplines.
And we bring everything we've learned to every new area we pursue
この技能は今 作品の魅力を 編集者にアピールするのに役立っています
so we're rarely starting from scratch.
自分が惹かれる物を追求する事が 時間の無駄になることは滅多になく
Nora Dunn is a full time traveler and freelance writer.
As a child concert pianist,
she honed an incredible ability to develop muscle memory.
想像もしていなかった形で 応用できるのです
Now she's the fastest typist she knows.
Before becoming a writer, Nora was a financial planner.
She had to learn the finer mechanics of sales
when she was starting her practice,
エイブ・カフドは 時にビデオディレクター ウェブデザイナー
and this skill now helps her write compelling pitches to editors.
時にKickstarter社のコンサルタント 時に先生
It is rarely a waste of time to pursue something you are drawn to,
時に 一見したところジェームズ・ボンド
even if you end up quitting.
You might apply that knowledge in a different field entirely
彼は良い仕事をするので 貴重な存在ですが
in a way you couldn't have anticipated.
The third multipotentialite super power is adaptability.
顧客のニーズにあわせて 役割を変えられるからです
That is the ability to morph
『Fast Company』誌は 適応力を
into whatever you need to be in a given situation.
Abe Cajudo is sometimes a video director, sometimes a web designer,
sometimes a Kickstarter consultant, sometimes a teacher,
and sometimes, apparently, James Bond.
容易に方向転換できる 個人や組織こそが
成長の真っ只中にある市場のニーズを 満たすことができるのです
He's valuable because he does good work.
アイデアの統合 迅速な学習能力 適応力の3つは
He's even more valuable
マルチ・ポテンシャライトが 得意とするところであり
because he can take on various roles depending on his client's needs.
焦点を絞るよう強いられると 失われかねない技能です
Fast Company Magazine identified adaptability
マルチ・ポテンシャライトの ありのままの姿を大事にするのは
as the single most important skill to develop
私たちの社会に もっともな理由があるからです
in order to thrive in the 21st century.
今の世の中に山ほどある 複雑で多次元的な問題に取り組むには
The economic world is changing so quickly and unpredictably
創造的で 型にはまらない人材が 必要なのです
that it is the individuals and organizations that can pivot
in order to meet the needs of the market that are really going to thrive.
生まれてすぐ 小児神経外科医になると決めたとします
Idea synthesis, rapid learning and adaptability.
大丈夫 あなただって 何もおかしくないですよ
Three skills that multipotentialites are very adept at.
And three skills that they might lose if pressured to narrow their focus.
実際のところ 最高のチームは
As a society, we have a vested interest
スペシャリストと マルチ・ポテンシャライトのペアです
in encouraging multipotentialites to be themselves.
スペシャリストがアイデアを 奥深く追求して 実行段階に移し
We have a lot of complex, multidimensional problems in the world right now,
マルチ・ポテンシャライトが そのプロジェクトに幅広い知識を持ち込む
and we need creative, out-of-the-box thinkers to tackle them.
Now, let's say that you are in your heart a specialist.
我々は人生やキャリアを それぞれの個性に応じて
You came out of the womb
knowing you wanted to be a pediatric neurosurgeon.
悲しいかな マルチ・ポテンシャライトは多くの場合
Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with you either.
In fact, some of the best teams
are comprised of a specialist and a multipotentialite paired together.
A specialist can dive-in deep and implement ideas
while the multipotentialite brings a breadth of knowledge to the project.
あなたが 真のスペシャリストなら それを全うしてください
It's a beautiful partnership.
But we should all be designing lives and careers
しかし この会場にいらっしゃる マルチ・ポテンシャライトの皆さん
that are aligned with how we are wired,
and sadly, multipotentialites are largely being encouraged
simply to be more like their specialist peers.
So, with that said;
if there's one thing you take away from this talk,
好奇心を追って いくつもの穴に入り込み
I hope that it is this:
embrace your inner wiring whatever that may be.
内に秘める情熱を大切にする事が 幸せな本物の人生につながります
If you are a specialist at heart, then by all means, specialize.
もっと大切なのは マルチ・ポテンシャライトの皆さん
That is where you'll do your best work.
But, to the multipotentialites in the room
- including those of you who may have just realized
in the last 12 minutes that you are one -
to you I say: embrace your many passions,
follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes,
explore your intersections.
Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life
and perhaps more importantly,
the world needs us.
Thank you.