字幕表 動画を再生する
(loud chewing)
- What?
- 何だと?
- Stop smacking your gum, Waldo.
- ガムを叩くのはやめろ ワルド
- That's real funny.
- マジで笑える
- It's going to be funny when I find you, and I murder you.
- お前を見つけて殺したら面白いことになりそうだな。
(alarm buzzing)
(alarm buzzing)
(alarm buzzing)
- First round, linebacker,
- 1巡目、ラインバッカー。
Everybody is like, "What?"
- Okay, can you just hang on a second?
- ちょっと待っててくれないか?
Just let me finish this email, okay?
- Well, everybody is like, "What?" because they thought
- まあ、誰もが「えっ!」と思ったからです。
they were going to get the quarterback Bo Callahan,
彼らはクォーターバックのボー・キャラハンを 捕まえようとしていました
but they don't get him, right?
- [Woman] And like you wouldn't think that someone
- あなたが思ってもみなかったように
with skin as pale as mine would, like, look good.
- You know I can't hear you right?
- 聞こえないのは分かってるよね?
Everything you're saying I can't hear.
- [Woman] Oh, I'm sorry. Am I annoying you?
- あ、ごめんなさい。迷惑かな?
- No, it's just that if you want to have a conversation
- いや、それは会話をしたいのであれば
come in here.
Turn around, look at my dance.
Ready? It's really good.
One, two, three, go.
Bam, bam, bam bam bam, bam bam, one, two!
That guy let himself go.
- You let yourself go.
- 自分を解放して
- Hey!
- おい!
- Kiss me.
- キスして
- No.
- 駄目だ
- Come on, kiss me.
- さあ、キスして
- No.
- 駄目だ
- You love me, kiss me, you love me.
- 私を愛している、キスをしている、私を愛している。
- No, you got too real.
- いや、リアルになりすぎだよ。
You're going to need to get in the other lane.
- Please don't backseat drive.
- 後部座席運転はやめてください。
- Shake-a-shake-a-shake-a-shake-a-shake.
- 握手してください。
And you missed the turn.
- Why didn't you say something?
- なぜ何も言わなかったの?
- You told me not to backseat drive.
- 後部座席の運転はやめろと言ったな
(loud chewing)
- [Woman] I think we should move the desk into the bedroom.
- 机を寝室に移すべきだと思う。
I mean it saves room in the other room and...
- I got a dance, it goes like this. I got a dance...
- 踊りがあるんだ こんな感じだダンスがある...
- Stop it! Stop it.
- やめて!やめて!
(light playful music)
Who's party is this?
- Dave and Monica, from work.
- 仕事中のデイブとモニカ。
- What's it for?
- 何のために?
- I think it's like a baby shower or something.
- ベビーシャワーか何かだと思います。
- You think it's like a baby shower or something?
- ベビーシャワーか何かだと思う?
Did we bring anything?
- Do you bring stuff to those?
- そこに物を持っていくのか?
Oh! Can I put these in your bag?
- Does Daddy need another drink?
- パパはもう一杯飲む?
- Will Momma give Daddy another drink?
- ママはパパにもう一杯飲ませてくれる?
- Momma gives Daddy whatever he wants!
- ママはパパが欲しいものは何でもあげる!
- Couples that do baby talk are so annoying.
- ベビートークをするカップルってめちゃくちゃウザい。
- Right? I mean, this is just embarrassing.
- だろ?つまり、これは恥ずかしいだけだ。
(satirical baby noises)
They're looking at us.