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  • There's nothing especially mysterious about a glass of water. Ten thousand trillion or

  • so water molecules, vibrating like crazy, dancing around on the smallest of scales,

  • but contained by the walls of the glass, a little bit of gravity, and some hydrogen bonding.

  • It fits our expectations about the universe very nicely.

  • And there's nothing surprising about watching a drop of ink swirl and spread through the

  • liquid, dissipating from a cloud of color to an even hue. It's just the way we expect

  • things to go.

  • If we dripped that drop a hundred, a thousand, or a million times, we'd not only expect to

  • see the same thing happen. The same thing would happen.

  • Probably.

  • Thing is, there's nothing about the laws of physics that govern how all those molecules

  • move around that prevents the whole thing running in reverse.

  • Then what makes this moment any different from the past? We know that today is different

  • from yesterday. But why? Physicists say that the universe tends toward disorder. A great

  • arrow of time points toward a future in which entropy is greater than it was in the past.

  • Probably.

  • This is the second law of thermodynamics. Only, it's not a law like Newton's gravity.

  • It's a law of probability.

  • Flip a coin a million times, and will you ever get a million heads? No. But could you?

  • Sure. There's no law of mathematics that says it can't happen. There's just so many more

  • ways for it not to happen.

  • Sure, we may get ten heads in a row, or maybe even 100 along the way. But it all evens out

  • over time.

  • This is the reason that bombs don't unexplode. It's the reason that we have waterfalls, and

  • not water-ups. And thankfully for you and me, this is the reason that all the air in

  • the room doesn't suddenly decide to hang out in one corner.

  • The reason today is different from yesterday, and tomorrow will be different than today,

  • is that since the very beginning, since the Big Bang itself, everything has been getting

  • messier.

  • We know that entropy increases. We know that times moves in one direction.

  • Probably.

  • But WHY was the universe ever ordered to begin with? Why was entropy so small at the beginning?

  • Why is it, 13.7 billion years ago, the universe could flip a coin one million heads in a row?

  • We don't know. It's one of the great unsolved mysteries in physics.

  • When we solve it, we'll finally have an answer for one of the strangest questions in science.

  • It's strange because we all already intuitively know the answer. The universe fits our expectations

  • because our expectations were written by the universe.

  • Will we ever solve the mystery of order? Who knows? Tomorrow's another day, different from

  • all the rest, and full of surprises.

  • Probably.

There's nothing especially mysterious about a glass of water. Ten thousand trillion or


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B1 中級

なぜ時間は進むのか? (Why Does Time Go Forward?)

  • 209 20
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日