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[Love Will Have It's Sacrifices Theme Song}
The time has come.
I'm sorry, I expected more angst on that. Let's try again: The execution of -
Carmilla Karnstein!
We heard you.
Wait, what?
You beg me to come and save you and I do even though you blew me off by way of Doris Day-
I blew you off?
I wasn't the one who was all "Evil wins Laura. It just wins."
Well, Guess what.
You didn't come and it did.
Danny's dead.
Illustrious victims, our friends at Corvae have performed the necessary rituals for your extermination. Have you any last words?
[Struggling noises]
Hmmmph. That sounds like it might go on for awhile. Just shoot them.
[Gun shots]
I've done it!
Perry this is the Silas Charter. Where did you get this?
Nevermind that. Destroy it and he'll be obliterated along with it-
Obliterated? But-
He's going to kill Carmilla can you really let that happen?
After all these years, the Vordenberg Academy will be born.
With a statue of me at the gates: "Baron Vordenberg, Conquer of Silas, Founder of the Academy, and Slayer of Vampires.
It'll be tasteful, all basalt and weathered brass, and in it, I'll be holding your severed head.
I bet you wish you'd married my great-grandfather now.
I preferred dying.
I can't let you do that.
The Silas Charter?
I mean it. I will.
No you won't, Fraulein Hollis. Because you and I are the same.
You believe, not in the harsh truth of the world, but in a beautiful story.
You can't kill me because that isn't what a heroine does. Not in the world you want to live in.
Also, with every other member of the Board dead, killing me would effectively transfer all of Silas to the Corvae Corporation -
undoing everything that you and your friends have fought and died for.
And for what? This creature?
Oh Snap! (literally)
... Oh Schnickschnack.
[Silas Alarms]
[Cracking noises]
[Screams only Vordie could make]
Tear gas! He wasn't kidding about the Corvae. They're coming fast. We got to get out of here.
The passages.
Perry! Where's Perry? We can't leave without her!
You get to safety. I'll find her.
Oh my god. What did I do?
Nothing you can't spend a long life regretting somewhere else cupcake.
There. See. Back in the surveillance state. You can... update to your heart's content and -
Complain about how you're stuck with me as a roommate again.
I thought the Library was gone. How did you find it?
It found me.
Perry should be here. And J.P. They were right there, and I just-
We'll... think of something.
I killed him.
I killed him and we lost Danny and Perry and the whole school.
You did what you could.
What are we going to do now?
I really don't know.
You’ve got to give it up for the mad scientist.
Less than thirty-six hours to set up an aethernet cable in a non-Euclidean space.
Although the fact that Radical Ed's starting to talk to the walls is a bit troubling.
Also the fact that the walls seem to be talking back.
Yeah... Okay.
Are you hungry?
Because y'know I found a vending machine on the first floor:
So we have chocolate, and chocolate with bits of cookies in it, and chocolate with some kind of fudge like substance -
Stop. Please. Stop.
She speaks. I was beginning to worry you’d forgotten how.
I know what you’re trying to do. It is not going to work.
Come on. Do you really think whatever deep dark you've got going on in there is enough to scare off a vampire?
I killed him.
Yeah, I'm not really complaining over here. 
No. You don’t understand. I fought so hard trying to fix this place- we lost so much trying to save it.
Your sister. Danny. And then the moment came and I killed him. I burned that poor man to the ground and I didn't care.
When I thought he was going to kill you - I didn’t care - I just wanted to save you.
And now Perry and J.P. are missing and who knows what the Corvae are going to do to those poor students. I lost - I lost us everything. I feel like I lost myself.
Y' know, Saving the world would be a whole lot easier if you could just remain innocent. If your conscience was always clear, and you never made mistakes.
But a moment of forgetting to care isn’t the same as a lifetime of apathy. Ok? And yes. You - you made a mess.
But Vordenberg, and Mattie, and I- we all had - we all had a hand in this and you didn't do it alone.
I might not always like the choices you make, or the way things turned out, but I think it would be infinitely more tragic if you let it stop you from trying.
If you let it turn you into me.
I don’t even know how anymore. Ever since we got back, nothing’s been going right.
It's like someone’s been ahead of us the whole time. 
God, I know. It's like those chess games I used to play with mother, where you’d think you were winning,
right up until the moment you realized she got everything she wanted.
You know what’s sorta funny is that she kinda did.
I mean she wanted the Board out of the way, she wanted the Corvae conTROLLING the campus and she wanted the Anglerfish dead.
If the Dean weren’t- y’know- dead- it’d be her party.
But she is though. Dead, I mean. Totally. Very. Dropped a boulder on her, Disney-Villain dead. Right? 
Aka President of the World
And all around cool person.
Hello, Laura's audience.
I've been thinking about what a wonderful tool these videos are. To generate empathy. To show your side of the story.
Because I just - I can't help but feel that there's a part of the story still missing. Could Mattie really have murdered those little journalists?
the Summers? Could the Baron have done it? What if something else has been happening all along.
Something that started all those nights ago, when that wretched little moppet cast me into the pit, and I had to find- alternative accommodations.
At first I wasn't too thrilled with Raggedy Ann here, but she grew on me. After all, who would suspect dear, darling-
In here, Kirsch!
No - No - Not on the - blanket. It really is going to be unsalvageable.
I did what you said. I snuck her off the pyre, and kept her body cold - you think you can save her?
Because if she's really dead–
Don't fret, sweet boy. Do you know wanna know what the most important quality in the world is?
It's patience. Wait long enough by the river's edge, and the bodies of your enemies will float by.
And I have been waiting by this river for a very, very long time. Of course, when the moment comes, you also want decent help.
Ma Usella Mituti Ikkalu Baltuti
... Danny?
Are you- are you okay? Because you were dead and I just couldn't stand it-
He's delicious.
Ow. Biting. Bitey.
The Board is out of my way, the Deep One is finally dead and my associates at Corvae control this University.
The first gate is opening. Six to go. You see? Good things come to those who wait.
So get some rest, Silas University, because it's going to be one hell of Summer.
Ma Usella Mituti Ikkalu Baltuti.
She's baaackk!