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  • NASA has released stunning new images of Plutorevealing the distant dwarf planet has blue

  • skies and regions of red waterice. This is the latest in a number of remarkable

  • achievements and discoveries for NASA in the past year.

  • Kwon Jangho has the details. Blue skiesjust like home.

  • These are the latest pictures of Pluto sent from the New Horizons space probe.

  • They show the particles in Pluto′s atmosphere dispersing sunlight to produce a hazy blue

  • sky. The unexpected discovery has stunned and delighted

  • NASAwith the probes principal investigator describing it asgorgeous.′

  • The color is helping with understanding the composition of the planet′s atmosphere.

  • Photos of exposed regions of red water ice have also been sent backbut NASA′s scientists

  • were at a loss to explain the intensity of their colorsaying more research is needed.

  • New Horizons was launched in January 2006, and has traveled more than 3 billion miles

  • over 9 yearsbecoming the first probe to reach Pluto.

  • It is said to be in full working conditionand has been sending back breathtaking

  • pictures of the planet and its moon Charon since July.

  • NASA has had a remarkable year. Just two weeks agoit announced the discovery

  • of flowing water on the surface of Marsincreasing the possibility of finding microscopic

  • life on the red planet. There was also the discovery of Kepler 452b

  • in Julynicknamed Earth 2.0, the most Earthlike planet found till date as well

  • as the Rosetta Spacecraft that landed the Philae lander on the surface of a moving comet

  • last November. In recent years NASA has come under criticism

  • for high costsfailed programs and intangible benefits.

  • But with discoveries and pictures like theseit is helping to reawaken man′s imagination

  • and curiosity of the universe. Kwon JangHoArirang News.

NASA has released stunning new images of Plutorevealing the distant dwarf planet has blue


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B1 中級

冥王星の青空 - New Horizonの探査機が見事な画像を送り返す 명왕성의 푸른 하늘 (Pluto′s blue skies - New Horizon probe sends back stunning images 명왕성의 푸른 하늘)

  • 98 7
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日