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  • The second most rewarding part of home brewing

  • is the joy of craftsmanship.

  • The first, of course, is enjoying

  • the fruits of your labor and sharing it with your friends.

  • Just make sure your swill is drinkable.

  • Make a beer so good you have to share with the Mr. Beer Craft

  • Brewing Kit.

  • With all the equipment you need and easy to follow

  • instructions, the Mr. Beer Kit makes

  • brewing your own beer fast, easy and fun.

  • Using the included liquid hopped malt extract,

  • it takes less than an hour to prepare a batch.

  • After a few weeks of letting the yeast work its magic,

  • the kit produces two gallons of quality beer.

  • Of course, anything tastes better when you've made it.

  • But in this case, your friends and family will agree.

  • Whoa, no no no.

  • No.

  • Don't waste it.

  • This stuff is actually really good.

  • What?

  • It's good.

  • The Mr. Beer Kit's ingredients are

  • made by one of Australia's largest breweries.

  • The kit includes everything you need to get started,

  • and you can keep the good stuff pouring with additional malt

  • refills.

  • Brew beer you're proud to share with the Mr. Beer Craft Brewing

  • Kit.

  • Buy it now at


The second most rewarding part of home brewing


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B1 中級

自分だけのクラフトビールを淹れよう (Brew your own Craft Beer!)

  • 139 14
    Yao Cheng に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日