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  • In this week's video, we're gonna go over the do's and don'ts of a mock interview. That's coming up!

  • Hey guys, I'm Kim with Snagajob, your number one source for hourly jobs

  • and welcome to our weekly advice show.

  • Let's face it, getting a job interview is really exciting but it can be a little bit nerve-racking.

  • Like the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

  • So setting up a mock interview before your job interview is a wonderful way to really make sure

  • that you'll bring your A game.

  • So here are a few do's and don'ts of a mock interview to help you out.

  • Do dress appropriately. Wear professional clothes that you would wear to a real job interview.

  • Don't just roll out of bed.

  • Ugh, geez. What time is it? Let's get this mock interview over with.

  • Do prepare like you would for a real job interview.

  • This means bringing copies of your resume and preparing interview questions and answers.

  • Based on the qualifications for this position and my previous work experience,

  • I think I'd be a great fit for this position.

  • Don't wing it.

  • Biggest weaknesses? Uh, wow. Um. Probably my biggest weakness is

  • having too many strengths.

  • Do feel free to start over.

  • Now is the time to practice your answers so if you stumble or make a mistake,

  • gather yourself, and start over.

  • My biggest strengths are I have a strong attention to detail and um, let's just start over.

  • Can you ask me that one again?

  • Don't freak out if you made a mistake.

  • Well based on my previous work gosh. No, no!

  • Do take feedback constructively.

  • Learn from the feedback you receive so you can better prepare for your real job interview.

  • Thanks for pointing that out. I would have hated if I did that in the real job interview.

  • Don't take it personally.

  • I think you can make better eye contact.

  • What, me? You weren't even looking at me the entire time! You need better eye contact!

  • Doing a mock interview before the actual event will help you gain confidence and give you any

  • mistakes that you might need to work on. You'll be that much closer to landing the job.

  • So thanks for joining us today. If you like this video, please let us know so we know

  • to keep making videos like this. And if you have any questions about your job search

  • ask below and we'll be sure to get back to you.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking that button right there

  • and you'll get a new job search video every week.

  • And if you're ready to get your job search started, click the button down there

  • and we'll fill your inbox full of job opportunities in your area.

  • Bye!

In this week's video, we're gonna go over the do's and don'ts of a mock interview. That's coming up!


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A2 初級

模擬面接(前編)。模擬面接のポイントと注意点 (Job Interviews (Part 1): Do's and Don'ts of Mock Interviews)

  • 2886 176
    Jie Rong Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日