Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Blah blah blah blah blah.

    翻訳: Mari Arimitsu 校正: Claire Ghyselen

  • Blah blah blah blah,


  • blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah.


  • Blah blah blah, blah.

    ぺらぺら ぺらぺらぺらぺらぺらぺら

  • So what the hell was that?

    ぺらぺらぺら ぺら

  • Well, you don't know because you couldn't understand it.


  • It wasn't clear.

    もちろん 分からないでしょう

  • But hopefully, it was said with enough conviction


  • that it was at least alluringly mysterious.

    でも願わくば 十分自信を持って語られたので

  • Clarity or mystery?

    少なくともミステリアスで 引きつけるものはあったのではないでしょうか

  • I'm balancing these two things in my daily work as a graphic designer,

    明快か ミステリアスか?

  • as well as my daily life as a New Yorker

    私は日々 グラフィック・デザイナーとして

  • every day,


  • and there are two elements that absolutely fascinate me.


  • Here's an example.


  • Now, how many people know what this is?


  • Okay. Now how many people know what this is?


  • Okay. Thanks to two more deft strokes by the genius Charles M. Schulz,

    では こうしたら 何か分かりますか?

  • we now have seven deft strokes that in and of themselves

    巧みな2筆を加えてくれた 天才チャールズ・M・シュルツのおかけで

  • create an entire emotional life,

    この散りばめられた 7つの巧みな線が

  • one that has enthralled hundreds of millions of fans


  • for over 50 years.


  • This is actually a cover of a book

    何億人ものファンを 魅了してきました

  • that I designed about the work of Schulz and his art,


  • which will be coming out this fall,

    シュルツの作品と技法についての 本の表紙デザインを手掛けました

  • and that is the entire cover.


  • There is no other typographic information or visual information on the front,


  • and the name of the book is "Only What's Necessary."

    他の文字や視覚情報は 表紙には一切ありません

  • So this is sort of symbolic about the decisions I have to make every day

    この本のタイトルは 『必要なものだけ』です

  • about the design that I'm perceiving,

    これは私が デザインを 理解したり 生み出したりする上で

  • and the design I'm creating.


  • So clarity.


  • Clarity gets to the point.


  • It's blunt. It's honest. It's sincere.


  • We ask ourselves this. ["When should you be clear?"]

    単刀直入で 率直で 嘘偽りがありません

  • Now, something like this, whether we can read it or not,

    ご自身に問うてみましょう [ いつ 明快であるべきか? ]

  • needs to be really, really clear.

    さて このようなものは 読める読めないに関わらず

  • Is it?


  • This is a rather recent example of urban clarity that I just love,


  • mainly because I'm always late and I am always in a hurry.

    こちらは 最近の都会的明快さの例で 私が大好きなものです

  • So when these meters started showing up a couple of years ago on street corners,

    その理由は 私が遅刻魔で いつも急いでいるからです

  • I was thrilled, because now I finally knew

    数年前に こんな数字表示を 通りで見かけるようになったとき

  • how many seconds I had to get across the street


  • before I got run over by a car.

    車に轢かれずに道を渡るには 何秒で行けばよいか

  • Six? I can do that. (Laughter)


  • So let's look at the yin to the clarity yang,

    6秒? それならいける!(笑)

  • and that is mystery.

    それでは明快な陽に対する 陰を見て見ましょう

  • Mystery is a lot more complicated by its very definition.


  • Mystery demands to be decoded,

    ミステリーとは その定義上 ずっと込み入ったものです

  • and when it's done right, we really, really want to.


  • ["When should you be mysterious?"]

    上手く作られた謎は どうしても解明したくなります

  • In World War II, the Germans really, really wanted to decode this,

    [ いつ ミステリアスになるべきか? ]

  • and they couldn't.

    第二次世界大戦時のドイツは どうしても これを解読したかったのですが

  • Here's an example of a design that I've done recently


  • for a novel by Haruki Murakami,

    これは 私が最近手がけたデザインです

  • who I've done design work for for over 20 years now,


  • and this is a novel about a young man who has four dear friends

    彼の表紙デザインは これまで20年間ずっと手がけてきました

  • who all of a sudden, after their freshman year of college,

    この小説の若い主人公は 4人の親友がいますが

  • completely cut him off with no explanation,

    大学1年を過ぎると 突然何の説明もなしに

  • and he is devastated.


  • And the friends' names each have a connotation in Japanese to a color.


  • So there's Mr. Red, there's Mr. Blue, there's Ms. White, and Ms. Black.

    友人たちの名字にはみんな 色が含まれていて

  • Tsukuru Tazaki, his name does not correspond to a color,

    アカ、アオ、シロ、クロと 呼ばれていますが

  • so his nickname is Colorless, and as he's looking back on their friendship,

    主人公の多崎つくるだけは 名前に色が入っておらず

  • he recalls that they were like five fingers on a hand.

    いわば「色なし」です 自分たちの関係を振り返って

  • So I created this sort of abstract representation of this,

    5本の指のようだったと思う くだりがあるので

  • but there's a lot more going on underneath the surface of the story,

    それを表現できるような 抽象的なデザインを作りました

  • and there's more going on underneath the surface of the jacket.

    でも物語の表面下には もっと複雑なものがあり

  • The four fingers are now four train lines

    この表紙の奥にも 沢山のメッセージがあります

  • in the Tokyo subway system,


  • which has significance within the story.

    東京の地下鉄の 4本の路線になっていて

  • And then you have the colorless subway line

    それが物語の中で 重要な意味を持っています

  • intersecting with each of the other colors,


  • which basically he does later on in the story.


  • He catches up with each of these people

    彼が物語の後半でやることを 示唆しています

  • to find out why they treated him the way they did.

    当時 親友だった 一人ひとりと対峙して

  • And so this is the three-dimensional finished product

    なぜ絶交をつきつけられたのか 探し求めます

  • sitting on my desk in my office,


  • and what I was hoping for here is that you'll simply be allured


  • by the mystery of what this looks like,

    私が願うのは 皆さんがこのような

  • and will want to read it


  • to decode and find out and make more clear why it looks the way it does.

    なぜこのような表紙なのか 知りたいと思い

  • ["The Visual Vernacular."]


  • This is a way to use a more familiar kind of mystery.

    [ 視覚の言葉 ]

  • What does this mean?


  • This is what it means. ["Make it look like something else."]


  • The visual vernacular is the way we are used to seeing a certain thing

    こういうことです [ 別の何かのように見せる ]

  • applied to something else so that we see it in a different way.

    視覚の言葉とは 何か見慣れたものを

  • This is an approach I wanted to take to a book of essays by David Sedaris

    別のものに使うことで 違う視点で見せる方法です

  • that had this title at the time. ["All the Beauty You Will Ever Need"]

    私がこの方法をとりたかったのは デビッド・セダリスのエッセイ集を手掛けた時で

  • Now, the challenge here was that this title actually means nothing.

    当時はこんなタイトルでした [ 『貴方に必要な美のすべて』 ]

  • It's not connected to any of the essays in the book.

    ここで頭を抱えたのは このタイトルには何の意味もないこと

  • It came to the author's boyfriend in a dream.

    本の中の どのエッセイとも  関連していません

  • Thank you very much, so -- (Laughter) -- so usually, I am creating a design


  • that is in some way based on the text, but this is all the text there is.

    さようでございますか・・・(笑) 普段 私が生み出すデザインは

  • So you've got this mysterious title that really doesn't mean anything,

    たいてい文章を元にしていますが 使える文章がこれしかないわけです

  • so I was trying to think:

    特に何の意味もなさない ミステリアスなタイトルだけ

  • Where might I see a bit of mysterious text that seems to mean something but doesn't?


  • And sure enough, not long after,

    意味がありそうで 実はそうではない 謎めいた文章が何かなかったか?

  • one evening after a Chinese meal,

    すると案の定 しばらくして

  • this arrived, and I thought, "Ah, bing, ideagasm!" (Laughter)


  • I've always loved the hilariously mysterious tropes of fortune cookies

    テーブルに これが出てきたんです 「ああ これだ アイデアで悶えそう!」(笑)

  • that seem to mean something extremely deep

    私はフォーチュンクッキーの 可笑しいくらいに謎めいた文言が好きで

  • but when you think about them -- if you think about them -- they really don't.

    とても深い意味が ありそうに見えますが

  • This says, "Hardly anyone knows how much is gained by ignoring the future."

    よく考えると 何の意味もないことが分かるでしょう

  • Thank you. (Laughter)

    例えば こちら 「未来を考えないことで得られるものを知る人は少ない」

  • But we can take this visual vernacular and apply it to Mr. Sedaris,

    そうですか (笑)

  • and we are so familiar with how fortune cookie fortunes look

    でも この視覚の言葉は セダリス氏の本に適用できます

  • that we don't even need the bits of the cookie anymore.

    私たちはフォーチュンクッキーの おみくじはすごく見慣れているので

  • We're just seeing this strange thing

    もう あの小さなクッキーが なくとも分かるでしょう

  • and we know we love David Sedaris,


  • and so we're hoping that we're in for a good time.


  • ["'Fraud' Essays by David Rakoff"] David Rakoff was a wonderful writer

    きっと楽しいものに違いない と思うわけです

  • and he called his first book "Fraud"

    デイビッド・ラコフは素晴らしい作家で [ デイビッド ・ラコフ著『Fraud (インチキ)』 ]

  • because he was getting sent on assignments by magazines


  • to do things that he was not equipped to do.

    なぜなら彼は自分に できそうもない仕事を

  • So he was this skinny little urban guy


  • and GQ magazine would send him down the Colorado River

    ラコフは小柄で華奢な 都会の男性でしたが

  • whitewater rafting to see if he would survive.


  • And then he would write about it, and he felt that he was a fraud

    急流下りをさせて どうなるか試そうとしたんです

  • and that he was misrepresenting himself.

    自分のことを偽って伝えていると 感じたのでした

  • And so I wanted the cover of this book to also misrepresent itself

    ですから この本の表紙も 内容を偽って伝え

  • and then somehow show a reader reacting to it.

    それに読者が異を唱えているように 見せたいと思いました

  • This led me to graffiti.


  • I'm fascinated by graffiti.


  • I think anybody who lives in an urban environment

    都会に住んでいる人なら グラフィティはよく目にしているでしょう

  • encounters graffiti all the time, and there's all different sorts of it.


  • This is a picture I took on the Lower East Side

    こちらの写真は ロウアー・イースト・サイドで撮影した

  • of just a transformer box on the sidewalk


  • and it's been tagged like crazy.


  • Now whether you look at this and think, "Oh, that's a charming urban affectation,"

    皆さんは これを見て 「素敵で都会的なものだな」と思うかもしれないし

  • or you look at it and say, "That's illegal abuse of property,"

    「公共財を違法に汚している」と 思うかもしれませんが

  • the one thing I think we can all agree on


  • is that you cannot read it.

    これが読めない ということでしょう

  • Right? There is no clear message here.

    そうでしょう?  明快なメッセージはありません

  • There is another kind of graffiti that I find far more interesting,

    これとは別種のグラフィティで ずっと面白いのがあって

  • which I call editorial graffiti.


  • This is a picture I took recently in the subway,

    こちらは私が最近 地下鉄の駅で撮った写真です

  • and sometimes you see lots of prurient, stupid stuff,

    よく卑わいなのや くだらないのを目にしますが

  • but I thought this was interesting, and this is a poster that is saying


  • rah-rah Airbnb,

    エアビーアンドビーを 持ち上げるポスターなんですが

  • and someone has taken a Magic Marker


  • and has editorialized about what they think about it.

    これについてどう思うか 校注として書き込んでいます

  • And it got my attention.


  • So I was thinking, how do we apply this to this book?

    これを本の表紙に使えないかと 考えたのです

  • So I get the book by this person, and I start reading it, and I'm thinking,

    彼の本を手にとり 読み始めて思ったのは

  • this guy is not who he says he is; he's a fraud.

    彼は主張しているような人物ではない インチキだということ

  • And I get out a red Magic Marker,


  • and out of frustration just scribble this across the front.

    表紙に思いっきり書きなぐりました [ FRAUD (インチキ) ]

  • Design done. (Laughter)


  • And they went for it! (Laughter)


  • Author liked it, publisher liked it,


  • and that is how the book went out into the world,

    それでこんな本が 世に出ることになりました

  • and it was really fun to see people reading this on the subway

    見ていて楽しかったですね この本を地下鉄で読んでいる人とか

  • and walking around with it and what have you,


  • and they all sort of looked like they were crazy.


  • (Laughter)


  • ["'Perfidia' a novel by James Ellroy"] Okay, James Ellroy, amazing crime writer,

    ジェイムズ・エルロイは類まれなる犯罪小説作家で [ ジェイムズ・エルロイ著『Perfidia (背信)』 ]

  • a good friend, I've worked with him for many years.

    良き友でもあります 長年 一緒に仕事をしてきました

  • He is probably best known as the author


  • of "The Black Dahlia" and "L.A. Confidential."

    『ブラック・ダリア』と 『L.A.コンフィデンシャル』でしょう

  • His most recent novel was called this, which is a very mysterious name

    彼の最新作が『背信』 とてもミステリアスなタイトルで

  • that I'm sure a lot of people know what it means, but a lot of people don't.

    多くの方がその意味をご存知でしょうが 知らない方も多いと思います

  • And it's a story about a Japanese-American detective in Los Angeles in 1941

    小説の舞台は 1941年のロサンゼルスで

  • investigating a murder.

    日系人の探偵が 殺人事件を捜査します

  • And then Pearl Harbor happens,


  • and as if his life wasn't difficult enough,


  • now the race relations have really ratcheted up,


  • and then the Japanese-American internment camps are quickly created,


  • and there's lots of tension


  • and horrible stuff as he's still trying to solve this murder.

    災難が降りかかる中 主人公は殺人事件を解決しようとします

  • And so I did at first think very literally about this in terms of

    最初に考えたのは そのまんまのデザインで

  • all right, we'll take Pearl Harbor and we'll add it to Los Angeles


  • and we'll make this apocalyptic dawn on the horizon of the city.

    街の地平線に訪れる 黙示録的な夜明けを描こうとしました

  • And so that's a picture from Pearl Harbor

    言ってみれば 真珠湾攻撃の画を

  • just grafted onto Los Angeles.


  • My editor in chief said, "You know, it's interesting

    編集長は 「うーん 面白いけど

  • but I think you can do better and I think you can make it simpler."

    もっと良いのができるだろう シンプルにできるはずだ」と

  • And so I went back to the drawing board, as I often do.

    それでいつもするように はじめから考え直しました

  • But also, being alive to my surroundings,

    私は周りのものに 注意を払っています

  • I work in a high-rise in Midtown,


  • and every night, before I leave the office,


  • I have to push this button to get out,


  • and the big heavy glass doors open and I can get onto the elevator.

    大きくて重たいガラスのドアが開いて エレベーターに乗ることができます

  • And one night, all of a sudden,

    ある晩のことですが ふと

  • I looked at this and I saw it in a way that I hadn't really noticed it before.


  • Big red circle, danger.

    大きな赤い丸 危険を意味しています

  • And I thought this was so obvious


  • that it had to have been done a zillion times,


  • and so I did a Google image search, and I couldn't find another book cover


  • that looked quite like this,

    このようなデザインの表紙は ついぞ見つからず

  • and so this is really what solved the problem,

    結局 このデザインを使用することになり

  • and graphically it's more interesting


  • and creates a bigger tension between the idea

    ロサンゼルスとアメリカに 迫りつつある日の出という

  • of a certain kind of sunrise coming up over L.A. and America.

    緊張感ある構図を 生み出すことができました

  • ["'Gulp' A tour of the human digestive system by Mary Roach."]

    [ メアリー・ローチ著 『ごっくん ― ヒトの消化器系について』 ]

  • Mary Roach is an amazing writer


  • who takes potentially mundane scientific subjects


  • and makes them not mundane at all; she makes them really fun.

    退屈とは正反対の とても面白いものに 変えてしまいます

  • So in this particular case,


  • it's about the human digestive system.


  • So I'm trying to figure out what is the cover of this book going to be.

    この本の表紙について 思いを巡らせました

  • This is a self-portrait. (Laughter)


  • Every morning I look at myself in the medicine cabinet mirror

    毎朝 自分の姿を 洗面台の鏡に映しながら

  • to see if my tongue is black.


  • And if it's not, I'm good to go.

    もし黒くなければ バッチリです

  • (Laughter)


  • I recommend you all do this.


  • But I also started thinking, here's our introduction.

    私が考え始めたのは そこは入り口だということ

  • Right? Into the human digestive system.

    でしょう? 消化器系への入り口です

  • But I think what we can all agree on


  • is that actual photographs of human mouths, at least based on this,

    実際のヒトの口の写真というのは これで見る限り

  • are off-putting. (Laughter)


  • So for the cover, then, I had this illustration done

    ですから表紙には イラストを使い

  • which is literally more palatable


  • and reminds us that it's best to approach the digestive system

    それに消化器系へと案内するには こっち側の入り口の方が

  • from this end.


  • (Laughter)


  • I don't even have to complete the sentence. All right.

    その理由は お分りいただけますよね

  • ["Unuseful mystery"]

    [ 無用なミステリー ]

  • What happens when clarity and mystery get mixed up?

    明快さとミステリーが 混在したらどうなるでしょうか?

  • And we see this all the time.


  • This is what I call unuseful mystery.


  • I go down into the subway -- I take the subway a lot --

    地下鉄の駅に行くと ―私はよく地下鉄を使いますが―

  • and this piece of paper is taped to a girder.


  • Right? And now I'm thinking, uh-oh,

    ありますよね?  私は「まずいぞ」と思い

  • and the train's about to come and I'm trying to figure out what this means,

    電車は近づいてくるし 何が書かれているのか理解しようとしますが

  • and thanks a lot.


  • Part of the problem here is that they've compartmentalized the information

    ここでの問題は 分かりやすく 情報を細分化しているつもりが

  • in a way they think is helpful, and frankly, I don't think it is at all.


  • So this is mystery we do not need.


  • What we need is useful clarity, so just for fun, I redesigned this.

    必要なのは明快で役に立つものですから 遊び半分で ちょっと変えてみました

  • This is using all the same elements.


  • (Applause)


  • Thank you. I am still waiting for a call from the MTA. (Laughter)

    どうも 都市交通局からのお誘い お待ちしています(笑)

  • You know, I'm actually not even using more colors than they use.

    使っている色は 元のより少ないんですよ

  • They just didn't even bother to make the 4 and the 5 green,

    路線の4番と5番を 緑色にしないなんて

  • those idiots. (Laughter)


  • So the first thing we see is that there is a service change,

    最初に目に付くのは 何か運行に変更があることで

  • and then, in two complete sentences with a beginning, a middle and an end,

    それから2つの完結した文があり 冒頭・中盤・終盤という構成で

  • it tells us what the change is and what's going to be happening.

    変更が何で 何が起こるか伝えています

  • Call me crazy! (Laughter)


  • ["Useful mystery"] All right.

    [ 有用なミステリー ]

  • Now, here is a piece of mystery that I love:

    次は私が愛してやまない ミステリー作品です

  • packaging.


  • This redesign of the Diet Coke can


  • by Turner Duckworth is to me truly a piece of art.

    ターナー・ダックワースが手掛けたものですが 芸術の域だと思います

  • It's a work of art. It's beautiful.

    まさに芸術品で 美しいです

  • But part of what makes it so heartening to me as a designer

    デザイナーとしての私に 強く訴えかけるのは

  • is that he's taken the visual vernacular of Diet Coke --

    ダイエット・コーラの 視覚の言葉である

  • the typefaces, the colors, the silver background --

    書体と色と 銀色の背景を取り出し

  • and he's reduced them to their most essential parts,

    最も本質的なところまで そぎ落としているところです

  • so it's like going back to the Charlie Brown face.

    ちょうどあのチャーリー・ブラウンの 顔のように

  • It's like, how can you give them just enough information so they know what it is

    それが何か理解できる 最低限の情報は何かと考え

  • but giving them the credit for the knowledge that they already have

    人々が既に持っている 商品の知識を

  • about this thing?


  • It looks great, and you would go into a delicatessen

    素敵です 食料品店に行くと

  • and all of a sudden see that on the shelf, and it's wonderful.

    棚にこの缶が並んでいるというのは 本当に素晴らしいです

  • Which makes the next thing --

    そして お次はこちら—

  • ["Unuseful clarity"] -- all the more disheartening,

    がっかりさせられるものだと [ 無用な明快さ ]

  • at least to me.


  • So okay, again, going back down into the subway,


  • after this came out,


  • these are pictures that I took.


  • Times Square subway station:


  • Coca-Cola has bought out the entire thing for advertising. Okay?

    コカ・コーラ社が広告スペースを 買い占めています

  • And maybe some of you know where this is going.

    皆さんの中には 何の話か 分かる人もいるでしょう

  • Ahem.


  • "You moved to New York with the clothes on your back,

    「ニューヨークにやってきた あるのは背負った着替えと

  • the cash in your pocket, and your eyes on the prize.

    ポケットのお金と 胸に抱いた夢だけ

  • You're on Coke." (Laughter)

    さあ出番だ コーク」 (おまえコカインやってるな)

  • "You moved to New York with an MBA, one clean suit,

    「ニューヨークにやってきた あるのはMBAの資格と

  • and an extremely firm handshake.

    1着のきれいなスーツと かたい握手だけ

  • You're on Coke." (Laughter)

    さあ出番だ コーク」 (おまえコカインやってるだろ)

  • These are real! (Laughter)


  • Not even the support beams were spared,


  • except they switched into Yoda mode. (Laughter)


  • "Coke you're on." (Laughter)

    「コーク さあ出番だ」 (やってるよな コカイン)

  • ["Excuse me, I'm on WHAT??"]

    [ はい? 私が何をやってるって? ]

  • This campaign was a huge misstep.


  • It was pulled almost instantly due to consumer backlash

    消費者からの反発で すみやかに撤去され

  • and all sorts of unflattering parodies on the web --

    ネットには ありとあらゆる パロディが溢れています

  • (Laughter) --


  • and also that dot next to "You're on," that's not a period, that's a trademark.

    ちなみに「出番だ (YOU'RE ON)」の横にある点は ピリオドではなく 商標の印です

  • So thanks a lot.


  • So to me, this was just so bizarre

    私にとって 不思議でならないのは

  • about how they could get the packaging so mysteriously beautiful and perfect

    缶のパッケージをこんなにも ミステリアスで見事に仕上げたのに

  • and the message so unbearably, clearly wrong.

    付随するメッセージが耐え難いほど 明らかに間違っていることです

  • It was just incredible to me.


  • So I just hope that I've been able to share with you some of my insights

    本日は皆さんに 明快さとミステリーを

  • on the uses of clarity and mystery in my work,

    私が仕事でどのように使っているか お話しさせていただきました

  • and maybe how you might decide to be more clear in your life,

    皆さんの判断のお役に立てば幸いです もっと明快にしようというとき

  • or maybe to be a bit more mysterious and not so over-sharing.

    あるいは もう少しミステリアスになって 「シェア」しすぎないようにしようというときに

  • (Laughter)


  • And if there's just one thing that I leave you with from this talk,

    今日の話で皆さんに覚えていただきたいものを 一つだけあげるなら

  • I hope it's this:


  • Blih blih blih blah. Blah blah blih blih. ["'Judge This,' Chip Kidd"]

    ペラペラペラぺら ぺらぺらペラペラ [ チップ・キッド著『Judge This』 ]

  • Blih blih blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.

    ペラペラぺらぺらぺら ぺらぺらぺら [ チップ・キッド著『Judge This』 ]

  • Blah blah.


  • (Applause)


Blah blah blah blah blah.

翻訳: Mari Arimitsu 校正: Claire Ghyselen


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