字幕表 動画を再生する
In the course, we're going to build a weather app called Sunshine.
この講座ではSunshineという 天気アプリを構築します
The main screen is a list of this week's forecast,
メイン画面ではその週の天気予報をリスト表示し 当日の天気は強調表示します
with an emphasized presentation for today's weather.
With just a quick glance, I can decide if,
today is a stay inside and code day. Or if I should code from the park instead.
We have icons to indicate conditions, like snow,
rain, fog or sunshine. We can scroll through the list,
to see a long range forecast. With a click on one of the forecasts,
we bring up a detailed view containing the rest of the weathery goodness,
which also gives us the ability to share the weather with our friends.
またこの画面から友達と天気の情報を シェアすることもできます
We can go to Settings and change the unit of measure,
設定画面では測定値の単位や 予報地域の変更も可能です
as well as the location.
アプリを起動しなくても システムのNotification機能を利用して
The app can even post system wide notifications,
to let us know about weather conditions without even entering the app.
So, you might ask, why are we building a weather app?
それは 天気アプリはコンセプトがシンプルで
We chose the weather app because it's a simple concept,
which touches most of the core APIs we want to teach and everyone
それにシェルターにでも住んでいない限り 誰でも天気に関わりがあるからです
can relate to weather, unless you're in a bunker.
修了する頃には APIやコンセプトを駆使して
By the end of the course, you'll be able to use those APIs
and concepts to build your own app for your final project.