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Man 1: Alright, so we're working on some footwork. Man 2: OK. Could you try to give me faster,
right? M1: Yeah.
M2: I, I, I saw the sprint stuff, I'm working on that, I'm going to get out
there, run some sprints, but - M1: Yeah.
M2: -now my feet, they're so far, I wear size 16th -
M1: Yeah. M2: It's like I'm -
M1: But you can- M2: -walking in concrete.
M1: -get faster. M2: Oh, I can?
M1: It's about footwork. M2: OK, OK.
M1: Let me see some footwork. M2: Okay-
M1: Yeah. M2: -doing some footwork, I like that stuff.
M1: There is a footwork. M2: I like that so-
[Inaudible 0:27] M1: See, what you need to do is work on your
lateral quickness- M2: OK.
M1: -and your foot speed. M2: Alright.
M1: We're going to show you some simple drills you can do at home to work
on your foot speed and lateral quickness. First, it's gonna be something
called foot fire. You get in a defensive stance, break down. Foot fire.
Stand in a defensive stance, stand on the balls of your feet -
M2: OK. M1: -keeping those feet moving. That's working
the backside of your hamstrings and the topside of your leg, your,
uh, quadriceps muscle. Alright, that's enough. Now, next one you want to work
on is called side hop. M2: Side hop-
M1: You're going to hop. M2. -OK.
M1: You're going to find a line, anything right here
and you just want to go back and forth, on top, over the line, back and
forth. Stand on your toes. M2: OK.
M1: People keep their hands up, just to keep balance, and you can go faster
with that. M2: Right, right. Oh, OK.
M1: All these drills work on footwork. M2: Oh.
M1: See how fast he's moving right there? M2: I like that, man.
M1: Now, when you get a little bit more then swoop, -
M2: Yeah. M1: -we go with a four corner box.
M2: Four corner box. M1: Same general principle. Hands up. Four
corner box, right there. All this is building up the top and bottom side
of your legs. See, he did a little zigzag move right here. He was partying
last night, huh? There you go. Four corner box. See those drills
will get you faster,- M2: Right.
M1: -it will help your agility,- M2: Really?
M1: -it'll help you on the basketball court. M2: And I'll be as fast as roadrunner.
M1: Uh, maybe not as fast as roadrunner- M2: Yeah.
M1: -but sure it'll improve your speed- M2: OK, I like that.
M1: -and it'll improve your balance,- M2: I like to- I like to improve.
M1: -cardio, endurance, the whole deal. M2: I want to be better.
M1: Yeah, you do. Can I finish? M2: I'm sorry.
M1: There you have it. Footwork and agility with the roadrunner, you want
to make sure you work on the backside and front side of your legs so you
have balance and you can get quicker on the basketball court.