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Thank you, thank you! Still get my specs
I'm now convinced Jeff Bridges is a crazy f**cker
and not in a cool way
Just in a disturbed hobo shouting at sparrows and sidewalks way
It's a very brilliant critic, I'll take that at the heart.
Kristen Bell seems like such a bitch, her vagina is probably an Alcatraz for penis.
If you find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive,
I'm guessing you'd also enjoy staring directly at a cats anus.
But someone did, and she put a ring on it.
Some people ask me who has the biggest penis in Hollywood.
Easy! Bette Midler.
Liam Neeson is a butterface,
in that his face looks like a butt.
Eat s**t fart breath Neeson
This is from @Jonlgnanz... Jon Lg Gnanz... dosen't matter
Emily blunt's eyes make up for that horrendous sound that comes out of her mouth
Hash tag #britishaccent, in case, you didn't know what he mentioned
I hate salma hayek movies. Her voice annoys me and they never show us her boobs. Meh~
Is Andrew Garfield trying to do his utter best to look like pedophile
that lives in an RV.
Okay...this is from @tad10ck
Is Jack Black married cause thats f**king gross
Just retweet
Halle Barrie's boobs are lopsided
Well, when they're real...that happens
Conspiracy theory: Toby Maguire is just a hamster in a robot
Not me though, cause it's spelled differently
Not to sound mean but Nasomo Wastts has such a blah face
I look at it and there's just nothing, like a blank space where features should be
Hey George Clooney, your haircut sucks
Oh and so does your sense of humor
I'm on you all night f**k boy
I'm really sick of seeing the rock...blah, blah, blah
dwayne johnson...blah, blah
candy ass movie star...blah, blah, blah
go suck it!
I'll give you something to suck!
Gwyneth Paltrow you ugly ass big bird looking bitch, shut the f**k up.