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  • Hello, my name is Stan Prokopenko and welcome to Proko! This is the second part of the Intro

  • to Muscles Lesson.

  • Let’s take a step back and look at what a muscle actually is. Therere two parts,

  • the belly of the muscle, and the tendons. Well start with the belly.

  • Belly of the Muscle

  • The belly is comprised of muscle fibers. They usually follow the axis of the muscle, though

  • there are exceptions. More on that in a minute. Muscle fibers group into bundles, which can

  • be seen on the surface form, usually when the muscle is active.

  • Here’s something cool. Wrinkles and skin folds always happen in the perpendicular direction

  • to the muscle fibers.

  • Pop quiz! The muscle of your forehead lifts your eyebrows and causes horizontal creases

  • across your forehead. What direction is the muscle fiber?

  • [Skelly Calculator Scene]

  • It’s verticalThe muscle fibers are vertical.

  • When you flex a muscle, it’s the belly of the muscle that shortens, not the tendons.

  • And when you stretch, it’s the belly of the muscle that youre stretching, not the

  • tendons. Tendons have their own thing going on.

  • Tendons

  • they do have personality. The shape, length, and thickness varies from tendon to tendon.

  • Tendons are thick enough that theyll add mass to the surface form. They can appear

  • as these long tubes that we typically think of as tendons. When nearby muscles are bulging

  • out, tendons appear as slightly recessed planes. These forms can help you identify where a

  • muscle is.

  • By the way, “tendonsare made of the same fibrous tissue as ligaments and fasciae,

  • butligamentsattach a bone to a bone andfasciaeattach a muscle to a muscle.

  • An aponeurosis is a special type of tendon that’s large and thin. For artists, that

  • means that it won’t obscure the form of the muscles beneath it.  For example, your

  • lower back is actually covered by your lat’s aponeurosis, but you’d never know, because

  • aponeurosis...esare so thin, and the forms of the deeper muscles show through.

  • Sometimes tendons are embedded inside the belly of the muscle, which is called a tendinous

  • intersection. All of the divisions on the rectus abdominis that cut out the 6-pack are

  • a result of these tendinous intersections.

  • What’s interesting is... the length of a muscle belly versus the length of the tendon

  • varies from person to person. Bodies with proportionately longer muscle fibers tend

  • to look more graceful. Even if the individual is very muscular, the muscles appear to curve

  • in and out in elegant, slender slopes. Longer tendons means that the muscle mass has to

  • be shorter, so muscles appear as abrupt protrusions and depressions. The overall look is bulky

  • with contours that look like a mountain range.

  • Here's an example of a superhero with longer muscles. And here's an example of the same

  • superhero with shorter muscles.

  • Muscle Groups

  • Were almost done! To wrap up this intro to muscles, I’m going to give you a tip

  • for simplifying muscles in your drawings. Muscles nearby each other that have the same

  • function can be grouped together, like how we group thequadsin the leg. Although

  • technically four individual muscles, they all have a similar function, so theyre

  • all at rest at the same time. And when they rest, they blend together and appear as one

  • form. Muscle groups are separated from each other by a soft surface furrow.

  • Types of muscleavailable in the premium section. If you’d like to learn about the

  • 8 types of muscles found throughout the body, head on over to Get the

  • premium anatomy course for access to the extended videos, 3d models, and more drawing demonstrations.

  • C’mon check it out!

  • it with your friends, and if you want to be updated about new videos click here to subscribe

  • to the Proko newsletter. Buh Bye!

  • If youre enjoying this course, share it with your friends. And if you want to be updated

  • about new videos, go to!

Hello, my name is Stan Prokopenko and welcome to Proko! This is the second part of the Intro


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B2 中上級

筋肉と腱をデザインする方法 - アーティストのための解剖学ドローイング (How to Design Muscles and Tendons - Drawing Anatomy for Artists)

  • 25 5
    vulvul に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日