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  • Speaker 1: You ready baby?

  • Speaker 2: I am ready. Speaker 1: What are we going to learn today

  • man?

  • Speaker 2: We will learn how to dribble ball properly baby.

  • Speaker 1: I already know how to do that. Take the ball like this knock it, knock it

  • Speaker 2: See that is the problem.

  • Speaker 1: What's wrong?

  • Speaker 2: We need to learn the technique.

  • Speaker 1: No I got the technique I was doing...

  • Speaker 2: No, no, no. The first thing you need to learn is figure tip control.

  • Speaker 1: OK.

  • Speaker 2: We have somebody here to display that.

  • Speaker 1: OK. Road Runner.

  • Speaker 2: Why don't you show us a figure tip control Road Runner. See that. See that.

  • Hold the ball, hold the ball. You see that figure tip control.

  • Speaker 1: I wasn't doing that?

  • Speaker 2: No. We were doing hand, you were doing, you were swimming.

  • Speaker 1: Palms.

  • Speaker 2: What you need to be doing in figure tip control is keep your eye up.

  • Speaker 1: Up.

  • Speaker 2: Head up.

  • Speaker 1: Head up.

  • Speaker 2: Not that far up.

  • Speaker 1: OK.

  • Speaker 2: You are looking at the ceiling; you need to be able to see the court.

  • Speaker 1: Alright.

  • Speaker 2: Show him how to do it. See that figure tip control. You are being able to

  • see the whole court.

  • Speaker 1: Right.

  • Speaker 2: Hold the ball, hold the ball. Alright now.

  • Speaker 1: Yeah.

  • Speaker 2: The next thing you want to do, you want to keep that dribble low

  • Speaker 1: Low.

  • Speaker 2: Get lower.

  • Speaker 1: Low.

  • Speaker 2: Get low, get low, get low.

  • Speaker 1: Get low, get low, get low.

  • Speaker 2: Come up, come up. Man you want to come up, see the court, figure tip control

  • low dribble.

  • Speaker 1: Low

  • Speaker 2: So, you have the control of the ball.

  • Speaker 1: I got it. I got that.

  • Speaker 2: Now if you want to move faster and go up the court, you can see.

  • Speaker 1: OK.

  • Speaker 2: You see that.

  • Speaker 1: OK. Now I now.

  • Speaker 2: Now you know. You want to try it now?

  • Speaker 1: Yeah, let me give it a shot.

  • Speaker 2: Yeah. No, no, no.

  • Speaker 1: You know what I have a work to do, I have to part now but thank you very

  • much for teaching me that.

  • Speaker 2: You are welcome. You are welcome.

  • Speaker 1: We did it baby. We have learning how to dribble.

  • Speaker 2: So there you have it. Learning how to dribble with the Harlem Wizards, three

  • key points: you want to keep your head up.

  • Speaker 1: Head up.

  • Speaker 2: You want to stay low.

  • Speaker 1: Low.

  • Speaker 2: You want to have figure tip control.

  • Speaker 1: Thanks a lot man.

  • Speaker 2: You are welcome bro.

Speaker 1: You ready baby?


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A2 初級

ドリブラーになる方法|バスケットボール (How to Become a Better Dribbler | Basketball)

  • 59 10
    gg に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日