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  • Hey Vsauce, Michael here today with a very special video.

  • I am joined today via Skype with two members of Underbelly.

  • They're in New Jersey; I'm in New York.

  • We're bridging the Hudson with knowledge and information.

  • Today they're going to school me on Pokémon.

  • I'm Jiggly Puff. My name's Justin.

  • This is Poliwhirl, but my name is Shawn.

  • Right here I put together if you guys remember the Pokedex

  • from the original anime and the videogame.

  • I came together and wrote the grimmest,

  • scariest Pokedex entries I could find.

  • The Pokémon, or Pocket Monsters,

  • they're basically these animals that you capture with the Pokeballs

  • and you keep them on you. That's why they're called Pocket Monsters.

  • Yeah, exactly, except doesn't Pocket Monsters

  • already sound way too inappropriate for children?

  • - That's pretty darn scary. - So right off the bat,

  • they're starting on a foundation of terror and inappropriateness.

  • Hey Michael, is that a monster in your pocket,

  • or are you just happy to see us?

  • - It's actually both. - Oh!

  • But anyway, this is Hypno.

  • It carries a pendulum-like device.

  • There once was an incident in which it took away a child it hypnotized.

  • I'm really glad I didn't watch this show so much as a kid.

  • - I'd be more messed up than I am now. - Yeah, all this stuff is in the games.

  • Well, do we know what happened to the kid,

  • or is it just this mysterious thing in the Pokedex?

  • I'm gonna say the child was eaten. This one's even worse.

  • It's Haunter. By licking, it saps the victim's life.

  • It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise.

  • I had a girlfriend like that once.

  • Drifloon, which is like basically a giant hot air balloon kind of guy

  • if that makes sense.

  • It tugs on the hands of children to steal them away.

  • However, it gets pulled around instead.

  • So this Pokémon which looks like a balloon, like a child's balloon,

  • parents think that the children are just playing with a balloon,

  • but actually this Pokémon's trying to steal them away,

  • kidnap the child.

  • But they're so light weight, they're just getting pulled around like a balloon.

  • - Oh. - Yeah.

  • These are some of the scariest things. I don't even know if I can sleep tonight.

  • Spoink bounces around on its tail.

  • The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump.

  • As a result this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing.

  • If it stops, its heart will stop.

  • So it's like Tigger with a heart condition?

  • I like that. Well, it's really nice. Just keep moving kids.

  • Oh yeah, right. It's a lesson in good exercise habits.

  • - That's true. - Did you guys see this thing

  • about how Pikachu, over the years, has lost weight and gotten more fit?

  • Yeah, they thinned him up. Kind of like Garfield

  • when he started out really big and then they kept drawing him smaller.

  • Even though he was this giant fat cat, he really wasn't.

  • Kabutops, which is kind of like this guy with big claws.

  • With sharps claws, this ferocious ancient Pokemon

  • rips apart prey and sucks their body fluids.

  • Sucks their body fluids?

  • Their body fluids, not bodily

  • - Oh, I see what you did there. - So not just blood but everything?

  • - Everything. - Yeah.

  • Even some of those mysterious fluids

  • that even I can't explain some mornings? - Absolutely.

  • There's a Pokémon called Cubone. It basically has a skull on its head.

  • Cubone wears the skull of its deceased mother.

  • Its cries echo inside the skull

  • and come out as a sad melody.

  • And it's also fashionable.

  • That's true.

  • OK, guys, tell me where can I find out more about Pokémon?

  • If you want to find out more about Pokémon, we have a Pokémon public service announcement

  • on our channel right now,

  • and we actually went into the studioMichael was there.

  • We brought in the voice actor who played Professor Oak on the anime

  • to voice our Pokémon public service announcement

  • on tall grass, the dangers of going into tall grass.

  • It's on our channel right now.

  • And we've got all sorts of other things out there in terms of video games.

  • It's Sonic, we're talking about Metal Gear,

  • we're talking about 3D movies.

  • I want to stop you there. Speaking of 3D movies,

  • look what I've got here.

  • It is a pack of Jaws 3D trading cards from 1983.

  • - Sweet. - And you know what's in here?

  • - No. - Chewing gum. I'm going to eat it right now.

  • - Do you think you should— - No, no.

  • This video is supposed to be grim, not a vomitfest.

  • This gum is older than me.

  • - Let me see the cards. - OK.

  • Here's the gum. I'm going to eat it.

  • Sweet.

  • - Wait. Did you just eat it? - Yeah.

  • - It's from like 1985. - I put something in my mouth

  • that's older than me. 1983.

  • - Oh. 19—oh.

  • That should be your new show motto.

  • "We put things in out mouth that are older than us."

  • So as the guys put their masks back on,

  • I'm going to have a little bit of coffee from my Sun Your Buns mug

  • and subscribe to Vsauce, subscribe to Underbelly

  • for more knowledge, and as always, thanks for watching.

  • So Justin, is that gum holding together? Is it just normal gum?

  • I'm going to go to the hospital in like ten minutes.

  • - Yeah. - Oh, one piece dropped off.

  • No.

  • It tastes like school chalk.

Hey Vsauce, Michael here today with a very special video.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

CREEPIESTポケモン6選! (6 CREEPIEST Pokemon!)

  • 11108 330
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日