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  • The problem with renewable energy is the lack of continuous supply:

  • solar power only when it's sunny, wind power only when it's windy and wave power when the sea's not too rough.

  • I'm Russell Beard and I've come to the south of Spain to visit Gemasolar,

  • the first solar power-tower station that can produce electricity 24 hours a day

  • but in order to get a real sense of the scale of this place I need to get a little bit higher

  • My heart is in my mouth a little bit but it's incredible

  • and I can't believe I'm flying this plane.

  • Sam just spotted the tower up ahead so he said just point at the tower and carry on.

  • OK here's Gemasolar. You can see it just below us now.

  • Thousands of these heliostats,

  • these revolving mirrors.

  • It's just amazing. It feels like we're looking into the future.

  • Photovoltaics are one of the fastest-growing energy sources

  • in the world at the moment but these aren't photovoltaics, are they?

  • No, not at all. They are not photovoltaics at all. They are just glass. They are mirrors

  • and they are reflecting the light to the top of the tower.

  • The reflected sunlight from the 2,650 heliostats

  • combined can generate enough electricity to power 25,000 homes

  • but only if they're pointing in exactly the right spot

  • Santiago has brought along one of these miniature parabolic mirrors

  • which I guess is almost like a perfect scale model of your solar tower.

  • Yes. I mean the tower is in the middle of a circle of heliostats

  • and every heliostat is taking a different angle

  • to reflect the light on top of the tower and

  • then to concentrate all the energy on a single spot. So let me try.

  • Oh wow! You can see it catching fire. It's so sensitive.

  • Like one tiny degree out and it stops burning.

  • I mean this must be the challenge that you're facing.

  • Exactly. Exactly what we have to be doing. We have to be very precise in moving the heliostats

  • into the right position

  • to concentrate the light there.

  • Sunlight is reflected from each heliostat to the central receiver

  • at the top of the tower. Sodium and potassium nitrate salts are pumped from the

  • cold salts tank up to the receiver where they absorb the concentrated solar

  • thermal energy

  • reaching temperatures of up to 565 degrees C.

  • The heated salts are then pumped into the hot salts tank where they can be

  • stored in a molten state or used to generate electricity

  • via the heat engine.

  • This is the hot

  • molten salt tank that contains the molten salts

  • at 565 degrees C.

  • This is like a big battery but it is a

  • thermal battery

  • it is not an electrical battery. In fact, the energy

  • that is accumulated here is enough to

  • continue operating the turbine for 15 hours

  • at full speed.

  • So this is what distinguishes this from other solar towers around the world.

  • It is actually that storage.

  • Exactly. To store energy this way means that solar power can for the first time

  • be provided 24 hours a day

  • not just when the sun's shining. This is the vessel in which the water turns to steam.

  • In fact, you have water

  • at maybe 500 degrees C

  • at already 100 bars of pressure.

  • This is incredible. So what Santiago's telling is

  • despite how futuristic this all looks

  • the actual business end where they create the electricity

  • is much the same as any other coal-fired or even nuclear power plant. It's a steam-driven power plant.

  • Wow! Wow! This is what I'm talking about. Now this looks like a power station. And it is.

  • This technology's been around for hundreds of years. So really out there is the only sci-fi part of this building. By the time the power comes down from the molten salt we're talking about good old-fashioned steam turbines. That's what we can hear now coming out of those chimneys at the top.

  • We are going to be reducing our costs but also due to

  • oil prices going up

  • it will make it impossible to burn gas to produce electricity

  • and then our plant will continue to be delivering cheap and clean energy

  • to our children, let's say.

The problem with renewable energy is the lack of continuous supply:


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B1 中級

オーストラリアのエネルギー安全保障 - 24時間365日の集中型太陽熱発電と溶融塩蓄電(CSP+)の組み合わせ (Australia's Energy Security - 24/7 Concentrated Solar Thermal Power plus Molten Salt Storage (CSP+))

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    郭明樺 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日