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  • Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.

  • And I'm in Los Angeles, but today we're going to talk about love.

  • You can't buy love, but what if you could? I mean, what if I had a machine that could

  • make you fall in love with someone for the rest of your life?

  • What should I charge for the use of that machine? Well, we should, first of all, be clear about

  • what we mean when we say "love." I'm not talking about the love you have for

  • your BFFs or your love for your family or your love of learning.

  • I'm also not talking about lust, an immediate attraction we have towards other people mediated

  • by hormones like testosterone and oestrogen. I'm talking about what happens later, when

  • you begin to associate an immediate reward with one other person - what we call passionate

  • love. This is what you see in new couples, where

  • they wanna be with each other and are almost obsessed with each other.

  • Well psychologists have a really great term for that kind of love.

  • They call it limerence. That's right.

  • Whenever you're in this state and you do things like wake up super early to get a bagel with

  • the person and even though you're gonna miss class just because you wanna see them that

  • badly, you're exhibiting limerent behaviour. Okay, that sounds great.

  • But if I wanna sell love, I'm gonna have to find a way to measure it and it turns out

  • to be quite a difficult task. We do have a tool called the passionate love

  • survey. It was developed by psychologists and it's

  • been found to be quite reliable when it comes to analysing other behaviours we associate

  • with passionate love. For instance, we found, using the survey,

  • that men and women both experience the same amounts of passionate love when they're in

  • a relationship. We've also found that men tend to fall in

  • the love faster and sooner than women, who appear to be more cautious.

  • But we're here to talk about money. Interestingly, a UK study once looked at people

  • who heard that someone else loved them. They heard the phrase "I love you" for the

  • first time and they took the amount of happiness those people felt and compared it to the amount

  • of happiness gamblers feel when they win large sums of money.

  • Their conclusion, that hearing that someone loves you for the first time is the equivalent

  • happiness level of receiving 267,000 dollars. But when you go beyond passionate love to

  • committed long-term love, there's all kinds of practical benefits marriage brings.

  • In fact, it's been estimated that tax breaks and health care costs all together mean that

  • being married is the equivalent of receiving an extra 100,000 dollars a year.

  • Now we have a lot of ways of visualizing the effect having money has on a person.

  • For instance, we know that in wealthier countries people report feeling respect more often.

  • They also report eating tastier foods, for instance.

  • But here's what's really awesome. Take a look at the graph of wealth against

  • love.

  • It doesn't matter.

  • Love is democratic, no matter who you are or how much money you have, people all over

  • the world are feeling it. It should be noted that having more money

  • does not necessarily equate to being more happy.

  • This is what's known as the hedonistic treadmill. Getting more money helps with happiness, but

  • only up to a certain point. In United States that point is about 75,000

  • dollars a year. At that point, more money has diminishing

  • returns on how happy it makes you. Another thing that correlates to having more

  • money, more wealth, is living longer, having a larger life expectancy.

  • But you know what else correlates to living longer?

  • Love. But not just passionate love, the kind of

  • love that follows it - committed, long-term love.

  • In fact, people who form life-long pair bonds with another person live, on average, 15%

  • longer. So if you wanna be really non-hard-scienc-y

  • about it, all other things being equal and assuming that you're not already super super

  • rich, finding a pair bond, finding a relationship that lasts for life is the equivalent of making

  • about an extra 30 to 40 thousand dollars a year.

  • Now, like I said, that's not hard science, but you know what is?

  • Vasopressin and oxytocin, the chemicals that are exuded in people's brains when they

  • look at photos of people that they formed committed, long-term relationships with.

  • These chemicals are incredible. We've also seen elevated levels of them in

  • dogs that have been pet for really long time. And we also know that couples who receive

  • high levels of these chemicals resolve conflicts faster.

  • And, people who struggle to produce these chemicals in their brain have a similar struggle

  • when it comes to forming long-term relationships. In fact, you can raise your levels of oxytocin

  • or vasopressin inside your own brain by simply looking into someone else's eyes.

  • That's right. So, in a way, looking into the eyes of somebody

  • that you like is the administration of a psycho-active drug that's addictive and the long-term consequences

  • are living longer.

  • Thanks for watching.

Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.


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A2 初級

LOVEの価値はいくらなのか? (How Much Money is LOVE Worth?)

  • 460 15
    雅戈泰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日