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  • The Arab Spring is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests

  • occurring in the Middle East and in North Africa since 2010.

  • The economic crisis led the population of several countries to defy their authoritarian governments.

  • It all started in Tunisia, in the end of 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi,

  • desperate with the lack of perspectives in his country, set himself on fire.

  • His action caused commotion and protests throughout his country,

  • culminating in 2011 with the resignation of president Ben Ali, who had been in power for 23 years.

  • Later on, influenced by the revolt in Tunisia,

  • the Libyans stood up against the rule of Muammar Gaddafi.

  • Gaddafi had some disagreements with Western leaders, who embraced the

  • opportunity to intervene militarily in his country,

  • helping rebels to overthrow the former ruler.

  • This intervention caused such disorder that Libya remains unstable to this day.

  • In Egypt, the population revolted against dictator Hosni Mubarak

  • in the beginning of 2011. Mubarak promised not to run for reelections.

  • Mohammed Morsi, from the Muslim Brotherhood, was then elected,

  • but a great part of the Egyptian people did not accept his legitimacy,

  • which ended up creating a new wave of protests.

  • In 2013, Morsi was ousted from power by the military, and, similarly to Libya,

  • the situation is yet to be defined. In Yemen, protests led to the resignation of

  • Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had been in charge for more than three decades.

  • It is in Syria, however, that the bloodiest conflict of the Arab Spring is happening,

  • with a Civil War between Assad's government, whose family has been in power for 46 years,

  • and the rebels, composed by very diverse groups with often-conflicting interests.

  • Fearing that an intervention

  • could cause more instability, like it happened in Libya, part of the international

  • community is against a military solution for the situation in Syria.

  • This paralyses the United Nations Security Council, allowing Syrians to

  • freely fight among themselves.

  • It is believed that more than 130.000 people have already died in this conflict.

  • There were also protests in Bahrain, in Algeria, in Morocco, in Jordan and in Oman,

  • without regime change in any of these cases.

  • This was our brief review of the Arab Spring. If you enjoyed this video and enjoy

  • International Relations in general, please click the "like" button below and

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  • See you!

The Arab Spring is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests


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2分でわかるアラブの春 (Arab Spring in Two Minutes)

  • 281 27
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日