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  • Hello friends, I am Niharika and welcome back. Today we are gonna look at some English Insults.

  • {British vs American English Insults and Slang words}

  • Well in this lesson I am not asking you to be disrespectful to

  • someone and I'm not even asking you to call names however, I'm just helping you

  • with certain English insults, wherein you would get an idea what exactly it mean

  • if someone ends up using it for you then, you know how to give it back to them.

  • So as we all know that there's a slight difference between British English &

  • American English so here I have a list of insults wherein the meaning of each is

  • the same however, the words are different. The word in British English is different

  • Whereas in American it's different. So we are gonna start this lesson with the first

  • word here that is 'Arse' . Now 'Arse' the meaning of 'Arse'- the literal meaning of 'Arse' is

  • buttock, however here it's a slang and it's an insult

  • well Arse means someone who is extremely stupid and irritating - He is such an arse.

  • so usually the people who use British English they would end up saying - He's

  • such an arse, which means he's so stupid he's so silly and irritating, but when it comes

  • to Americans they're not going to use the word 'Arse', they're gonna use the word 'Ass' Okay

  • Now, a lot of other words are derived from the word 'Ass' like 'Kick ass', 'Kiss my ass', Dumb-ass'...

  • you know these are certain words that have derived from this word 'ASS' however, if

  • you...... only if Americans end up

  • using the word 'Ass' it means that they are referring to a person who is extremely

  • stupid and silly

  • okay, The other word that I have for you is 'Knobhead', Now, 'Knobhead' is again someone who is

  • extremely annoying and never fails to show off his stupidness, okay. This word

  • belongs to British English whereas, when it comes to Americans they would not end

  • up using the word 'knobhead', but they would use the word 'dickhead', okay. So which

  • means someone who is very silly and stupid. Then the third word that I

  • have for you is 'Plonker', now, He is such a 'Plonker'. My friend is such a plonker. What

  • exactly it means- well, It's pretty much similar to these words here it also

  • means someone who is very silly, okay stupid and annoying or irritating. So it

  • refers to a person who is extremely stupid and the word is 'Plonker' when it

  • comes to British English, but when it comes to Americans, they're gonna end up

  • using the word 'Idiot' okay. Very common, I'm sure you all have come across this word

  • an idiot means someone who is very silly irritating, annoying and stupid. So

  • basically these three words here, have prettymuch the same meaning. Now let's look at

  • the fourth word which is 'Slapper'. Now 'Slapper' is usually used for women

  • well, a woman who ends up sleeping with all men..... with anyone and everyone

  • Okay, she has no character, so she is called a 'Slapper'. There's a woman in my

  • neighborhood, there's a lady in my neighborhood who is such a slapper like

  • she would end up having sex with several men

  • So, women who sleeps with a lot of people, but if you end up using this word in

  • front of Americans, they would have no idea what you're talking about

  • so the right word for the same meaning in American English is 'Tramp' okay. So, tramp

  • is used for a lady who sleeps or who has sex with a lot of people

  • Then the next one is 'Sod off'. When you're angry, and when you ask someone to just

  • leave, to get lost

  • go away, then you'll end up saying - Just sod off, okay. So 'sod off' is an angry

  • dismissal. When you end up saying just get lost

  • So in British English it is 'Sod off', whereas in American English

  • it's 'Piss off' ...just go away

  • well Americans also use the F word, I'm not gonna say it, but it is ......f***k off, So it's

  • the F word or the end up saying 'piss off', okay. The next one that we have is 'Radge' which means.... a very

  • 'Violent person' who behaves in a very violent manner or a little mentally ill

  • Okay, but when it comes to American English, they would say - That's Insane

  • He's Insane, She's Insane. So, Insane is the words that they would use for a person who is just crazy

  • or mentally unstable or mentally ill, okay. So, if someone uses that for you.. hope you get back to them...

  • The next one is "Bugger', now 'Bugger' is a person

  • whose behavior is extremely displeasing, like that kind of a person is not liked by many

  • So, such kind of people who are mean, their behavior is very displeasing, then

  • they can be called as 'Buggers' whereas, in American English they can be called

  • as 'Jerk'.He's such a jerk, which means he is so mean, okay. There are so many jerks in

  • my college. So, this means that there are so many mean guys in my college.

  • So, it means a person who is very mean or whose behavior is extremely

  • displeasing and most of us do not like such people so you kind of insult them by

  • saying 'Bugger' and Americans say 'Jerk' ,okay. Then the last one that I have for you is 'Lickspittle'

  • and for Americans it is ' Bootlicker'. Now let's understand what 'Lickspittle' means

  • Well, the meaning of it is ....someone who would do anything and everything to grow or to

  • get a position in his career, who would literally lick his boss's pit, so someone who

  • can just do anything ,that's kinda disgusting... I don't like such people, so such people

  • who do anything and everything to be in the good books or to get to a position

  • in their career they are called as ' Lickspittles'

  • whereas, in America they are called as 'Bootlickers', infact there's another word for

  • such people that is 'suck up' ....'Bootlickers' or they are such 'Suck ups'

  • or when it comes to British English they're called as 'Lickspittles'. Okay, someone who can do anything

  • lick their bosses pit, in order to grow in their career.

  • Now if you realize most of these words are slang words and they are quite offensive

  • So as I said

  • beginning please don't use them.. quite often... okay, it's just for you to understand what

  • exactly these words mean and hope this is clear to you, so make sure that you

  • understand that all these words are all 'put down' words, okay. Wherein your are being

  • disrespectful to someone, you're calling out someone with these names, okay. I'll be back

  • with a new lesson for you, till then you take care.......

Hello friends, I am Niharika and welcome back. Today we are gonna look at some English Insults.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

英米英語(スラング)の侮辱 - 英会話レッスン (British and American English (Slang) Insults – English Conversation Lesson)

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    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日