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let's face it having a position of leadership isn't all it's cracked up to
because on most days you don't feel like a boss
you feel like a babysitter I'm Tim David and in this video I'm going to share with you a
quirky little brain poke called the Pygmalion effect
that you can use to almost magically motivate and
engage your team by changing a single
word that you say
Inside your own head
the year was nineteen sixty-four and Harvard University's Robert K
Rosenthal and just teamed up with a school principal
named Lenore Jacobson and they were about to conduct
an experiment that would become very very famous
a group of students were given an IQ test only
they didn't call it an IQ test in fact they put a new cover on it
and gave a fancy sounding title
The Harvard Test of Inflicted Acquisition after the students took the test
the researchers told the teachers a series of lies
they said this group over here
they did really well on this fancy test which means that they're probably going
to improve their performance
over the coming year but this group of students over here
hmm...not so much now each group of students
was chosen completely at random it had nothing to do
with the test results but the teachers
didn't know that so what do you suppose happen to the group of students
that had high expectations placed on them
believe it or not their performance improved
their behavior problems went down and at the end of the year check this out
they found that their IQ's had also
increased now the group of people with the low expectations placed on them
their performance dropped so simply by changing the perspective
and the expectation of the teacher the students' performance
was altered and this doesn't only happen in school classrooms
this study has been repeated time and time again in schools
in organizations in companies and the results
are always the same Robert Rosenthal himself said "hey
this is not magic is the hundreds and thousands
tiny ways that we alter our interactions
based on what we expect from people"
so if we think of ourselves as babysitters ultimately we'll think of our
as babies we'll treat them like babies and they will respond
like babies so we need to upgrade
our leadership style maybe you think of yourself as a boss
this is better because at least we're dealing with adults but who wants to be
a boss seriously who wants to work for a boss
the boss is the most hated figure in America so we're going to have to
our leadership style maybe you think of yourself as a supervisor this one's got
to be good man it's right on your business card heck, it's even got the word "super"
right in there but the truth of the matter is supervisor implies someone who
and watches maybe gives direction and this is not a leadership style that
people will respect
and this is not a leadership style that is going to work
to take advantage of the Pygmalion effect we need to upgrade our leadership
style thinking maybe you think of your self as a manager
now we're getting somewhere right this is someone who is engaged who's involved
putting people in places where they can succeed and manager is a great term
but there's something even better in fact maybe you have been thinking of
leadership styles such as
coach or even the word leader or visionary and all these are phenomenal
however if you really want to take advantage of the Pygmalion effect
then you must adopt the following leadership
style So let's fast-forward to nineteen seventy where another Robert K
Robert K Greenleaf is about to coin a phrase that is gonna flip
the business world on its head and that phrase
is servant-leader and doesn't that take your company's org chart
you know the one with the CEO at the top then the VPs then middle-management all
the way down to the worker bees
doesn't it take that and make it look more like this
I mean, think about it. Your team doesn't work for you
you work for your team isn't our job as leaders to be
underneath them supporting them lifting them up empowering them, equipping them,
seeing things in them they don't even see
in themselves isn't that our job
as a servant leader so can you see how adopting the mindset of servant leadership
is going to affect the hundreds and thousands of ways that you interact with
your team
is going to affect their very motivation how engaged they are
how much work they do, how productive they are, how effective, how creative
it's going to affect them in ways that even you
didn't think were possible so let me ask you which one of these leadership styles
best describes you go ahead and comment in the box below
and let us know and also please be sure to subscribe
I'll place a link in the description for you to make sure that you get every
single video that I release
every single week so that's it for this week's Brain Poke. If you found the tips in
this video helpful
and you can think of someone else who could benefit from them please
share this video with them
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