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Kurt Lewin, the renowned psychologist and researcher, said it well:
"There's nothing so practical as a good theory."
Well, how about ten good theories?
To improve your ability to lead,
here are ten of the best known leadership theories
in five minutes.
First there's what was originally called "The Great Man Theory."
It postulated that great leaders are born, not made.
You either have it or you don't.
And then it tried to identify the set of attributes
that all of these natural born leaders have in common.
While it's now become clear that leadership
is actually learnable.
There's indeed truth to the notion that some people
inherently have more leadership gifts than others.
So this was a good start.
It spawned something called
"The Trait Theory of Leadership," a line of research that
examines which individual characteristics we should pursue
to lead effectively.
The upside is that it's easy to understand--
be like this and people will follow you.
But the downside is that it's identified
dozens of traits, and no single set has emerged
as the ideal for all circumstances.
So it can be overwhelming to attempt.
Somewhat related is "The Skills Theory of Leadership".
Just like trait theory it tries to identify a set of
key attributes, but in this case practical skills rather
than just general qualities of a leader.
The bottom line on this one is that if you want people
to follow you, you need technical skills in your field--
that is you need to be good at what you're doing
so you have some credibility.
You need people skills like persuasion and diplomacy and affability.
And you need conceptual skills-- the ability to see the big picture
and to think strategically.
Next there's the theory that leadership style is the key to success--
styles like "be autocratic and demanding" or
"be democratic and participative" or
"be laissez faire and leave people alone."
Probably the best known style-based theory is called
"The Managerial Grid".
Adopt a leadership style that's both people-friendly
and uncompromising on performance.
It's a solid foundation, but there's a bit more
to leadership effectiveness.
That's where these next couple theories came from.
"Situational Leadership" theory argues that
there is no "one-size-fits all" model.
Certain traits and skills and styles fit better
in one situation than another, so the leader must adapt.
For example, coaching a high school boys' team may imply
a somewhat different approach than coaching high school girls.
Same objectives and standards, perhaps, but to get great results
might require more of a disciplinarian for the boys,
but a highly relational coach for the girls.
A closely connected idea is called
"The Contingency Theory" of leadership.
Whereas the situational leadership approach assumes
that the situation is static and leader should
adapt to it, the contingency theory assumes that the leader's
default style is also pretty much fixed--
maybe he's much more task-oriented than people-oriented.
So the trick is to fit the right leader to the situation.
Bottom line: effective leadership is contingent on
matching the leader's style to the setting.
In the coaching example, it would mean to find and install
the right coach, rather than hoping the current coach
will adapt his or her style to the situation.
"Transactional Leadership" and "Transformational Leadership"
are two theories that we can consider together.
As the term implies, "Transactional Leadership"
means that there's a reciprocity of behavior
between the leader and the follower.
People will follow based on the incentives in place,
so the leader's job is to find the right mix
of rewards and punishments and then
closely monitor what's going on.
The theory of "Transformational Leadership," by contrast,
says that leaders gain buy-in and commitment not as much
from the quid pro quo approach as they do
from encouraging their followers--
caring for them, inspiring them toward a vision.
In short, they get results by proactively transforming
the environment and the relationships.
Cultivating followership rather than paying for it
or punishing non-compliance
like the transactional leader does.
"Leader-Member Exchange Theory" is a bit like
transactional theory because it suggests that leadership
is basically about a fair exchange between
the leader and the led.
But, it goes further to say that the exchange creates an
in-group and an out-group with respect to the leader.
And that, in turn, affects people's performance
and willingness to stick around.
In a way, it's just like being back in high school--
there was the in-crowd and then there were the rest of us.
And that can have some dysfunctional consequences.
So, the theory suggests leaders may want to address
their tendency to alienate people.
And then there's "Servant Leadership Theory,
which is kind of a blend between transformational
and transactional leadership.
Boiled down to its essentials, it says that if a leader
makes a priority of identifying and meeting followers' needs--
serving rather than being served--
that leader creates an environment of trust
and cooperation and reciprocal service...
and ultimately higher performance.
It's been popularized in recent decades by many researchers,
but it goes back a lot further than that.
Much of Jesus's influence, for example, was and still is
a result of compassion and service and sacrifice.
People follow out of love and gratitude rather than
out of compulsion or fear.
All right, that's ten of the major theories in leadership
and there are important truths in each.
The better you know them, the better you're likely to lead.