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  • -Hey, everyone.

  • I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles,

  • and today CGH#4 and I are going to show you how to do this

  • great crossover Dutch braid.

  • But before we do that, I just wanted to remind you

  • that Monday, December 30th, at 8:00 PM on Nickelodeon

  • is the show called, "Webstars," and Brooklyn and Bailey

  • are being featured.

  • So make sure and check it out.

  • Now onto the hair.

  • OK, what we've done to start is, here's her normal part line,

  • and I have sectioned off a little tiny, maybe half inch

  • section hair, right to the left of her normal part line.

  • So you can see, here is the new part,

  • and here is her normal part.

  • And then I've just pulled everything else

  • into an elastic, so that it's out of the way,

  • and I'm not accidentally grabbing that hair.

  • Now I'm going to lay it back where it goes,

  • pick up a section in the front, and begin a Dutch braid.

  • Now, on a Dutch braid, you know on the top piece

  • we're going to add a little hair.

  • And then we're going to go ahead and cross it in.

  • But on the bottom, normally we would add this hair

  • into this bottom piece, but I'm actually

  • going to reach up and over, grab a section of this top piece

  • instead.

  • This is the only tricky part, just because you're

  • trying to do it all with one hand.

  • I'm going to give it a little twist.

  • I like the texture the twist adds.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and add it

  • right into that bottom piece, and then cross it.

  • So you can see I have this little tiny piece going

  • right there.

  • Now on the top, again, I'm going to pick up

  • hair from this normal section, cross it in.

  • One more on the bottom again.

  • Grab a little section from here, and give it a twist.

  • Go ahead and add it into the bottom section, and cross it.

  • We're going to do this a few more times.

  • From the top, reach over, pick up a little piece.

  • Like I said, this is the only tricky part.

  • Twist it.

  • Out of the way.

  • And add it in.

  • Cross it.

  • Add in hair like normal.

  • Go ahead and reach over.

  • Can you see why I secured that hair underneath?

  • So we're not accidentally grabbing that stuff.

  • Makes it a lot easier.

  • Twist.

  • Go ahead and add it in.

  • And on the top, like normal.

  • I think we've got two more little twists right here.

  • Go ahead and give it a whirl.

  • How are you doing?

  • -Good.

  • -Good.

  • OK.

  • One more.

  • She's playing with that rubber band.

  • OK, last piece.

  • Give it a twist.

  • We have the others.

  • Go ahead and add it in.

  • And then finish it off in normal-- just braid down.

  • This kind of actually ends up looking a little bit

  • like a lace braid on this one side.

  • Except that it's not a lace braid

  • because we did put pieces in that bottom.

  • I'm going to just finish it off.

  • Add an elastic at the end that matches her hair.

  • And then we can release this hair.

  • You can loosen these just a little, if you want,

  • by tugging on them.

  • And you have this great finished hairdo.

  • We straightened her hair today, but it

  • would look great with straight hair, or curls, or waves,

  • or anything like that.

  • Now tip your head.

  • Tip it just like this a little bit

  • so they can get a really nice, pretty shot of how that looks.

  • Isn't that fun?

  • Kind of different.

  • I think it's very cute.

  • -Don't forget to like, comment, and favorite on this video.

  • See you next week.

  • Bye.

  • -Bye, guys.

  • And again, I'm just going come-- and we

  • can deal with these in a minute with some spray-- finishing

  • spray.




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A2 初級

クロスオーバーダッチブレイドの作り方 (How to Create a Crossover Dutch Braid)

  • 24 8
    庭寶 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日