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  • Asai here had a birthday recently

  • and he received two presents that were exactly the same

  • so I said let's go to the toy store. We'll exchange one for something that you don't have

  • and this is what he chose

  • now how do you think a dad feels when his son wants to get this

  • yeah!!! yeah!!

  • That's how I feel

  • right Zuri?

  • I love my boys choose their life

  • That's how mama and I...that's how we are right?

  • we just say whatever

  • Yeah!!

  • we say yeah choose it

  • choose your expression, choose what you're into, choose your sexuality, choose whatever

  • you have my promise right now both of you

  • as we sit in this car, this hot car in this parking lot

  • you have my promise forever

  • to love you and accept you no matter what life you choose

  • Ahhhhhhh!! yeahh!!

  • Ahhhhhh

  • Oh my goodness.

Asai here had a birthday recently


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

息子がこれを選んだらどう思う? (How Would You Feel If Your Son Chose This??)

  • 11603 378
    Angie Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日