字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The international banking system is an enigma. 銀行の仕組みは謎だ There are more than 30,000 different banks worldwide 銀行は世界に3万以上あり and they hold unbelievable amounts of assets. 多額の資産を持っている The top 10 banks alone account for roughly 25 trillion U.S. dollars. 上位10の銀行だけでも Today, Banking can seem very complex, 合わせて約25兆ドルだ but originally, the idea was to make life simpler. 銀行業は複雑だが 11th Century Italy was the center of European Trading. 人々の生活を単純にしてくれる Merchants from all over the continent met to trade their goods. 11世紀 貿易中心国イタリアでは But there was one problem, 商人たちが取引していたが too many currencies in circulation. 一つ問題があった In Pisa, merchants had to deal with seven different types of coins 通貨が多すぎたのだ and had to exchange their money constantly. ピサでは 商人は7種類の硬貨を扱い This exchange business, which commonly took place outdoors on benches, 絶えず両替えしていた is where we get the word bank from. 両替えは通常 外のベンチで行われ From the word “banco,” Italian for bench. これがbankの語源 "banco" The dangers of traveling, counterfeit money, and the difficulty of getting a loan イタリア語でベンチだ got people thinking. 旅での危険 偽造通貨などで It was time for a new business model. 人々が悩むようになると Pawn brokers started to give credit to businessmen, 新しいビジネスが現れた while genoese merchants developed cashless payments. 質屋を利用することによる Networks of banks spread all over Europe handing out credit, 現金不要の信用取引だ even to the church or european kings. この仕組みは国を越えて広がり What about today? 教会や国王にまで広がった In a nutshell, banks are in the risk management business. 今 銀行はそのリスクを管理している This is a simplified version of the way it works. 仕組みを簡単に説明しよう People keep their money in banks and receive a small amount of interest. 人々は銀行に預金し 利子をもらう The bank takes this money and lends it out at much higher interest rates. 銀行はお金を より高い金利で貸す It's a calculated risk, because some of the lenders will default on their credit. 返せなくなる人がいる分 This process is essential for our economic system 多少リスクがある because it provides resources for people to buy things like houses この仕組みが経済には必要で or for industry to expand their business and grow. 人々が家を買ったり So banks take funds that are unused by savers 企業が成長するための資金になる and turn them into funds society can use to do stuff. 銀行はお金を 使わない人から Other sources of income for banks include 使う人へと回しているのだ accepting saving deposits, the credit card business, buying and selling currencies, 銀行の他の収入源には 積立預金や custodian business, and cash management services. クレジットカード 為替取引 The main problem with banks nowadays is 資金管理業務などがある that a lot of them have abandoned their traditional role as 現代の銀行の問題は providers of long term financial products in favour of short term gains 銀行が従来の長期的商品を捨て that carry much higher risks. 短期的利益を目指すことで During the financial boom, most major banks adopted financial リスクが高まることだ constructs that were barely comprehensible and 金融ブームの時 銀行はこの波に乗り did their own trading in a bid to make fast money 手っ取り早く自身で取引することで and earn their executives and traders millions in bonuses. 役員と株主は多額の収入を得た This was nothing short of gambling 正にギャンブルで and damaged whole economies and societies. 経済は大打撃を受けた Like back in 2008, 2008年 リーマン・ブラザーズは when banks like Lehman Brothers gave credit to basically anyone who 家を買う誰にでも融資し wanted to buy a house, 非常に危険な状態に身を置いた and thereby put the bank in an extremely dangerous risk position. これが住宅市場の崩壊を招き This led to the collapse of the housing market in the US and parts of Europe, 株価は急落 影響は世界的に広まって causing stock prices to plummet, 歴史的な金融危機となった which eventually led to a global banking crisis 数千億ドルが溶けて消えた and one of the largest financial crises in history. 何百万人もが仕事と金を失った Hundreds of billions of dollars just evaporated. 多くの銀行が損失を出し Millions of people lost their jobs and lots of money. 銀行家の信用は地に落ちた Most of the world's major banks had to pay billions in fines 米国政府とEUは and bankers became some of the least trusted professionals. 大規模な救済措置を発動し The US government and the European Union had to put together huge 銀行を破産から守った bailout packages to purchase bad assets and stop the banks from going bankrupt. 銀行業務に新規制が作られ New regulations were put into force to govern the banking business : 危機に対応できるよう Compulsory bank emergency funds were enforced 資金準備が義務付けられた to absorb shocks in the event of another financial crisis. また 銀行のロビー活動は禁止された But, other pieces of tough new legislation were successfully blocked by the banking lobby. 今 別の形の資金提供が育っている Today, other models of providing financing are gaining ground fast, 新しい投資銀行では like new investment banks, that charge a yearly fee and do not get commissions on sales, 年間手数料を受け取って thus providing the motivation to act in the best interests of their clients. 顧客の利益志向の運営を行っている Or credit unions : Cooperative initiatives that were established in the 19th century 信用組合は 19世紀からあるものだが to circumvent credit sharks. 信用を重視する In a nutshell, they provide the same financial services as banks, 銀行と同じような業務を行うが but focus on shared value, rather than profit maximization. 利益より 共有を主眼としたものだ The self proclaimed goal is to help members create opportunities like starting small businesses, 組合員の 事業を始めるといった expanding farms, or building family homes whilist investing back in to communities. 機会作りを支援する They are controlled by their members, who also elect the board of directors democratically. 農業や住宅事業など Worldwide, credit union systems vary significantly, 共同体に資するものだ ranging from a handful of members 組織は自営的で to organizations worth several billion US dollars 取締役は民主的に選ばれる and hundreds of thousands of members. 信用組合は世界中にある The focus on benefits for their members 小規模なものから impacts the risk credit unions are willing to take. 何十万人からなる大規模なものまで Which explains why Credit Unions, although also hurting, 信用組合の利点は survived the last financial crisis way better than traditional banks. リスクに強いことだ Not to forget the explosion of crowdfunding in recent years. 信用組合も損害を受けたが Aside from making awesome video games possible, 従来の銀行よりも危機に耐えられた platforms arose that enabled people to get loans from large groups of small investors, クラウドファンディングもある circumventing the bank as a middle man. 素敵なゲームを作る時など But it also works for industry. 小さな投資家が大勢集まることで Lots of new technology companies started out on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. 銀行に代わって融資する The funding individual gets the satisfaction of being part of a bigger thing, 企業も使っている and can invest in ideas they believe in. 新技術に関わる企業が取り入れた Whilst spreading the risk so widely 出資者は事業に参加しつつ that if the project fails, the damage is limited. 信じるものに投資できる And last but not least: Micro Credits. リスク分散型で Lots of very small loans, 失敗しても 損害は限定的だ mostly handed out in developing countries that help people escape poverty. マイクロクレジットも People who were previously unable to get access to the money they needed to start a business 少額の融資が because they weren't deemed worth the time. 主に途上国で行われている Nowadays, the granting of Micro Credits has evolved into a multi‐billion dollar business. 今まで 貧しい人は融資されなかった So, banking might not be up your street, 無駄とみなされたのだ But the bank's role of providing funds to people and businesses それが今 大きなビジネスに成長した is crucial for our society, and has to be done. 銀行が街から消えても Who will do it and how it will be done in the future 同じ役割は必要とされるし is up for us to decide, though. 社会にとって重要なものだ Subtitles by the Amara.org community 将来どの形を選ぶかは 私たち次第だ
B1 中級 日本語 英 銀行 信用 組合 リスク 取引 仕組み 銀行の説明 - お金とクレジット (Banking Explained – Money and Credit) 1271 143 mommy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語