字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント How to Behave at a Gallery. With increasing wealth, leisure time, and opportunities for employment, more original art is available to the masses. But that's no excuse to act like a goon in a gallery. You will need A sense of decorum and common courtesy. Step 1. Before entering the building, turn off your cell phone or set it to vibrate. Step 2. If you have children along, remind them not to touch anything and keep them close to you. Step 3. Do not be loud inside or call to a friend across the room. Step 4. Upon entering a gallery, scan the space as you move through the door, considering how you want to approach the artwork while not clogging up traffic. Step 5. When not directly viewing a work, step aside and let others see it. Look where you’re going—avoid knocking over any priceless pieces! Step 6. If there are complimentary food and beverages available, feel free to partake, but tip if you’re able. Step 7. Don’t get caught gawking too much at other gallery-goers, no matter how pretty, handsome, or outlandish they may be. Step 8. If there's a remote possibility the artist is present, refrain from making any critical comments. Step 9. Never say, “I could do that.” Chance are you can’t. Step 10. Should you have any questions, feel free to direct them to the artist or gallery owner. If you get a chance to meet them, thank them for having the show. Did you know Many fine art galleries have frame shops on-site. Since they’re framing the really expensive stuff, they attract some of the best framers in the business.
B1 中級 豪 ギャラリーでの振る舞い方 (How to Behave at a Gallery) 284 11 Chia-Yu Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語