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  • Radiation is frightening. At least, certain types of it are. I mean my Geiger counter

  • doesn't go off near my mobile phone, or the Wi-Fi router or my microwave. That’s because

  • a Geiger counter only measures ionizing radiationthat is, radiation with enough energy

  • to rip electrons off atoms. And it’s measured in units called sieverts. If you're exposed

  • to more than two sieverts all at once you'll probably die shortly after that. But were

  • exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation all the time. Bananas for example are rich

  • in potassium and some of that potassium is naturally radioactive. So when you eat a banana

  • you're actually exposed to about 0.1 microsieverts of radiation. That’s one ten millionth of

  • a sievert. Let’s use a banana for scale of radiation doses. You know, since people

  • eat bananas we become radioactive too. So you're actually exposed to more radiation

  • if you sleep next to someone than if you sleep alone. But I wouldn't worry about that because

  • that dose is insignificant compared to the natural background radiation of earth. I mean

  • there’s ionizing radiation coming out of the soil in the rocks, in the air, and even

  • from space. The level of radiation here in Sydney is about .15 microsieverts per hour,

  • and that's about average globally. The level’s usually between .1 and .2 microsieverts per

  • hour. But there are places with significantly higher levels. So who on earth do you think

  • receives the maximum dose of ionizing radiation? Let’s answer that question by going to the

  • most radioactive places on earth. Some places you’d expect to have high levels of radiation

  • might surprise you. I’m in Hiroshima and that is the Peace Dome. It was about 600 meters

  • above that dome where the worlds first nuclear bomb was detonated over a city. It was detonated

  • there to have maximum destructive impact. Well the level of radiation today almost 70

  • years later is only 0.3 microsieverts per hour. I'm about to get into an elevator. We're

  • going down in a mineshaft. This is an old uranium mine. This is the mine where uranium

  • was discovered. It's also the place where Marie Curie obtained her raw material. 1.7

  • microsieverts per hour. That's about 10 times the natural background that you would have.

  • Nowadays most of the uranium has been removed. But in this wall there’s still a small piece

  • and you can see under UV light it floresces. Look at that. Fluorescent uranium ore. This

  • is the lab of Marie Curie. She won two Nobel prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry.

  • And she conducted a lot of her work here. And this is her office. She would have sat

  • right there. Apparently there are only a few parts of this area which are still radioactive.

  • One is this doorknob. Well it climbs not not much butBut that's like 10 times the

  • background. Yeah. More than 10. And another is the back of her chair. You can still detect

  • alpha particles coming off this spot right here. Apparently after she was working in

  • the lab she would come, oopen the door leaving traces of radium here and then go and pull

  • out her chair. Welcome to New Mexico. This is the Trinity bomb test site where the world’s

  • first nuclear bomb was set off. Right here. Right in the spot. This whole area was vaporized.

  • In fact, there was so much heat liberated by that bomb that it fused all of the desert

  • sand into this green glass. And you can still find it here. They've actually named this

  • mineral after the test. It's called Trinitite. Yeah. This is the only place on earth that

  • this has ever been made. The level of radiation here is about 0.8 microsieverts an hour. The

  • Trinitite itself is a little bit more radioactive. I got readings of two or three microsieverts

  • an hour off them. Now which place has higher levels of radiation then anywhere we've seen

  • so far? The answer is an airplane. You know, as you gain altitude there's less atmosphere

  • above you to shield you from cosmic rays. So the level of radiation inside the plane

  • can go up to 0.5 microsieverts per hour at 18,000 feet, up to one microsievert per hour

  • at 23,000 feet, over two microsieverts per hour at 30,000 feet, and over three microsieverts

  • per hour at even higher altitudes and towards the poles. That is Chernobyl nuclear reactor

  • number four. It melted down on April 26, 1986. So, what happened was so much heat was generated

  • inside that reactor that it basically blew the top off spreading radioactive isotopes

  • throughout this whole surrounding area and over into Europe. And that is why we can still

  • detect the contamination here today. Now, right now it's reading around five microsieverts

  • an hour. If I stayed here for one hour my body would receive a similar dose to what

  • you’d receive when you get a dental x-ray. So this is not a huge amount of radiation.

  • And one of the reasons why the radiation level is not too high is because they actually removed

  • a couple meters worth of topsoil from this whole area, then they dumped it somewhere.

  • That's why we can stand here. We're driving into the Fukushima exclusion zone now. I'm

  • just watching as the levels on my Geiger counter go up as we approach the zone. See those black

  • bags at the side of the road? The Japanese are doing now exactly what the people in Chernobyl

  • did, collecting up meters and meters of topsoil. The mask is probably overkill. It's just to

  • stop radioactive dust from getting into my lungs. This is definitely one of the most

  • radioactive places where I've been. Even though the release of radioactive material was less

  • than Chernobyl, only about 10%, because it's much fresheronly three years since the

  • accidentmuch less of it has decayed. So I've been getting readings up around 5 to

  • 10 microsieverts an hour. And I think we won't be staying here for too long because of that.

  • I'm about to go into the hospital at Pripyat. And this is where the firemen were taken after

  • they fought the fires at the Chernobyl reactor. And in the basement of this building they

  • have left all the firemen's clothing. Once they realize it was so contaminated they chucked

  • it down there. (Inaudible) But you can see there's a huge pile of their gear there. Right

  • outside the door I'm getting 500 microsieverts an hour just outside the door. One thousand

  • five hundred microsieverts an hour. You know if we stayed here for a couple hours we’d

  • receive our annual dose of background radiation. That basement was the most radioactive place

  • I visited and it's one of the most radioactive places on earth. If I'd stayed down there

  • for one hour I wouldve received 2000 microsieverts. That's a years worth of natural background

  • radiation. Every yellow pixel here represents a banana. Now that might seem like a lot,

  • but consider that in a CT scan the patient receives about 7000 microsieverts. That's

  • three years worth of natural backround radiation. It's been estimated that the people living

  • around Fukushima will receive an additional 10,000 microsieverts over their lifetime due

  • to the nuclear power disaster. For comparison US radiation workers are limited to a maximum

  • of 50,000 microsieverts per year. But that's less than another occupation. Astronaut. An

  • astronaut on the space station for six months will receive about 80,000 microsieverts worth

  • of radiation. But not even they are exposed to the highest levels of ionizing radiation.

  • So can you guess who is? The answer is a smoker’s lungs. A smoker’s lungs on average receive

  • 160,000 microsieverts worth of radiation every year. That's due to the radioactive polonium

  • and radioactive lead in the tobacco that they're smoking. So not only are they exposed to carcinogens

  • and toxins they also receive very high levels of radiation. So it's not the people of Fukushima

  • or Chernobyl or radiation workers or even astronauts that receive the highest dosage

  • of ionizing radiation. That honor goes to your ordinary average smoker. Hey. As you

  • can see over the last few months I've been traveling around the world actually filming

  • a documentary for television. It should be on in the middle of next year. But being in

  • places like Chernobyl and Fukushima reminded me of this book The Day of the Triffids and

  • it's about a post-apocalyptic world in which plants take over. I know it sounds like a

  • crazy idea but it's actually a brilliant book so you should really check it out if you're

  • looking for something to do over the holidays. Now you can download this book for free by

  • going to or you can pick any other book of your choosing for a

  • one month free trial. Audible is a great audiobook website with over 150,000 titles in all areas

  • of literature including fiction, nonfiction, and periodicals. So I really want to thank

  • audible for supporting me and I want to thank you for watching.

Radiation is frightening. At least, certain types of it are. I mean my Geiger counter


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地球上で最も放射能に汚染されている場所 (The Most Radioactive Places on Earth)

  • 612 36
    kuoyumei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日