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How to prepare your TEDx talk in the TED style.
TED スタイルのTEDx トークにするためのハウツー
In this video, we are going to help you organize your idea,
このビデオでは アイデアを整理して[br]TEDx トークを創り どんな構成で話すかを決め
build and sequence your TEDx talk
そして リハーサルや[br]練習の繰り返し方を勧めて
and then encourage you to rehearse and practice it
TED スタイルの[br]TEDx トークが
to fit in the TED format.
So, let's get started.
では 始めましょう
You likely have a gallery of work you want to bring to TEDx
TEDx で話したい業績が[br]いくつもあることでしょう
but they only have room for one of your big dreaming masterpieces.
でも 大きな夢の最高傑作の中から[br]1つしか話せる余地はありません
So, here are some questions to help you collect
and organize these bountiful thoughts.
What is your core idea and point of view?
Giving context why your audience should care.
What gives you license to talk about it?
Making a personal connection, displaying your experience
and the real you, not your ego.
What three main points can you distill to support
and reveal insight against your idea? --proof for the left side of the brain --
And what stories can you tell to resonate
your idea and evoke emotion? -- for the right side of the brain --
And lastly, what is your call to action to inspire your audience?
最後に 参加者に訴えて行動を呼びかけるために[br]どうやって締めくくりますか?
Now, you have ingredients for a masterpiece,
so, let's sequence it into a TEDx talk.
成分をTEDx トークに入れて[br]流れを作ってみましょう
You first will need a strong opening hook to grab their attention.
まず最初に 参加者の興味を掴むために[br]強力な出だしが必要になります
(Video) Dan Pink: I need to make a confession at the outset here.
(ビデオ) ダニエル・ピンク:[br]最初に告白させてください
A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret,
20年ほど前にした あることを[br]私は後悔しています
something that I'm not particularly proud of.
Something that in many ways, I wish no one would ever know.
But, that here, I feel kind of obliged to reveal.
In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.
1980年代の後半に 私は若気の至りから[br]ロースクールに行ったのです
You want to order your points to flow naturally for you and the audience.
(Video) Bryan Stevenson: It's interesting, this question of the death penalty.
(ビデオ) ブライアン・スティーブンソン:[br]死刑の是非の問は興味深いです
In many ways, we've been taught to think that the real question is:
様々なところで 私たちは[br]死刑の是非は
do people deserve to die for the crimes they've committed?
犯してしまった犯罪が 死に値するかどうかを[br]考えるものと教えられてきました
And that's a very sensible question.
But there's another way of thinking about where we are in our identity.
“アイデンティティ” が[br]どんな状況なのかを考える別の見方があります
The other way of thinking about it is not
その見方とは 人が
do people deserve to die for the crimes they commit?,
but do we deserve to kill?
Then you want to trash those points that really don't matter.
そして 重要でない点は[br]捨てるようにすべきです
Lastly, craft a great closing story with a call to action.
最後に 行動を呼びかける[br]素晴らしい締めくくりの話を織り込みましょう
(Video) Susan Cain: Just occasionally, I hope you'll open up your suitcases
(ビデオ) スーザン・ケイン: でも時々は[br]スーツケースを 開いて見せてほしいのです
for other people to see because the world needs you
and it needs the things you carry.
So I wish you the best of all possible journeys
皆さんに最良の旅と 自分らしく
and the courage to speak softly.
Thank you very much.
Then add your images, which will help you tighten transitions
and augment stories to get you to 18 minutes or less.
物語を補足して 18分でも[br]もっと短いトークでも話を納められます
In the third phase of preparing your talk, you must plan on your calendar
to rehearse and practice for several weeks
in front of real audiencies and several different ones if possible.
Then, make sure to visit and rehearse at the event venue
さらに 必ず実際のイベント会場を訪れ[br]リハーサルもしましょう
practicing with your sides and the clicker,
練習には スライドや[br]スライドをめくるボタンや
and hopefully, a confidence monitor, the video screen in front of you.
できれば プレゼンターの前に置かれる[br]コンフィデンスモニターを使って練習しましょう
And then lastly, while we've incorporated it in this video,
最後に このビデオに[br]組み込んだ今出ている
make sure to live and breathe all of the TED commandments.
このTED の10戒を守って[br]これに従って遂行するようにしてください
Brought to you by the team at TEDx Columbus.
(TEDxColumbus によって[br]提供されました)