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Well, aren't you... Aren't you gonna...
That's not my son.
What are you saying?
lt's not my son.
JONES: Well, l'm sure you're mistaken.
l'm not mistaken.
Well, he's been through five terrible long months.
He's lost weight, he's changed.
l would know my own son.
All l'm saying is you're in shock and he's changed.
What's your name? Can you tell me your name?
Walter Collins.
lt's a common name.
Where do you live, Walter? You know your home address?
l live at 210 Avenue 23,
Los Angeles, California.
And that's my mommy!
Mrs. Collins, listen to me. l understand.
You're feeling a little uncertain right now, and that's to be expected.
A boy this age, he changes so fast.
We've compensated for that in our investigation.
And there's no question that this is your son.
That is not Walter.
lt's not Walter as you remember him.
And that's why it's important for you to take him home on a trial basis.
A trial basis?
Yes, yes.
Once he's around his familiar surroundings,
and you've given yourself time to recover from the shock of his changed condition,
you will see that this is your Walter.
Now, l promise you, l swear to you, l give you my word.
This is your son.
Now, if you have any problems, any problems at all, you come and you talk to me.
l'll take care of it.
l give you my word. Trust me.
Mrs. Collins, he has nowhere else to go.
Maybe l'm not thinking clearly.