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  • I thought in getting up to my TED wish

    TED wishの話をするために まず

  • I would try to begin by putting in perspective what I try to do

    私の試みと それがTEDの試みにどう適合するのかを

  • and how it fits with what they try to do.


  • We live in a world that everyone knows is interdependent,

    我々の住む世界は 周知のように相互依存関係にありますが

  • but insufficient in three major ways.


  • It is, first of all, profoundly unequal:

    まず第一に 大きな不平等

  • half the world's people still living on less than two dollars a day;


  • a billion people with no access to clean water;


  • two and a half billion no access to sanitation;


  • a billion going to bed hungry every night;


  • one in four deaths every year from AIDS, TB, malaria

    毎年4人に1人は エイズ 結核 マラリア

  • and the variety of infections associated with dirty water --


  • 80 percent of them under five years of age.


  • Even in wealthy countries it is common now to see inequality growing.

    現在では 豊かな国でも不平等の拡大が珍しくありません

  • In the United States, since 2001 we've had five years of economic growth,

    アメリカでは 2001年から5年間経済成長が続き

  • five years of productivity growth in the workplace,


  • but median wages are stagnant and the percentage of working families


  • dropping below the poverty line is up by four percent.


  • The percentage of working families without health care up by four percent.


  • So this interdependent world which has been pretty good to most of us --

    相互依存状態のこの世界で 我々の大半は恵まれており

  • which is why we're all here in Northern California doing what we do


  • for a living, enjoying this evening -- is profoundly unequal.

    この夕べを楽しんでいるわけですが 非常に不平等な世界です

  • It is also unstable.


  • Unstable because of the threats of terror,

    不安定さの原因は テロの脅威

  • weapons of mass destruction, the spread of global disease

    大量破壊兵器 世界的規模の病気の蔓延 そして

  • and a sense that we are vulnerable to it in a way that we weren't not so many years ago.


  • And perhaps most important of all, it is unsustainable

    そしておそらく一番重要なのは 気候変動や

  • because of climate change, resource depletion and species destruction.

    資源の枯渇 生物種の破壊により 世界が持続不可能だということでしょう

  • When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter

    我が娘や いずれは欲しい孫たちに

  • and the grandchildren I hope to have,


  • it is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable, unsustainable

    不平等で 不安定で 持続不可能な相互依存状態から

  • interdependence to integrated communities -- locally, nationally and globally --

    地域的 国家的そして世界的に融和した共同体へと移行する世界です

  • that share the characteristics of all successful communities:


  • a broadly shared, accessible set of opportunities,


  • a shared sense of responsibility for the success of the common enterprise


  • and a genuine sense of belonging.


  • All easier said than done.


  • When the terrorist incidents occurred in the United Kingdom a couple of years ago,

    数年前 イギリスでテロ事件が起きましたが

  • I think even though they didn't claim as many lives as we lost in the United States on 9/11,


  • I think the thing that troubled the British most


  • was that the perpetrators were not invaders, but homegrown citizens


  • whose religious and political identities were more important to them

    犯人には 宗教的 政治的アイデンティティの方が

  • than the people they grew up with, went to school with,

    共に育ち 共に学び

  • worked with, shared weekends with, shared meals with.

    共に働き 共に週末を過ごし 共に食事をした人たちよりも大切だった

  • In other words, they thought their differences

    つまり 彼らは 相違点の方が

  • were more important than their common humanity.


  • It is the central psychological plague of humankind in the 21st century.


  • Into this mix, people like us, who are not in public office,

    こうした中で 官職に就いていない我々のような人たちは

  • have more power to do good than at any time in history,

    良いことをするための 史上最強の力を備えています

  • because more than half the world's people

    なぜなら 世界の過半数の人々は

  • live under governments they voted in and can vote out.

    政府を選出し 投票により辞めさせることができます

  • And even non-democratic governments are more sensitive to public opinion.

    さらに 非民主主義の政府でさえ以前より世論に敏感です

  • Because primarily of the power of the Internet,


  • people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money


  • that can change the world for some public good if they all agree.


  • When the tsunami hit South Asia, the United States contributed 1.2 billion dollars.

    津波が南アジアを襲ったとき アメリカは12億ドルの寄付をしました

  • 30 percent of our households gave.


  • Half of them gave over the Internet.


  • The median contribution was somewhere around 57 dollars.


  • And thirdly, because of the rise of non-governmental organizations.

    そして第三に 非政府組織の増加によって

  • They, businesses, other citizens' groups, have enormous power

    非政府組織 企業 その他の市民団体が

  • to affect the lives of our fellow human beings.


  • When I became president in 1993,


  • there were none of these organizations in Russia.


  • There are now a couple of hundred thousand.


  • None in India. There are now at least a half a million active.

    インドもゼロでしたが 今は少なくとも50万が活動中です

  • None in China. There are now 250,000 registered with the government,

    中国もゼロでした それが今は政府に登録しているものが25万

  • probably twice again that many who are not registered for political reasons.

    政治的理由で登録されていない組織は おそらくその倍あります

  • When I organized my foundation, and I thought about the world as it is

    私が基金を設立したときに考えたのは 今ある世界と

  • and the world that I hope to leave to the next generation,


  • and I tried to be realistic about what I had cared about all my life

    そして ずっと関心があり 私がまだ影響を与えられそうなことを

  • that I could still have an impact on.


  • I wanted to focus on activities


  • that would help to alleviate poverty, fight disease, combat climate change,

    貧困の軽減 病気との闘い 気候変動との闘いに役立ち

  • bridge the religious, racial and other divides that torment the world,

    世界を苦しめる宗教的 人種的溝や その他の落差を埋める活動です

  • but to do it in a way that would either use

    ただし その活動を

  • whatever particular skills we could put together in our group


  • to change the way some public good function was performed


  • so that it would sweep across the world more.


  • You saw one reference to that in what we were able to do with AIDS drugs.

    我々がエイズ薬で実行できたことが その1つです

  • And I want to say that the head of our AIDS effort,


  • and the person who also is primarily active in the wish I'll make tonight,


  • Ira Magaziner, is here with me and I want to thank him for everything he's done.

    アイラ マガジナーがここに来ています 彼の活動すべてに感謝しています

  • He's over there.


  • (Applause)


  • When I got out of office and was asked to work, first in the Caribbean,

    私が公職を退いて 最初にカリブ海でエイズ危機への対応を

  • to try to help deal with the AIDS crisis,


  • generic drugs were available for about 500 dollars a person a year.

    ジェネリック薬は 1人あたり年間約500ドルで販売されていました

  • If you bought them in vast bulks,


  • you could get them at a little under 400 dollars.


  • The first country we went to work in, the Bahamas,

    最初に活動した国 バハマは

  • was paying 3,500 dollars for these drugs.


  • The market was so terribly disorganized


  • that they were buying this medicine through two agents


  • who were gigging them sevenfold.


  • So the very first week we were working,

    そこで 活動の最初の1週間で

  • we got the price down to 500 dollars.


  • And all of a sudden, they could save seven times as many lives

    急に 同じ金額で7倍もの命を

  • for the same amount of money.


  • Then we went to work with the manufacturers of AIDS medicines,

    次に エイズ薬の製造業者に働きかけました

  • one of whom was cited in the film,


  • and negotiated a whole different change in business strategy,


  • because even at 500 dollars, these drugs

    なぜなら この薬は500ドルでも

  • were being sold on a high-margin, low-volume, uncertain-payment basis.

    高利益率 低容量 不明確な支払い基準で販売されていたからです

  • So we worked on improving the productivity of the operations

    そこで 運営と供給プロセスの生産性改善に取り組み

  • and the supply chain, and went to a low-margin, high-volume,

    低利益率 高容量 そして絶対的に信頼できる支払い基準の

  • absolutely certain-payment business.


  • I joked that the main contribution we made

    エイズ対策での主な貢献は 製造業者の戦略を

  • to the battle against AIDS was to get the manufacturers


  • to change from a jewelry store to a grocery store strategy.


  • But the price went to 140 dollars from 500.

    でも 価格は500ドルから140ドルになり

  • And pretty soon, the average price was 192 dollars.


  • Now we can get it for about 100 dollars.


  • Children's medicine was 600 dollars,


  • because nobody could afford to buy any of it.


  • We negotiated it down to 190.


  • Then, the French imposed their brilliantly conceived airline tax

    その後 フランスの素晴らしい思いつきで航空券税を課すことから

  • to create a something called UNITAID,


  • got a bunch of other countries to help.


  • That children's medicine is now 60 dollars a person a year.

    今では 小児用の薬は1人あたり年間60ドルです

  • The only thing that is keeping us from basically saving the lives


  • of everybody who needs the medicine to stay alive


  • are the absence of systems necessary to diagnose, treat and care

    診断 治療 看護をして この薬を

  • for people and deliver this medicine.


  • We started a childhood obesity initiative with the Heart Association in America.

    我々は アメリカ心臓協会と小児肥満イニシアチブを開始しました

  • We tried to do the same thing by negotiating industry-right deals

    子ども達が学校で摂取する食品のカロリーや 危険な内容物を減らすよう

  • with the soft drink and the snack food industry to cut the caloric


  • and other dangerous content of food going to our children in the schools.

    交渉することにより 同じことを試みました

  • We just reorganized the markets.


  • And it occurred to me that in this whole non-governmental world,

    そこで この無政府状態の世界に

  • somebody needs to be thinking about organizing public goods markets.


  • And that is now what we're trying to do,

    そして それが我々が今しようとしていることであり

  • and working with this large cities group to fight climate change,

    気候変動と闘うために 大都市のグループと協力して

  • to negotiate huge, big, volume deals that will enable cities


  • which generate 75 percent of the world's greenhouse gases,

    温室効果ガスの排出を 経済的にも良い形で

  • to drastically and quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions


  • in a way that is good economics.


  • And this whole discussion as if it's some sort of economic burden,

    温室効果ガスの削減を ある種の経済的負担とするような議論は

  • is a mystery to me.


  • I think it's a bird's nest on the ground.


  • When Al Gore won his well-deserved Oscar

    アル ゴアが 映画『不都合な真実』によって

  • for the "Inconvenient Truth" movie, I was thrilled,

    受けるに十分に値するオスカーを受賞したとき 私は感激しながらも

  • but I had urged him to make a second movie quickly.


  • For those of you who saw "An Inconvenient Truth,"


  • the most important slide in the Gore lecture is the last one,


  • which shows here's where greenhouse gases are going


  • if we don't do anything, here's where they could go.


  • And then there are six different categories


  • of things we can do to change the trajectory.


  • We need a movie on those six categories.


  • And all of you need to have it embedded in your brains

    そして 皆がそれを念頭に置き

  • and to organize yourselves around it.


  • So we're trying to do that.


  • So organizing these markets is one thing we try to do.

    従って こうした市場の整理が 我々の試みの1つです

  • Now we have taken on a second thing, and this gets to my wish.

    現在は2つ目のことにも取り組んでおり これがwishになります

  • It has been my experience in working in developing countries


  • that while the headlines may all be -- the pessimistic headlines may say,

    メディアは悲観的にあれもできない これもできない

  • well, we can't do this, that or the other thing because of corruption --


  • I think incapacity is a far bigger problem in poor countries than corruption,

    貧困国では 腐敗よりも無力さの方がはるかに大きな問題であり

  • and feeds corruption.


  • We now have the money, given these low prices, to distribute

    先ほどの低価格であれば 世界中で

  • AIDS drugs all over the world to people we cannot presently reach.

    今 エイズ薬を買えない人にも薬を配布する資金があります

  • Today these low prices are available in the 25 countries where we work,

    今日 この低価格は 我々が活動する25カ国を含む

  • and in a total of 62 countries,


  • and about 550,000 people are getting the benefits of them.

    約55万人が その恩恵を受けていますが

  • But the money is there to reach others.


  • The systems are not there to reach the people.


  • So what we have been trying to do,

    最初にルワンダ 次にマラウィやその他の国で活動してきました

  • working first in Rwanda and then in Malawi and other places --

    ただ 今夜はルワンダについてお話ししたいのです

  • but I want to talk about Rwanda tonight --


  • is to develop a model for rural health care in a very poor area


  • that can be used to deal with AIDS, TB, malaria, other infectious diseases,

    エイズ 結核 マラリア その他の感染症

  • maternal and child health, and a whole range of health issues

    母子保健や 開発途上国世界で貧困層が立ち向かう

  • poor people are grappling with in the developing world,


  • that can first be scaled for the whole nation of Rwanda,


  • and then will be a model that could literally


  • be implemented in any other poor country in the world.


  • And the test is: one, will it do the job?


  • Will it provide high quality care?

    質の高いケアを提供できるか ということ

  • And two, will it do it at a price

    第二に 国が保健医療システムを

  • that will enable the country to sustain a health care system


  • without foreign donors after five to 10 years?


  • Because the longer I deal with these problems,

    なぜなら こうした問題への取り組みが長くなるにつれ

  • the more convinced I am that we have to --

    経済であっても 健康 教育 何であっても

  • whether it's economics, health, education, whatever --


  • we have to build systems.


  • And the absence of systems that function


  • break the connection which got you all in this seat tonight.

    今夜皆さんをこの席に導いた つながりが壊れてしまうのです

  • You think about whatever your life has been,


  • however many obstacles you have faced in your life,


  • at critical junctures you always knew

    重大な岐路において 自分の努力と

  • there was a predictable connection between the effort you exerted

    達成できる結果との間に 予測可能なつながりがあることが

  • and the result you achieved.


  • In a world with no systems, with chaos,

    無秩序で システムのない世界では

  • everything becomes a guerilla struggle,


  • and this predictability is not there.


  • And it becomes almost impossible to save lives,

    そして 命を救うことや 子供を教育すること

  • educate kids, develop economies, whatever.

    経済を発展させること 全てが不可能に近くなります

  • The person, in my view,


  • who has done the best job of this in the health care area,


  • of building a system in a very poor area, is Dr. Paul Farmer,

    ポール ファーマー医師だと 私は思います

  • who, many of you know, has worked for now 20 years with his group,

    彼は 多くの人がご存じの通りパートナーズ イン ヘルスと共に

  • Partners in Health, primarily in Haiti where he started,

    今まで20年間 活動が始まったハイチで主に活動し

  • but they've also worked in Russia, in Peru

    ロシア ペルーやその他 世界中の

  • and other places around the world.


  • As poor as Haiti is, in the area where Farmer's clinic is active --

    ハイチは貧しく ファーマー医師の診療所が活動している地域では

  • and they serve a catchment area far greater

    通常 医療専門家が可能とするよりも

  • than the medical professionals they have would indicate they could serve --


  • since 1988, they have not lost one person to tuberculosis, not one.

    1988年以降 1人も結核で亡くしていません 1人もです

  • And they've achieved a lot of other amazing health results.


  • So when we decided to work in Rwanda

    ですから 国の収入を飛躍的に増やしてエイズ問題と闘おうと

  • on trying to dramatically increase the income of the country and fight the AIDS problem,


  • we wanted to build a healthcare network,


  • because it had been totally destroyed during the genocide in 1994,

    理由は それが1994年の大量虐殺の中 完全に崩壊し

  • and the per capita income was still under a dollar a day.


  • So I rang up, asked Paul Farmer if he would help.

    そこで ポール ファーマーに電話をし 支援してもらえないか尋ねました

  • Because it seemed to me if we could prove there was a model in Haiti

    なぜなら 国全体を取り込むことができるモデルが

  • and a model in Rwanda that we could then take all over the country,


  • number one, it would be a wonderful thing for a country

    第一に この15年間

  • that has suffered as much as any on Earth in the last 15 years,


  • and number two, we would have something that could then be adapted

    そして第二に 後から世界中の貧しい国々に適応させられるものを

  • to any other poor country anywhere in the world.


  • And so we have set about doing that.

    こうして 我々はその実行に取りかかりました

  • Now, we started working together 18 months ago.

    そして 1年半前 共同活動を開始し

  • And we're working in an area called Southern Kayonza,

    サザン カヨンザと呼ばれる地域で活動しています

  • which is one of the poorest areas in Rwanda,


  • with a group that originally includes about 400,000 people.


  • We're essentially implementing what Paul Farmer did in Haiti:

    基本的には ポール ファーマーがハイチで行ったことを実行しています

  • he develops and trains paid community health workers


  • who are able to identify health problems,


  • ensure that people who have AIDS or TB are properly diagnosed


  • and take their medicine regularly,


  • who work on bringing about health education, clean water and sanitation,

    健康教育やきれいな水 そして公衆衛生の喚起に取り組んで

  • providing nutritional supplements and moving people up the chain of health care

    栄養補給剤の提供や 特別なケアが必要な重度の患者も

  • if they have problems of the severity that require it.


  • The procedures that make this work have been perfected,


  • as I said, by Paul Farmer and his team

    先ほども言ったように ポール ファーマーとそのチームにより

  • in their work in rural Haiti over the last 20 years.


  • Recently we did an evaluation of the first 18 months of our efforts in Rwanda.

    最近 ルワンダにおける最初の1年半の取り組みを評価しました

  • And the results were so good that the Rwandan government

    結果は非常に良く 今ではルワンダ政府が

  • has now agreed to adopt the model for the entire country,


  • and has strongly supported and put the full resources of the government behind it.

    その甚大な支持から 政府の最大限の資源を当てることになったほどです

  • I'll tell you a little bit about our team because it's indicative of what we do.

    我々の活動を表すことですので チームについて少しお話しします

  • We have about 500 people around the world


  • working in our AIDS program, some of them for nothing --

    エイズ対策の活動をしており 中には交通費と部屋 食事だけを得て

  • just for transportation, room and board.


  • And then we have others working in these other related programs.

    その他に 関連プログラムで活動する人たちもいます

  • Our business plan in Rwanda


  • was put together under the leadership of Diana Noble,

    ダイアナ ノーブルの指揮の下 まとめられました

  • who is an unusually gifted woman,

    彼女は非常に優秀な女性ですが それは

  • but not unusual in the type of people who have been willing to do this kind of work.


  • She was the youngest partner at Schroder Ventures in London in her 20s.

    彼女は20代のときシュローダー ベンチャーズの最年少の共同出資者でした

  • She was CEO of a successful e-venture --


  • she started and built Reed Elsevier Ventures --

    リード アルゼビア ベンチャーズを設立しました

  • and at 45 she decided she wanted to do something different with her life.

    そして45歳で 人生で何か違うことをしてみたいと思い

  • So she now works full-time on this for very little pay.

    彼女は現在 わずかな報酬で この活動にフルタイムで取り組んでいます

  • She and her team of former business people have created a business plan

    彼女と かつてのビジネス関係の人たちのチームが事業計画をつくりました

  • that will enable us to scale this health system up for the whole country.

    この計画によって この保健システムを国全体に拡大できるようになります

  • And it would be worthy of the kind of private equity work

    そしてこれは 彼女が高収入を得ながらしていた

  • she used to do when she was making a lot more money for it.


  • When we came to this rural area, 45 percent of the children under the age of five

    我々がこの地方部に来たとき 5歳未満の子どもの45%が

  • had stunted growth due to malnutrition.


  • 23 percent of them died before they reached the age of five.


  • Mortality at birth was over two-and-a-half percent.


  • Over 15 percent of the deaths among adults and children occurred

    成人と子どもの死因のうち 15%超は

  • because of intestinal parasites and diarrhea from dirty water and inadequate sanitation --

    汚水と不十分な公衆衛生による 腸内寄生虫と下痢でした

  • all entirely preventable and treatable.

    すべて 予防可能かつ治療可能なものです

  • Over 13 percent of the deaths were from respiratory illnesses --

    死因の13%超が 呼吸器疾患によるものでした

  • again, all preventable and treatable.

    これもまた すべて予防可能であり 治療可能なものです

  • And not a single soul in this area was being treated for AIDS or tuberculosis.

    そして この地域には エイズや結核の治療が皆無でした

  • Within the first 18 months, the following things happened:


  • we went from zero to about 2,000 people being treated for AIDS.


  • That's 80 percent of the people who need treatment in this area.


  • Listen to this: less than four-tenths of one percent of those being treated

    注目すべき点は 治療対象者のうち 薬の服用をやめたり

  • stopped taking their medicine or otherwise defaulted on treatment.

    治療を怠ったりしたのは 0.4%未満だということです

  • That's lower than the figure in the United States.


  • Less than three-tenths of one percent


  • had to transfer to the more expensive second-line drugs.

    変える必要があったのは 0.3%未満です

  • 400,000 pregnant women were brought into counseling


  • and will give birth for the first time within an organized healthcare system.


  • That's about 43 percent of all the pregnancies.


  • About 40 percent of all the people -- I said 400,000. I meant 40,000.


  • About 40 percent of all the people who need TB treatment are now getting it --

    結核の治療が必要な全人口のうち約40%は 現在治療を受けています

  • in just 18 months, up from zero when we started.

    活動を開始した ほんの18ヶ月前にはゼロだったのです

  • 43 percent of the children in need of an infant feeding program

    栄養失調と早期死亡の防止に 幼児用食糧配給プログラムを

  • to prevent malnutrition and early death

    必要とする子どもの43%が 現在

  • are now getting the food supplements they need to stay alive and to grow.


  • We've started the first malaria treatment programs they've ever had there.


  • Patients admitted to a hospital that was destroyed during the genocide

    患者が収容される病院は 大量虐殺の間に破壊された状態でしたが

  • that we have renovated along with four other clinics,

    他の4つの診療所とともに修復をして 太陽エネルギー発電機を設置し

  • complete with solar power generators, good lab technology.


  • We now are treating 325 people a month,


  • despite the fact that almost 100 percent of the AIDS patients are now treated at home.


  • And the most important thing is

    そして 一番重要なことですが

  • because we've implemented Paul Farmer's model, using community health workers,

    ポール ファーマーのモデルを 地域の医療従事者によって導入したことから

  • we estimate that this system could be put into place for all of Rwanda

    このシステムは GDPの5%から6%でルワンダ全域に

  • for between five and six percent of GDP,


  • and that the government could sustain that


  • without depending on foreign aid after five or six years.


  • And for those of you who understand healthcare economics


  • you know that all wealthy countries spend between nine and 11 percent of GDP


  • on health care, except for the United States, we spend 16 --

    アメリカは別で 16%を費やしていますが

  • but that's a story for another day.


  • (Laughter)


  • We're now working with Partners in Health and the Ministry of Health in Rwanda

    現在はパートナーズ イン ヘルスやルワンダの保健省

  • and our Foundation folks to scale this system up.

    そして我々の基金の人たちと共に このシステムの拡大に取り組んでいます

  • We're also beginning to do this in Malawi and Lesotho.

    さらに これをマラウィとレソトでも始めるところです

  • And we have similar projects in Tanzania, Mozambique,

    そして 同様のプロジェクトを タンザニア モザンビーク ケニア エチオピアで

  • Kenya and Ethiopia with other partners trying to achieve the same thing:


  • to save as many lives as quickly as we can,

    できるだけ迅速に 多くの命を救うためですが

  • but to do it in a systematic way that can be implemented nationwide

    それを 全国的に実施できる系統的な形で行い

  • and then with a model that can be implemented in any country in the world.


  • We need initial upfront investment to train doctors, nurses,

    まずは先行投資を行う必要があります 医師や看護師

  • health administration and community health workers throughout the country,

    保健行政 そして地域の医療従事者を国中で訓練して

  • to set up the information technology, the solar energy,

    情報技術 太陽エネルギー

  • the water and sanitation, the transportation infrastructure.


  • But over a five- to 10-year period,

    しかし 5年から10年の期間をかけて

  • we will take down the need for outside assistance


  • and eventually it will be phased out.


  • My wish is that TED assist us in our work and help us to build

    私のwishは この活動にTEDが力を貸し 貧困国 ルワンダで

  • a high-quality rural health system in a poor country, Rwanda,

    アフリカ向けの そして実際には世界中の貧困国向けのモデルとなり得る

  • that can be a model for Africa,


  • and indeed, for any poor country anywhere in the world.


  • My belief is that this will help us to build a more integrated world

    これが より統合された世界を築く助けとなると 信じています

  • with more partners and fewer terrorists,

    パートナーが増え テロリストが減り

  • with more productive citizens and fewer haters,

    生産力のある住民が増え 他者を憎む人が減った

  • a place we'd all want our kids and our grandchildren to grow up in.


  • It has been an honor for me, particularly, to work in Rwanda

    スコットランド人の慈善活動家であるトム ハンター氏と協力して

  • where we also have a major economic development project


  • in partnership with Sir Tom Hunter, the Scottish philanthropist,


  • where last year we, using the same thing with AIDS drugs,

    経済開発プロジェクトでは エイズ治療薬と同じ形で

  • cut the cost of fertilizer and the interest rates on microcredit loans by 30 percent

    肥料の費用と 少額融資の金利を30%削減し

  • and achieved three- to four-hundred percent increases


  • in crop yields with the farmers.


  • These people have been through a lot and none of us, most of all me,

    彼らは困難を経験してきましたが 彼らが互いに滅ぼし合おうとしていた時

  • helped them when they were on the verge of destroying each other.

    誰も 特に私は 助けなかった 我々は今それを

  • We're undoing that now, and they are so over it and so into their future.

    打ち消そうとし 彼らは本当に過去を乗り越え 未来に集中しています

  • We're doing this in an environmentally responsible way.

    我々はこの活動を 環境面で責任を持った形で行っています

  • I'm doing my best to convince them not to run the electric grid


  • to the 35 percent of the people that have no access,

    クリーンエネルギーを使うよう説得するために 最善を尽くしています

  • but to do it with clean energy. To have responsible reforestation projects,


  • the Rwandans, interestingly enough, have been quite good, Mr. Wilson,

    ルワンダ人は 大変興味深いことに

  • in preserving their topsoil.


  • There's a couple of guys from southern farming families --


  • the first thing I did when I went out to this place


  • was to get down on my hands and knees and dig in the dirt


  • and see what they'd done with it.


  • We have a chance here to prove that a country


  • that almost slaughtered itself out of existence

    和解し 再編成し 明日に焦点を合わせ

  • can practice reconciliation, reorganize itself, focus on tomorrow

    包括的で質の良い保健医療を 外部のわずかな助けにより

  • and provide comprehensive, quality health care with minimal outside help.


  • I am grateful for this prize, and I will use it to that end.

    TED Prizeを受賞できたのは光栄です この賞は保健医療モデルの確立に役立てます

  • We could use some more help to do this,

    その実現に もう少し援助があれば幸いです

  • but think of what it would mean if we could have a world-class health system


  • in Rwanda -- in a country with a less-than-one-dollar-a-day-per-capita income,

    一人あたりの所得が1日1ドル未満の国 ルワンダや

  • one that could save hundreds of millions of lives


  • over the next decade if applied to every similarly situated country on Earth.

    保健システムが応用されれば 次の10年で何億もの命を救えるのです

  • It's worth a try and I believe it would succeed.

    これは試す価値があり 私は成功すると信じています

  • Thank you and God bless you.


  • (Applause)


I thought in getting up to my TED wish

TED wishの話をするために まず


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