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Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I'm going to teach you a little bit about
speaking. I'm going to teach you some expressions that can really help you if you're giving
presentations, if you're taking the TOEFL, if you're taking the IELTS, or just generally
for business English and also in university classes. Okay? So these are all going to be
expressions you can use when you speak.
Now, the expressions I'm talking about specifically are expressions you can use after you've finished
talking, just to, sort of, conclude. Okay? So these are ways to say, "In conclusion."
について話していきます。いいですか?なので、"In conclusion."の様々な言い換えを紹介していきます。
So I have here two expressions: "In conclusion", "thus". Okay? I don't know if you've ever
さて、こちらには"In conclusion", "thus"の二つの表現があります。いいですか?
seen these expressions before, but if you've written an essay, you've probably seen these.
These come at the very end of an essay. In speech, we don't really use these. Okay?
"In conclusion" and "thus", they're very, very formal, and so they sound a little strange.
"In conclusion"と"thus"は、非常に非常に硬い表現なので、聞いてて少し違和感を感じます。
Okay? If you are a university professor, yeah. Maybe you'll use this. But for most people,
they're not so common. So when we speak, we don't really use these. We use these in writing,
not speaking. Okay?
So I want you to imagine this. Imagine I am giving a speech. I'm giving a presentation,
and I'm talking about why dogs are great pets. Okay? So imagine this. I've told you first,
dogs are very loyal. They're man's best friend. Maybe I've talked a little bit about how cute
dogs are, how they're so obedient, they listen to their owners, and how they really help
people. You know, they help people who are blind. They help people who are lonely. They
help people, you know, for herding sheep. There are a lot of things that dogs do. So
imagine I give a whole presentation about dogs. Now, at the very end, I really want
to just say one more time how great dogs are. Well, I can use any of these expressions to
show that.
So for example, "to sum up". Okay. So I've just talked a lot about dogs. At the very
例えば、"to sum up"。先ほど犬についてたくさん話してきました。プレゼンの最後に、
end, I might say something like, "To sum up, dogs are great pets." Okay? I might also say,
"Yeah. You know, dogs are loyal, so they make great pets." I might say, "In a nutshell,
dogs make excellent pets." I really do like this expression, by the way. It's a common
idiom. And it's pretty interesting because "nutshell" -- I don't know the history of
it, but "in nutshell" means pretty much the same as "in conclusion".
この言葉の由来は分かりませんが、"in nutshell"は"in conclusion"と同じ意味を指します。
We can also say "the bottom line". "The bottom line is dogs make excellent pets." If I've
"the bottom line"を使ってもいいです。「要するに、犬は素晴らしいペットなのです。」
given a lot of reasons -- you know, "dogs are clean; they're cute; they're smart". For these
reasons, dogs make excellent pets." And finally, "All in all". It's like from that Pink Floyd
犬は素晴らしいペットです。」となります。そして最後の"All in all"。"All in all, there's just another brick in the wall."
song, "All in all, there's just another brick in the wall." "All in all", again, means "in
のように、ピンクフロイドの歌の歌詞にもあります。"All in all"も「要するに」を意味し、
conclusion". And we use it a lot in speech. "All in all, dogs make wonderful pets." Okay.
So these expressions are very, very useful for when you're doing presentations, in business
meetings. If you ever take the TOEFL or IELTS, you can use these if the examiner asks you
a question. To finish off your answer, these are all wonderful expressions.
So all in all, use these expressions. They're great. In a nutshell, these expressions mean
要するに、これらの表現を使ってください。要するに、これらすべての表現は"in conclusion"と
the same thing as "in conclusion" and "thus". The bottom line is, don't use these expressions;
use these when you're speaking to finish off your answer or to finish what you're saying.
これら(in conclusion, thus)は使わずに、こちらの表現を使ってください。
So I invite you to come visit our website at www.engvid.com. There, you will find a
quiz where you can practice all of these expressions. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Thank you for watching this video, and until next time, take care.