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Are you a skinny guy that no matter how much you eat, you just can't seem to put on muscle?
I think I have an idea of what's going on because it happened to me.
Let me see if I can help you out today.
What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEANX.COM.
Going Coach Cavaliere again today because we want to follow up on an earlier video that
I did just a couple of days ago
about Hardgainers and the mistakes that I feel Hardgainers make, because I made them
myself, in trying to put on muscle.
And those were really dealing with the gym elements, but people called me out and said,
Jeff, you didn't talk anything about nutrition. How are you gonna' help us Hardgainers with
And you know what? I think that is a great point, and to not include something on that
was a disservice.
So let's do a video on it, but I got to warn you. This is going to be one of those earmuff
videos because you guys are somewhat
a little bit offended if I use curse words or if I get a little bit, uh, unprofessional,
as I say.
Guys, I have to tell you. When I do these videos, and they're sort of my Jeff Rant Videos,
they're spoken with passion.
These are because I've lived this. I was a Hardgainer, right. I told you before, I was.
I've lived this life.
I know what it's like. I know what you guys are suffering with if you're here watching
this video having the same struggles and problems.
So, if I deliver my message with passion, then I am being a professional because it's
my professional responsibility to do so, and
to give you guys the information I feel that you need. So, if there's anybody that's offended,
again, break out the earmuffs.
For every one of you, there's a hundred that appreciate the passion with which this message
will be delivered.
So, let's talk about nutrition. What is it that's going wrong here, if you're a Hardgainer
and you just can't put on muscle?
I can tell you right off the bat that you're getting bad advice because I heard the same
bad advice that you're probably hearing and that is,
If you want to eat big, if you to get big, you got to eat big. Right, that's it. That's
what they say.
That is flat out only about a quarter of the equation because they're leaving out one big
thing, guys, and that is what I preach and that is,
You better have quality first, and then worry about quantity because if you're going to
sit there and eat a diet full of crap you know what you're going to get out of it?
Crap. Alright? It's shit in, shit out. That's what happens. That's how it works, alright.
And if you want to build an impressive body you better start focusing on more impressive
And I can tell you, and I can speak this way because I've been there. I was the worst junk
food eater ever.
And I've covered this in other videos. As a matter of fact, I've got a picture here
to show you exactly what I looked like.
Alright, so I'm going to vouch for that, too. So, Jeff, what did you look like as a skinny
That's me. That body right there was powered by 2 1/2 hour workouts.
Dunkin Donuts.
Hostess Cupcakes for lunch. Literally, that was what I ate for lunch.
That's what I got out of it. Nothing, because you can't expect to put in crap and get out
diamonds. That's not the way it works.
You gotta' focus on quality nutrition first and if you're not going to focus on quality,
it doesn't matter what the quantity is.
I've got kids that I've trained that have consumed up to 5 and 6 thousand calories a
day and guess what?
They couldn't put on muscle because it had nothing to do with the amount of calories
they're providing themselves.
It was garbage. All garbage. Your body can't do anything with that, nothing productive.
They cut their calories by 20-40 percent. And guess what they did?
They gained muscle. And you can do the same thing. You focus on the quantity only after
the quality is in place first.
Guys, you can't bully your body nutritionally. It doesn't work that way. You can in some
degree with your workouts.
I always say, Either train hard or train long, but you can't do both. You gotta' train hard.
You gotta' try to bully your body that way.
But you cannot bully your body nutritionally. There's too many intricacies going on nutritionally
that will prevent that.
Hormonally. That's one of the biggest things, that's one of the biggest reasons why crap
in produces crap.
Because hormonally you're not-you're causing a cascade of issues and problems for yourself
that make it that much harder to build muscle.
The responses to sugar would be much different than responses to protein in your body, right.
And nutri genomically, I've talked about that before,
it even has an impact on gene expression, and protein synthesis and your body's ability
to build muscle from it's very constituents.
That's going to be impacted because of the quality of the stuff that you put in your
body. And don't think that turning to supplements is going to be your savior.
It's not. It's not, because I see 2 big problems when guys do that.
Number 1. They overspecialize.They're looking at testosterone boosters and, guys, that ain't
your problem.
Seriously. Testosterone boosting? A lot of the Hardgainers are young kids. You got more
testosterone floating around in your body.
I mean, seriously, you're not being limited by your testosterone, you're being limited
by the fact that you can't keep your mouth closed when you're around cupcakes.
And you won't try to eat anything that tastes good. You stay away from the brown rice because
it's bland.
You stay away from kenwah. You stay away from cous-cous. You stay away from carbohydrates
starchy carbohydrates in the morning like oatmeal because you prefer to have Lucky Charms.
That's not going to do it. That's not good. And I throw some of these foods out there,
but I'm not saying those are the only thing you can do.
There's so many good tasting foods out there, guys. Just start to extend your palates and
start to try different things that you know are healthy.
And believe me, you will find foods that you like. I don't care who this is. And if you're
not a Hardgainer, you're just an overweight guy watching this video,
start to expand your palates and start to try different things and try them in their
natural states.They actually taste really good.
You'll find some that you like. I promise you you'll find something that you like, and
they don't have to be bland, not at all.
The second thing Hardgainers do is they turn to Weight Gainer supplements. Guess what the
problem is there?
It's all sugar. What do you think all those calories, those Weight Gainer 6500s and those
Weight Gainer 5000s, where do you think all that stuff comes from?
It's all garbage. It's all sugar. Sugary carbs. So, if you're a Hardgainer, you cannot put
on muscle mass, you got to start eating a lot more only when,
only when you've established the base of quality first. Once you've got that, then by all means,
increase the quantities of foods that you're eating.
If you're not seeing muscle mass and muscle gains, increase the quantity of the same foods,
the same quality foods that you're eating
just eat bigger portions of them each and every meal. Start with one meal. If you can
tolerate that, then go to your snacks.
And increase the size of those. If you can tolerate that, go to your lunch and start
increasing the size of that.
You'll see, it's a gradual process, and I guarantee you, you're going to start to see
some muscle gains.
And when you do, just make sure you come back here and leave me a little Thank You on this
because I promise you it will work. I promise you.
If you guys are looking for a complete workout program, a completely sound nutrition system
that works,
that's based on eating quality nutrition, not bland, guys that are on my program will
tell you, it tastes good, very good.
But quality nutrition? I got it all laid out for you guys step-by-step. You can find it
In the meantime, I love the opportunity I get to coach you guys. This is why I love
doing these videos.
This is why I love being in the position that I am because I feel like I can have an impact
and hopefully this video has done that.
Alright, guys, in the meantime, like I said leave your comments below. Let me know what
else it is that you struggle with because
your ideas and your requests are what make it possible for me to do these videos and
what feed me the ideas to do them.
So make sure you leave one below. And a Thumb's Up if you felt like it helped you.
And I'll be back here, guys, in just a couple days because as I said, 3 videos a week now.
I like to keep 'em rolling. See you guys back here soon.