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  • Chapter 10 Energy Revolution

  • I think there is a strong possibility

  • that we are at a turning point in history

  • a complete revolution in human affairs

  • the discovery of totally new energy sources

  • Meet Stanley Meyer

  • Stanley Meyer invented a machine

  • that could make cars run on hydrogen (out of water)

  • The machine Stanley Meyer invented

  • he called the "water fuel cell"

  • They interesting think about the water fuel cell is that

  • it could get any gas powered engine to run on pure hydrogen

  • The other interesting thing is that the water fuel cell

  • could have been released as early as 1985...

  • In 1998 he signed a contract with the Department of Defense

  • to build a $30 million dollar research facility

  • he died of food poisoning the following day...

  • Stanley back in the 80's

  • A dream becoming a reality, a local inventory has discovered a way,

  • to use water to run your car...

  • It's a major breakthrough that will make the Motorist happy

  • The Pentagon has shown a lot of interest in this project

  • Water has always been considered a precious commodity

  • but Stan Mayer invention, may make it even more valuable

  • He has developed what is called a "water fuel cell"

  • it has taken the place of his old gas tank

  • the water fuel cell breaks down the water molecules

  • into oxygen and hydrogen

  • The hydrogen is used to run his buggy

  • I don't care I you use, rain water, well water, city water, ocean water

  • If you don't have any freshwater, go ahead and use snow...

  • if you don't have any snow available to you,

  • then use salt water,

  • because there are no adverse effect to the fuel cell

  • Meyers is perfecting a water fuel cell for cars

  • it will cost about $1500 dollars

  • he says it won't need any maintenance,

  • and you don't have to replace it...

  • A man who invented an engine that can run on water

  • says he his been offered 1 billion dollars in cash

  • by all oil producing countries, to sell his patent

  • so far he hasn't sold

  • environmental specialist Jane Porter talk to the inventor

  • who thinks the US auto industry could produce cars

  • that run on water now... if they wanted to...

  • Stan Meyer has a car, that run on water

  • And that's drawing crowds at this year's

  • extraordinary science conference in Colorado Springs

  • Myers has developed what is call

  • the water fuel cell injector

  • The injector, breaks down the water molecules

  • into hydrogen and oxygen

  • and the hydrogen is what powers the car

  • Basically all we do is replace the spark plug

  • and replace it, with a water fuel cell injector

  • that you see right here

  • We separate the ordinary water in here

  • and as the water goes into the injector

  • It hits a very high pulsed voltage frequency

  • which instantly converts it in to thermo explosive energy

  • and as a result we can run this car down the road on water

  • Meyers invention was introduced in Britain earlier this month

  • and now the British, have followed him here

  • We recently took a scientific delegation

  • to witness stan's work

  • to really evaluate it, and come back saying

  • this is one of the most important inventions of the century...

  • There's nothing startling about a machine

  • that can extract hydrogen from water

  • What is highly unusual

  • is that it should do so with ordinary tap water

  • conventional method is called electrolysis

  • Meyer has turned this process to its end

  • unlike electrolysis,

  • his device doesn't use up large amounts of electric current

  • nor it is produce, enormous amounts of heat

  • For 20 years,

  • he has been refining a method, to fraction water

  • it produces vast amounts of hydrogen on demand

  • This is not his latest apparatus

  • he was unwilling, to let us point the camera on that

  • this is a simple device

  • he used to convince a reluctant patent office's

  • that his revolution concept actually works

  • alloy rods acting as electrodes...

  • are housed in a container, filled with water

  • Normal mains voltage, is fed in through a transformer

  • but critically, there is virtually no current consume,

  • less than 0.5 Amp

  • The results is dramatic,

  • hydrogen pours off, with a flick of a switch

  • Meyers says that the key is electronics

  • it pulses electricity, rapidly across the rods

  • about 20,000 cycles per second

  • In a way that is not readily apparent

  • his process transforms, the equation...

  • Where as in conventional electrolysis

  • 3 times as much energy is consumed

  • as is produced in the form of hydrogen fuel

  • in Meyer apparatus, the reverse is true

  • It appears to produce several hundred percent more energy than it consumes

  • Note: The energy is in the water (hydrogen), "no law is broken"

  • Stan has something that is characteristic of

  • the people that sound like they have done something

  • to tap "zero point energy"

  • Has high frequency, high voltage

  • and there is a combination of the two, where something occurs...

  • If I did this, with standard electrochemicals, I need current

  • and the water should rise, a degree (celsius) every couple of seconds

  • with Stans it would run for half an hour

  • and the water temperature hasn't changed, something is different

  • There is no question, that the gas coming off in such abundance

  • is hydrogen...

  • Meyers ignites it, to produce a high temperature flame

  • able to cut through metal

  • With a little invention,

  • we can get stand alone devices, to run all over the world...

  • What I would be concerned about, is the people that sell energy

  • they would be essentially bankrupted,

  • and they may not go easily

  • The technology been developed,

  • was not only to eliminate the pollution

  • the fossil fuel pollution, and run on water

  • but also be able to process the air in a such a way

  • that we can revitalize, the energy level of the atmosphere

  • to take it back to the original condition

  • prior to the industrial revolution...

  • We've been doing and developing this technology

  • in the way an retrofit energy system

  • In other words, what good is it, to be put in a home heating

  • if you have no fuel source

  • to be able to operate the automobiles

  • What good is it, if you don't have an energy source

  • if you cannot put in the industry, and maintain the industrial base

  • What good is it for example,

  • if you cannot be able to maintain aviation

  • Have you hear about the Council of foreign relations?

  • The trilateral commission?

  • Have you hear about, the group of 300?

  • Have you hear about, the internationalist?

  • Their are controlling in order to bring a "One World Government"

  • the attitude of the multi Internationalist

  • is to come up with a zero, industrial growth

  • zero population growth...

  • When I was making a presentation in Geneva

  • to 55 nations there, I was slandered in presenting this technology

  • not because of the ability of the technology

  • because the international attitude is

  • they do not want the industrial growth to be maintained

  • There is a move to try to force the countries to accept

  • to sign over the natural resource rights

  • if you sign over your natural resource rights

  • you have taking over the countries, without firing a shot

  • this is to bring an "One World Government"

  • The number one thing that would defuse the entire episode

  • and be able to maintain us

  • is to bring in, an alternative source energy...

  • that we could be able to sustain and maintain

  • not only to the industrial base of this country, but of the whole world

  • And therefore I will share this information with you

  • and once I share with you, you have a responsibility

  • I am sharing a responsibility to you, so great...

  • now the power structure to be,

  • we all hear, about the guys who invent the carburetor

  • to go about 200 miles per gallon,

  • and it never came out, in the market area

  • We talked about high energy systems

  • a development of high-technology

  • and it never got out to the marketplace, why is that?

  • You know the Rockefeller is a very smart man

  • to get our economies, to operate on fossil fuel

  • He got a think tank,

  • and in the think tank he says I want you to come up with

  • motivating thoughts, that would demotivate the people

  • in order to bring us up, on the fossil fuels,

  • you see at that time, we are talking about

  • high energy research and development, are we not?

  • Yet Rockefeller convinced, the population of the world

  • that we need fossil fuel in all to maintain the economies

  • and therefore suppress and prevent...

  • alternate energy sources to come forward...

  • And you know when the Arabs came to me,

  • and offered me $1 million dollars cash

  • simply to stop on the technology...

  • And when I said no, I will not do this...

  • and he said "you will be stopped"

  • and I said why is that?

  • He said "The apathy of the American people is such...

  • that they will not come behind you"

  • and for a long time, that statement stood out

  • but I will assure you, today not only in the US

  • but in the world...

  • that they're coming together in one cord, and say it's enough

  • Unfortunately there are those who seek to control by greed

  • and seems they have the desire to control man under greed

  • unfortunately... in my many battles...

  • we had to overcome this type, in order to bring this technology out

  • Now it became obvious, that all the I had to do

  • is to restrict the amps

  • and expose the water molecules, to opposite voltage zones...

  • Would not the negative charge oxygen atom

  • be attracted to the positive voltage?

  • On the law of physics, opposite charges do what?

  • Attract...

  • Would not the positive charge of hydrogen atom

  • Now being attracted to the negative voltage?

  • And therefore you are overcoming

  • the electrical attraction forces of the water molecule

  • you're now causing the water molecule to expand

  • you changing the time... of the electron

  • and you are switching off the covalent Bond,

  • of the water molecule

  • and now you're releasing the hydrogen and oxygen

  • from ordinary water, without processing it

  • or add any chemicals to it, it's a physical process, why?

  • Because do you consume a voltage field?

  • In electronic circuit? No...........

  • Voltage preforms a physical process

  • of opposite electric attraction...

  • Therefore when you release, the hydrogen and oxygen atom

  • Therefore when you release it

  • you can now process it and use the energy from of the hydrogen atom

  • which is 2 1/2 times greater, than that of gasoline

  • How we do this?

  • And do it in a such a way that we don't consume a lot of power

  • we call it the VLC coil

  • We are taking the voltage zone here

  • and we construct a resonant cavity

  • Now, isn't the natural water a dielectric dielectric liquid

  • Sure it is....

  • In order to do this now,

  • when I put the dielectric liquid between two electrical plates

  • What do I form?

  • Capacitor do I not?

  • Now if I placed a coil in series to this capacitor here and here

  • what have I develop?

  • A resonant charging choke... do I not?

  • And therefore now you set up a pulsing

  • where now you're tacking 12 V and amplifying it to 20.000 volts

  • and as you pulse this,

  • you're now creating a magnetic field on the coil

  • which opposes the movement of electrons

  • And because of the inductance and capacitance of the coil

  • you're now allowing voltage, to be applied to the resonance cavity

  • and restricting amp flow by 90° degrees

  • so therefore when you adjust the pulse frequency

  • you are tuning in into the dialectic properties of water

  • amps going down to minimum

  • and voltage tries to go toward infinity

  • if the electronic components, will allow it to occur

  • And we know in electrical power...

  • there are 2 aspects to electrical power

  • There is amp flow, which consumes electrical power, isn't that so?

  • And then you have voltage, if I was to restrict the amps

  • what would have left over? Voltage...

  • voltage is not consumed with in an electronic circuit

  • Therefore it becomes potential energy

  • can you use potential energy, to perform work? The answer is yes.

  • We found out, that as you increase the voltage amplitude

  • Hydrogen gas, is not being produced in a linear function

  • in reference to amp flow, because we are restricting amp flow

  • is now being produced, in an exponential function

  • the higher the voltage, the more hydrogen gas is being generated

  • Now we find out, some very interesting things

  • as we attenuated the amplitude, in reference to the pulse frequency

  • we achieve resonant action

  • we start to supercharging the process

  • when we achieve resonance,

  • we found out, that when we shut it off

  • we allow the resonant action,

  • to maintain for 5 seconds, then shut it off

  • we are producing hydrogen gas for 94 seconds

  • so if you divide 5 seconds with 94 seconds

  • we're producing hydrogen gas 19 times

  • more at the output state, than the input state,

  • isn't that amazing?

  • Developing this technology

  • you don't have only to apply to the law of economics

  • but you have to apply with all the safety rules and regulations

  • Otherwise you can get it in, right?

  • So we found out, that when the multigases, coming out of water

  • if you set up a small passageway

  • somewhere along the line

  • the noncombustible gases, separate from hydrogen and oxygen atoms

  • now you know from the law of physics

  • that the requirement is,

  • that the hydrogen and oxygen don't come together

  • but if you keep them separated, then they spark and ignite?

  • And the answer is no...

  • Tired of pumping expensive gasoline into your car?

  • Well one Japanese company

  • reveals an eco friendly car, that runs on water

  • using the company's generating system

  • water is converted, into electrical power

  • Let's take a look at this amazing development...

  • All you need is a 1 Liter of water

  • any kind of water to be exact...

  • Whether it's river, rain, sea water or even Japanese tea..

  • Genepax unveiled a car that runs on water

  • in the western Japanese city of Osaka

  • They say it's an electric powered car

  • that runs only on hydrogen dioxide

  • The main characteristic of this car...

  • is that no external input is needed

  • the car will continue to run,

  • as long as you have a bottle of water inside,

  • for you to add from time to time...

Chapter 10 Energy Revolution


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真実の黙示録 第10章 エネルギー革命 (Revelation of Truth Chapter 10 - Energy Revolution)

  • 132 8
    Peter Yang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日