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  • Hi guys are you exited for the first tip?

  • Well i am, so lets get started! Ok, so the first tip is a post it calendar. So what you are going to need is:

  • a sharpie

  • A thinner sharpie

  • And a bunch of full-adhisive POSTITNOTES. Then go ahead and place all the post it notes identically

  • to the month of your choosing

  • And i chose August

  • and then go ahead and fill in all the numbers

  • try to make it look something like this.

  • And there you go, thats your calendar. Super easy, right?

  • And guess what? It helps you keep so organized, JUST SAYING.

  • and study tip 2 is a pretty obvious one but seriously it helps me so much.

  • so tell me when you're done writing that boring text cause were gonna do something real fun here.

  • So grab your highlighter or marker and start highlighting

  • out all the important things.

  • So my tip is to highlight in many different colors it that makes it much more fun.

  • So here we go again, Post it notes!

  • So grab your post it notes, and lets get started. As you can tell what i´m doing here is

  • placing the post it notes were i think it´s most important to place them.

  • And if you got some full-adhisive post it notes on hand,

  • try to put them inside your book. And wherever you go, you will have post it notes in your book

  • I guess ;)

  • and seriously they ad so much more color to you book, that it´s actually fun to read now! (just saying, hah.)

  • So I have my iPhone here ready to show you guys some

  • studying apps!

  • So here today i´m going to show you one of my three favorite (studying) apps

  • and that is QUIZLET. So Quizlet is more of like a learning new words, and terms app.

  • So it makes lots of fun games so you can practise them.

  • So study tip number 5 is for when you are reading books at/for school.

  • And instead of just reading the entire book and then forgetting what it was all about

  • like a second after.

  • What you are going to do is write a summary for every third page, it does not have to be long..

  • (Something between 3-5 paragraphs) What it does is that it makes you remember so much more

  • and makes you realize what you know and what you don't know.

  • So as we all know studying is boring..

  • So for every 30-90 minutes try to take a break that is 10 minutes long.

  • Let´s try this again!

  • yeah thats what i'm talking about

  • (Pretending like i´m french, but hannah is)

  • thank you guys so much for watching this video, hope you liked it, if you did..

  • Give it a thumbs up

  • I hope to see you guys later, bloopie time!

  • Direct translation: Ey gurl prrety BRRRROWWN ays, wat yar doing lattar tonaaight

  • mind if wii spend thaime with ya?

  • Applause for the french accent!

  • This did not go as planned, what ever!

  • Screaming cause my shoe went off! Hah!

Hi guys are you exited for the first tip?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

学校に戻る。勉強のコツ+整理整頓のコツ! (Back to school: Study tips + Organization tips!)

  • 351 21
    Elva に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日