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  • Well,

  • the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational Muppet

  • Muppetational Guest Stars in WWE History

  • Are Coming Up Next, Our Special Guest Stars, THE MUPPETS!

  • The Muppets! Yeah the Muppets! Kermit! Piggy! Fozzy! The whole gang's here!

  • Ladies and gentlemen tonight's guest Star

  • s on Monday Night Raw could be seen in the new movie, The Muppets

  • which opens at theaters everywhere November 23rd

  • please welcome at this time, The Muppets: Kermit the Frog

  • and Miss Piggy!

  • Oh My Goodness!

  • Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw YAYAY!

  • so he did gold default astronaut

  • just first

  • but that well

  • a lesbian

  • thank you Jack to go hard

  • greatest

  • with Ubuntu lifestyle

  • livestock blacks it ain't easy being green

  • how about he ain't easy being a plane a frog legs

  • now watch you your girlfriend get off this days before I start craving a ham

  • sandwich walk on water

  • yes frankenstein for

  • hold the whole listen everybody listen listen to what

  • like picky actually meant to say I mister swagger

  • he is this we understand and we don't want any trouble from you

  • I'm for your mother got scales

  • text it

  • okay everybody here is officially

  • excuse good good and Jack Swagger

  • if I would you have not be picking on time a different theme for the beautiful

  • miss piggy

  • than any other public trans misty

  • if I were you I would be

  • wanna all warming up

  • you see I've just been informed by mister John meningitis

  • that you have the opportunity go to the United showcase your skills

  • there against me a

  • per year that's terrific a good luck said Dean

  • potential me can it wrong

  • do exactly care about that's anti-male

  • former world heavyweight champion I division 1 all-american at ManorCare

  • an hour and a half dollars sigler Mike Horner good

  • because does it look has a one-on-one matchup is old enough sacked

  • against Zack Ryder pie

  • it but we cannot

  • yes

  • right there

  • today

  • yeah

  • action yeah yeah

  • you where special break girls

  • on a month I

  • beaker I'm so glad you're here now

  • this new Muppet labs energy drink I created is scientifically

  • guarantee to provide speed power agility

  • am fresher smelling breath

  • you must give it to Santino right away you

  • like pulling them the new

  • hike it was really good

  • but a little bit I heard you guys were here on rock

  • we had to play well it's the marina brilliant rather deliver this drink then

  • stay in here and talk to me

  • sandwiches and her to relax ok

  • in like you can do you favor bus

  • sorry but that's unlikely standard I the

  • to come here father

  • from from Anaheim think so

  • me

  • how we're go year

  • though a break I can't make the family reunion this year

  • his new me favorite please dont recess lol yeah

  • hearing-ear minor a man who tried to steer

  • her over her

  • for

  • no few differently

  • home

  • that was very easy more her work

  • you're really into the show

  • break gone from Gold Coast to someone who was born in the snow days

  • word

  • it

  • sure backstage in Ross yeah

  • sites these guys that like walking apart guy with the exit K

  • well no the impressive looking but you

  • WWE Champ I just put my mind to it and

  • how hard can it be excuse me haha okay

  • I was just telling my you how easy it would be

  • for me to be a WWE Champ city he's just joking at

  • thank you gonzo hi white

  • tax when you can South hey when he doing

  • good me

  • me yeah tell your friends

  • they'll want to get involved in our match later staying

  • yesterday have you say

  • kinda like my shorts panty arms the wifi hacking

  • guy so are you okay %eh gonna just

  • that

  • lively gorgeous

  • Super Show

  • by

  • you but

  • decades there

  • yeah haha that scary are just are nite the legendary

  • their brain hungry back down

  • the gym dad haha I'm hahaha when she

  • p

  • done

  • doing dang check drag G

  • given to Greece Saini

  • the mid-eighties demand mainly

  • here

  • Downey

  • system dummies

  • J singer donations only

  • miss and she

  • just Thanksgiving the

  • first time in 12 years David theaters

  • 140 right here

  • percent the night please

  • special do this

  • gold by

  • to yeah he the

  • she has been having a campaign to be witty player I such a respected

  • talking for hours text

  • energy drink the tea most gives go to Chile

  • good region but choking off big game the

  • cool

  • you know the only thing worst

  • listening to Michael Collins my

  • no but think weird

  • the pie six pack

  • first

  • a.m. from the union meeting communities are you wanted to talk about something

  • talk ha suppose we could talk

  • to return it to the show do you have a GP but I i'm plans

  • I have this friend of whom were closed totally free me

  • who seized is you the

  • the YouTube shame

  • Mukherjee free

  • with feeding

  • to yeah

  • the the gonna say too much longer are you okay

  • who by you

  • and I thought our shows weird news through

  • from who

  • K could we talk

  • to improved all

  • with

  • shareholders John soon as next urged

  • I can't see anything well wrestling commits to consider yourself lucky

  • the condition

  • she



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B1 中級

WWE Raw 10/31/2011のマペッツ (The Muppets on WWE Raw 10/31/2011)

  • 123 0
    張凱閔 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日