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  • Mmmmm...bacon! Few of us can resist its temptation. I mean, did you know that 43% of Canadians

  • would choose bacon over sex? At least that’s what a 2010 survey found. Or did you know

  • that is was included in the first meal ever consumed on the moon by Neil Armstrong and

  • Buzz Aldrin?

  • This single strip of bacon alone is 43 calories. In perspective, here is the same amount of

  • calories in apples and broccoli. It’s easy to see which might fill you up more easily...but

  • then again, who just eats one piece of bacon? Looking at this another way, 100 grams of

  • apple is around 50 calories, while 100 grams of bacon is around...550 calories. 68% of

  • these calories come from fat, with almost half being saturated.

  • So it may...or maybe not surprise you that the average American consumes nearly 18lbs

  • or 8 kg every year! That’s 44,000 calories every year, making sliced bacon a 4 billion

  • dollar industry in the US alone. Even 65% of Americans said they would support

  • bacon as their national food.

  • But different countries around the world actually use different cuts of a pig for bacon. For

  • example, Canadian Bacon is from the loin, the British use shoulder and ham bacon, and

  • Americans make belly bacon. Overall, around 11% of a pigs standard weight can be used

  • for bacon.

  • So why are we so obsessed? Well when bacon is heated, the fats melt and the sugars and

  • amino acids have a very unique chemical reaction. This specific reaction releases a medley of

  • around 150 volatile organic compounds from the bacon which float through the air and

  • create the amazing smell, ultimately stimulating your mouth-watering response. So it’s not

  • just the snack you desire, but the smell itself is a perfect example of chemistry at work,

  • stimulating your brain and body.

  • Our modern culture loves bacon so much thatbacon maniais a classified movement!

  • From bacon toothpaste, to bacon air fresheners, and even...bacon condoms, some people can’t

  • get enough of it!

  • But bacon isn’t all good. Not only are 4 strips of cooked bacon worth nearly half your

  • recommended daily intake for salt, but most bacon - and other things like lunch meats

  • - are treating with a chemical called sodium nitrite. This keeps the meat looking red and

  • fresh, instead of turning its natural grey, but has also been implicated in a lot of health

  • concerns. These nitrites react with amino acids during cooking, forming nitrosamines,

  • which are known carcinogens, increasing your risk of developing cancer. A diet high in

  • sodium nitrites may also lead to a decrease in your body’s ability to transport oxygen

  • properly in your red blood cells. On the other hand, nitrites help to prevent bacterial growth

  • that can cause botulism.

  • Bottom line is, when you do pig out, keep it in moderation - and a few antioxidant rich

  • fruits and vegetables to go along with it won’t hurt either!

  • Hungry from looking at all this bacon? Find out why FOOD PORN or photos of amazing food

  • is so stimulating in our newest AsapTHOUGHT. There’s some yummy science behind it, so

  • click the screen for that.

  • Special thanks to audible for supporting this episode and giving you a free audiobook at

  • This week we wanted to recommend the bookThe Dorito Effectby Mark Schatzker,

  • because well take any chance we can get to read about science and chips at the same

  • time. But seriously, it’s an interesting look at the link between nutrition and flavour

  • and how weve modified foods through the years. You can get a free copy at

  • or any others of your choice from a massive selection!

  • Don’t forget to ask your burning questions, and subscribe for more weekly science videos!

Mmmmm...bacon! Few of us can resist its temptation. I mean, did you know that 43% of Canadians


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バコンの科学! (The Science of BACON!)

  • 766 29
    羅紹桀 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日